Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to my faithful commenters! Another year has come and gone. It never fails to amaze me how fast time flies! That is one of the depressing facts of school breaks. No matter how much you look forward to break, school always seems to be at your door. Oh well...

As for entertaining facts I must tell you about Friday night.

Friday night I went to stay the night at my aunt's house by request of my three younger cousins. After a nice dinner out we decided to do a little Christmas light admiring. Our family has the tradition of singing every Christmas carol we can think of (SFL insists on singing purposefully off key), so I started sing Jingle Bells. Before long the cousins and I were singing as loud as we could.

As an intermission/side note I would like to state that the phrase "act your age" is a relative phrase. After all, how does one know definitively how to act each passing year? Does one act your FELT age, ACTUAL age, CHINESE age, or EMOTIONAL age? See what I mean, it is so confusing!

Anyway, back to the story....

Had I cared I might have noticed the fact that my uncle was quickly loosing all tolerance for the song. Nevertheless I was blissfully ignorant. Therefore, my uncle suddenly turned on the radio full blast in the attempt to silence us. We all screamed and plugged our ears, but refused to stop singing at the top of our lungs.

Now, here is another note...I am not a person to give a challenge to. The more you try to stop me the more I put my mind against stopping. I know that it is a nasty little trait, but I am VERY stubborn...

Anyway, we refused to stop singing, and before we knew it my uncle had rolled down the windows, and turned on the air conditioning on high! Brrrrrrrrr....Unsuccessful in his attempts my uncle started slamming on the brakes until the car was jolting back an forth like one of those puck rocker cars that is spiffed up so that it literally bounces up and down.

Needless to say by the time we got home we were loosing our voices, freezing cold, our ears were ringing, and we were laughing so hard tears were rolling down our faces. It was hilarious.

I guess it was a good substitute for the family outings we usually have... Well, Merry Christmas to you all I hope that you have all had a blessed Sunday celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Friday, December 23, 2005

A Sad Christmas...

As you all know, one of the parental guidences has fallen ill with a nasty case of Bronchitis, while the other guidence has broken one of his molers. How fun is that! Ahh, thus Christmas will be a sad affair this year, as the parents probably won't be coming until the 27th...:-( Se la Ve (no clue on spelling). I guess that this year it really has hit that Christmas must be about Jesus and nothing else. Well, so far plans are still on for Mertle Beach, Yeah!

Jess #1: I have your presentS, (you can't tell me not to get you any) but they won't arrive until after Christmas I'm very sorry!

Note: Remind me to tickle my cousins until they laugh to death....Muahhhhh....

I'm so smart I suprise me...Isn't that a great quote! :-)

Anyway, pray for the mother and father that this little big bug will go away, and so we can enjoy hanging out at the beach...Oh ya, you might throw a prayer or two in for Keith I. that I won't kill him at M.B., but that is mostly irrelavent...;-)

See ya! Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday Jesus!

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Yes, today was Christmas Cookie day, and the house now smells wonderful. It has brought back the yummy memories of Spotted Dog, which as you may wonder is further explained on Mary's blog as our attempt at an English pudding. We were making cookies to take to a shelter on Christmas day, because we always go and do something on Christmas. I love getting to spend part of Christmas loving on others! Anyway, pray for my mommy she has the head flu (no fun) and our Christmas and family vaccation may be cut short or altered. NOOOoooo! Well, Merry Christmas to all, and I will be posting soon with some more fun and activities! ;)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

No Presents!!

Yes, I have done the unthinkable! I have not done any Christmas shopping, and it is five days till December 25th. Usually I am not such a slacker, but this year with school it has not been possible. Thus, I am left dreading the drive to the mall, and surrounding stores. Yuck! I hate shopping...More to come later.

Friday, December 16, 2005


I have several things to address this posting. First of all, the secret of the acronimes (I think that's the right spelling) shall not be revealed, and there is no SOT among us (it's up to the reader to break the code). Muahhhhh...

Secondly, I give a warning to my faithful commentors that this "Grape Lover" and SFL have a long history and may cause a stir.

Thirdly, I would like to announce that I have successfully passed my all my classes this semester. YEA!!!!! (Jesus pulled me through this one!) Anyway, it is a HUGE relief to be finished, and I mean to fully enjoy my break. Well, I'm tired, so I'm going to call it a night.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

T'was The Night Before Christmas (part 3)

And then, in a twinkling, before I did know
The prancing and pawing was heard on my floor.

As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the duct pipes Dr. Howe came with a bound.

She was dressed all in scrubs, from her head to her foot,
And her clothes were all ironed without ashes or soot.

A bundle of test books she had flung on her back,
And she looked like a dictator just opening her pack.

Her eyes -- how they twinkled! her dimples how merry!
Her cheeks were like roses, her nose like a cherry!

Her droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And she just couldn't wait to have us give it a go;

The stump of a septer she held tight in her hand,
And she looked like a king come to take over the land;

She had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when she walked like a bowlful of jelly.

She was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw her, in spite of myself;

A wink of her eye and a twist of her head,
Soon gave me to know I had something to dread;

She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work,
And past out all the test books; then turned with a jerk,

And keeping her eye on the clock on the wall,
She collected the tests, as each student recalled;

Soon she sprang to her office, to the lab gave a call,
And then as we waited our hearts became small.

But I heard her exclaim, ere grades revealed to our sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."

(YEAH! I finished it! Enjoy faithful readers!)

Friday, December 09, 2005

The Night Before Finals

(The second - short awaited installment)

Tore open the door and poked out my head.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen leaves

Gave the lustre of mid-fall to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a miniature notebook, and fine tiny scantrons,
With a hundred old circles, so perfect and round,

I knew in a moment it must be test time.
More rapid than eagles these finals they came,

And they whistled, and shouted, as I called each one by name;
"Now, Patho! now, Pharm! now, Assessment and Fundamentals!

On, professionalism! on Clinical! on Total testing, and Lab!
To the top of the library! to the top of the Ed Hall!

Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!
"As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,

When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the Hall-top the courses they flew,

With a bag full of books, a laptop and coke.

(Next time: The conclusion)

Thursday, December 08, 2005


T'was the week before finals and all through the house
Not a creature was sleeping, not even a mouse;

The sneakers were lain by the doormat with care.
In hopes that the last final soon would be there;

For three hours the students are snuggled in bed,
While visions of textbooks danced in their heads;

And mamma in her kerchief, and SFL in his cap,
Had just settled down to pray through my tests;

When out on the porch there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the peephole I flew like a flash,

(Stay tuned for the next episode of The Week Before Finals)

Monday, November 28, 2005

Thanksgiving '05

Hey all!

First, I must comment on my comments which are outrageously funny. Keep up the good work. Oh, P.S., SFL you are a slacker! It has been almost a month and you still have not sent me any rocking pictures...shame, shame, shame...

As far as my life it continues to be a whirlwind of activity. For Thanksgiving I had almost a week of lovely (still far too short) vacation with the Grandparents. It was so fun, getting to relax a bit...well, if you call tearing up a cement sidewalk, digging post holes, placing poles, and mixing and pouring cement relaxing. Yes, I managed to get a little dirty - scratch that - a little dusty this week, but it was great fun. You see my grandfather is putting in a fence for their dogs, and I got to help him so he didn't have to do anything heavy. The first post hole we filled with cement was a learning experience, as we had not bothered to see which way the wind was blowing. This left me pouring an eighty pound bag of cement while Boppa sprayed water in the hole, the whole time a huge cloud of dust got into every area of my skin. I couldn't breath leaning over the dust to pour the cement, and when we were finished I thought that I'd cemented the inside of my lungs, but it turned out alright, and a shower washed it off. The second post was much better, and I can proudly say that the posts look great. The second job was to break the sidewalk, and load it into the tractor bed. It only took three trips to get all the broken cement and the pile of dirt, and we dumped it down the hill were all the water from the driveway drains. All in all it was a new experience that was tons of fun, and it let me burn off all those calories from Thanksgiving! Anyway, I'm back to the grind, and have so much to do before finals which are coming in two weeks!!! Yikes!

I hope that was a good enough posting I'll try to keep up better, but until then I expect to see lots of comments!! :-)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

To Order

I apologize for the lack of bloggage, but I have only been MOSTLY swamped. I will attempt to keep up with my accounts for the sake of my faithful readers and commenters. Oh, Make sure you check out Jess #1's blog, she's awesome!!

As an explanation for the lack of SFL response, he is here (with his lovely wife) visiting me. It has been great. Last weekend the three of us went to Asheville, NC to rock dig. For three days we hiked through the woods, got covered in dirt, found some cool rocks, explored downtown Asheville, and thoroughly enjoyed each others' company. The leaves were absolutely beautiful, and at one location we had to drive down this steep, really bumpy road to get to an old abandoned mine that they filled with H2O. Although we had fun we didn't find anything to great, and so we headed back up the road (I was hoping that we wouldn't have to get out and push, b/c I wasn't so sure that we could make it up). However, due to SFL's excellent driving abilities we made it to the top and got to enjoy a breathtaking view of the mountains all in color (we even got to see some turkeys crossing the road). It was great. We got some great pictures, and awesome video footage too, they are very entertaining...

Then I was back at school and working my tail off, you have no clue how many times I prayed that Thanksgiving would hurry up and get here. Oh well, I'll make it through! God's kept me going for years already, he can get me through pharmacology, Pathophysiology, Health Assessment, therapeutic interventions, and Professionalism.

This weekend my family was back for more, and you'll never guess what they did. They show up at the apt., and make me come outside. Attached to either front window of the van, flew a Tiger flag. Upon SFL's side was one of those airport tube things (the ones that show the direction of the wind), and on mom's side was a very cute flag. Mom goes, "guess who picked what." It's pretty self explanatory. Saturday we fully enjoyed the Ballgame, YEAH we won!!! SFL and I almost lost our voices, but we had a blast. Game day is always so fun, b/c I have never been at a place where fans are so dedicated. Anyways, it has been amazingly fun having the fam. here, and I only wish they weren't going home today. However, before you know it it will be Christmas break!!! Yeah!!


Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I have determined that dates make excellent titles, and as I have a nasty cold I don't have the energy to create an original title. However, I am getting very excited about the fact that my parental guidances are arriving on Friday, and staying for a week, then it's one week before Thanksgiving Break!! After Thanksgiving it's only two weeks till finals, and then off to Christmas Vacation!!! I can't wait! :-) Hopefully I'll survive all my classes till then.

Speaking of Christmas, I need to go shopping sooo bad. I don't have a single Christmas gift. Oh well, I'll get it done.

Our church had their annual All Saints Day Festival which was tons of fun. I got to spend the entire day playing with my friend's kids, awe, they're SO cute! I love going to visit them, I mean who wouldn't like to have three kids running all around, and the fourth crying? Hehe, I love it.

Anyway, I hope that gives a little update for those individuals (you know who you are) who are addicted to my blog. Actually, I can't decide if it's creepy or not to have someone stalk your blog...Humm...I guess I don't mind, it is pretty entertaining.

Friday, October 28, 2005

My life as I know it!

Ok, so it has been entirely too long since I posted! Between this post and the last so much has happened (albeit insignificant to most).

First of all, we had Fall Break which was fun, although I mostly studied. Actually I went on Tuesday to the house of my great friends from church, and we made applesauce! Yummy!!! It was a wonderful Fall thing to do. Their kids are so great! I love my church family, they challenge me so much to go hard after Jesus.

Second, I had to go to the dermatologist (no fun), because after the whole skin cancer thing I have to keep a sharp eye out. Yeah, so I went, and after a head to toe I had him take off a spot on my right arm. This is the part where I feel stupid (no, I couldn't have one day without such an experience)...Ok, so he numbs the area, cuts it off, etc. I'm fine here...Then when I'm getting ready to go I get light headed (starting to feel stupid). I get a nurse and she lays me with my head lower than my feet to allow the blood to come back to my head. After about ten minutes I'm back to good, but definitely feeling like an idiot (what's new). I guess my body just reacted a little negatively (psychologically and physiologically) to the anesthetic. Oh well, at least I get another cool scar on my arm! Yeah, I know weird opinion of scars, but hey if you're gonna have so many you might as well start a collection! :-)

Other things of note:

- My rommie wants me to publicly refute the claim that she is a grinch, I'll admit there has been marked improvement in the Christmas spirit. Go Ashley!
- I got a great phone call from some of my IHOP buddies, oh I miss everyone!!
- My parents are coming next week!!!! YEAH!!!! I can't wait!
- We started clinical in a nursing home this week, how fun! We get to wear our scrubs, and next week we're giving flu shots.
- My sister is AWESOME, but then again everyone knows that! :-)
- Jess #1 is drop dead gorgeous, and since it's my blog she can't say anything otherwise...*muhahaha*...
- My father lies. His frunkin shrontal lobe is too small.
-I got to have dinner with my un-related aunt, uncle, and cousins. They're awesome, and I get to see them again after Christmas!!! Yeah!
- Classes are hard.
- God is teaching me humility and sacrifice - ouch! It's REALLY good though.

That's about it. Nothing earth shattering, and as always I'm busy. Thanks for reading my blog! I need to keep up with it better, but it is fun to have. Alright, ciao guys!

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Well, we are officially drowning in rain today. Although I love rainy days, I so wish that I could spend the day curled up watching a great movie. Oh well, instead I'm in the computer lab waiting for my class, and trying to stay dry. Our whole nursing class is having a fit about the fact that we have a Pharm test next week (Thurs) that we won't finish the material on until that Wednesday. I don't really care one way or the other, so we'll see what happens. It is amazing how much transpires over the course of a week. I don't feel like I can even blog because so much happens, and I don't have the energy to type it all out. Yeah, I'm rambling I'm going to go play Spider Solitaire...:-)

Friday, September 30, 2005

Never Ask For Want You Don't Really Want

This is a narrative regarding an event that took place Monday night. As a precursor, and disclaimer I will remind you to watch what you wish for. Now on to the story.

It was Monday night around 8pm, and I was headed home from lab (lab had been moved from Friday to Monday this week). As I neared the apt. Kelli and Ashley were so excited and told me to look into out living room window. Ahh, yes, our Halloween tree was put up, and stood light with black and orange. It was all very exciting, and so the neighboring boys (who Kelli and Ashley party with) came to see it, and scoff at a tree in November. Anyway, I was standing inside and Kelli was leaning on our open door letting mosquitoes inside (we have really bad mosquitoes). Thus, I asked Kelli if she wouldn't mind shutting the door. Kelli went to shut the door with her backside and slammed her face into our TV which sits directly in front of the door, but facing the side wall. At first we all gasped, but Kelli was laughing and saying that it didn't hurt, she was ok. The next thing we knew, Kelli has blood running down her face, and we all run to the bathroom to get toilet paper to stop the bleeding. A minute later we looked at the cut, and she had gashed open below her right eye, about a half-inch cut that looked pretty deep. Ashley freaks out and calls her dad, while Kelli is trying to get a hold of her mom. We decide that Kelli needs stitches and so we head to the hospital. One our way Kelli's mom calls and we learn that Kelli is not under their insurance any more. So, we head home to wait and see if Kelli could just go to the campus med. Center tomorrow since the bleeding had slowed. Later on that night Kelli talked it over with her mom, and just decided to go to the ER to get stitches. It was crazy! Anyway, Kelli ended up with four stitches and a big black eye. Fortunately she's fine, but I learned my lesson don't ever say that your life is boring unless you are ready to face what may happen. Wow, it amazes me what can happen. We all got a pretty good laugh out of it anyway!

Well, that's all for now! I'll post more later!

Monday, September 26, 2005

I can't think of a title...

Finally my week crammed with tests is over, although I have two tests this week, so I wouldn't say that I'm off the studying hook. Oh well, before I know it, Christmas will be here! YEAH!! Speaking of Christmas, the roomies (except for Ashley - she is a self-proclaimed grinch when it comes to Christmas) really got in the Christmas mood the other night, and it was decided that the Christmas tree should go up early...VERY early. Thus, our very cute three foot tall Christmas tree arrived from Kelli's house last night. We even have a pickle to hid in the tree, because (I have now been educated) the "find the pickle" game is a Christmas tradition! Our joy was soon cut short by our resident grinch when she forbid us to put the tree up yet since she hates the holiday anyway. Kelli, however is a worker of miracles, and convinced Ashley to allow the tree if it was a Halloween tree first. Although I do not support the Halloween season, I can't really change the fact that most of the USA celebrates this holiday, and actually decorates for it! Yes, at first this was unbelievable to me (the only holiday my mother EVER decorated for was Christmas), but I have seen the good in it, as it has made a way for the Christmas tree (more appropriately the Holiday Tree) to be put up. Ahh, I love Christmas! We had the house blaring with Christmas music Friday night, and we've already made plans to attend Kelli's aunt's ornament party in December. I'm soooo excited! It will be so much fun!

I think that I have been forced into a holiday mood, out of shear scholarly pressures....Humm...Yeah, whatever, I'm just rambling now. Anywhoooo, I'll post later, and maybe it will contain more interesting events than the Christmas tree saga.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Studing...or at least trying to....

Verbal Communication - involves the spoken or written word. - I'm good at this form of communication.

Non-verbal Communication - Gestures, facial expressions, body posture, body movement, voice tone, rate of speech, use of silence, and dress that communicates a message. Humm...what messages am I sending right now?

Sorry, I got caught up in my studing! Unfortunately I have three tests next week, which is going to keep me really busy. Still I thought I might update, even if it's short, and not nearly as interesting as bed baths! :-)

Till later!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Pharmocology and Kittens

Hello again!

Well, yesterday was my first pharm. test, and I was unsure how it would be, but I got an A, so the studing must have paid off! I love that class, but I know that it'll be hard, and take lots of work. On a side note, this morning when I walked outside we had the cutest kitten walking by our door. I wish we could have pets, because it was the most loving cat, just rubbing and wanting to be petted. I hope its there when I get home, because I'm gonna give it some food, and maybe take it to the animal shelter, so it'll have the chance of a good home. Awww, I want a kitty!!!!!!!! :-( I miss my kittys! If you have a good cat they provide eternal entertainment and effection. *sigh* You should have seen it, you'd have wanted to keep it too!

Anyway, I can't talk about the cat any more or I'll keep wanting it. :-) I'm actually waiting for my last Friday lab to start at 2pm, and figured I had time for an update. Oh, we had to take turns practicing giving bed-baths on each other this morning in my first lab, and I actually thought that it would be more ackward than it was. We have a good lab group, and we had lots of fun. For all the baths I've given working at the hospital, it was good to get a feel for how the patient feels. It gives you a better sense of empathy for their situation. Therefore, if you would ever like me to give you a bed-bath I can, but you might have to pay me!! :-) We also got to feel each other yogurt, brush each other's teeth, and a variety of other things. Yeah, it was funny!

I can't wait for the weekend though, I am so tired!!! It has been a long week, and fortunately the roommates are leaving so I'll have the apt. to myself. I think tonight will be a brownie, movie, lazy night!! Yippy!! Ok, so I have plenty to do this weekend, but tonight! Adios to books! Hola to relaxation!

I'll write more later....

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Put on your walking shoes!

Well, even in the bubble we call school no Tiger is unaware of the damage from hurrican Katrina. Although we didn't get much rain, we are watching gas prices soar, and gas stations running out of fuel. Needless to say, most people are staying put, conserving gas, and waiting to see what happens. I am amazed at how fragile the economy is, and how this event has threatened what we once relied upon. Other than our personal focus on the news, life here on campus remains unchanged. Classes, assignments, homework, food, and sleep remain our staples in life as we try to out-last a nasty cold cycle. Two of the roommates have a cough and runny nose, I am hoping that I stay healthy, wealthy (yeah right! Did you see how much books cost this year?), and most of all wise! :-)

I have to go and study, because my first test is next week, and I want to ace it! Leave me lots of comments (all two of you who read my humble blog)...Love ya!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Another week gone by!

It is amazing how fast time flies!

Here I am, and a week has already flown by. School is going to be hard, but so far I like it which is good. The only hard thing is that all my classes resolve around the same topics not allowing me any subject changes when I'm studying. I guess there is some difference b/w the classes, but it doesn't feel like it as if you had math and english.

Anyway, what can I say life is boring for the most part. I study, go to class, eat, study, study, study, sleep, and the cycle goes on. Weekends are the hardest I like school days better, because there is a feeling of purpose and progression.

Thursday is FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) which is one of the highlights of my week, but this week I almost didn't go. Although I'm not an athlete, most of the ppl who come to FCA aren't. Sure there are ppl who are just there to look pretty and find a guy, but there is great worship and teaching, and the leadership has a heart for the Lord, so if you want to encounter Jesus you will. Anyway, I was going to go with the roomies, but they went out, and I really didn't want to go by myself. How stupid is that? Not to go because I feel awkward going alone! Thus, I went, b/c it was time to grow up. I have a cute napkin hanging on my tack board that says "Put your big girl panties on & deal with it", and it was definitely one of those moments! I actually had a great time, and on the walk over met a freshman who was walking alone too, so we joined forces and went together. It was great fun. See how the Lord provides if I would just get over myself and live unashamedly! Hehehe, my life...what can I say in the midst of the mundane God shows up and suprises me. I love it!! :-)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Back to School...

Yeah, so I can hardly believe that I'm here already! Summer flew by!! After 16hrs. of driving, I have arrived and amazingly accomplished all my unpacking. I am exhausted though, I don't even want to move from my seat...

I like my roommate, but I don't think that she's a Christian...we'll see, hopeful there will be no problems. Anyway, I think that it will be a great chance to love these girls, but even though I'm excited my heart hurts as I miss my KC girls. However, I'm am really determined to work hard and do well this semester. I want to live with excellence and that includes school, so pray for me that I will not sway under the pressure of "relaxation & procrastination".

Well, school starts Wednesday and so until then I'll be cleaning and messing around. Maybe I'll do some crafting...Hummmm...I'll try to update soon, love to all!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Mumford & Tinker

Well, it's about time that I update this thing, seeing as Mumford was two weeks ago, and I just got back from Tinker. Mumford was too HOT! As I look back on it I can't even believe that we made it through, because the heat was so bad. Yes, it was fun, and the battle was really good, but the heat index was at least 100! Tons of people come to Mumford, and I was so glad that we got to talk to people and give out tracks.

Tinker was much better heat-wise, actually we had the perfect weekend for Tinker. Tinker is a super small event, but it'll grow. I loved the smallness because we got to fellowship with all the other reenactors. I love to reach out to people on these weekends, only I want to be bolder about sharing the my Hope of Salvation with people. Over all, we had lots of fun! Jess #1 and I are crazy, and are getting better at reading eachother's minds (hehehe :-)). We can entertain ourselves to's scary...

Yeah, I can't tell everything that happened in two weekends, but use your imaginations it was fun.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Actually, my post has nothing to do with flowers, but its a great title, is it not?

Back to my life, I am currently trying not to procrastinate studing for my review tests once I get back to school. However, most everything else around here seems ten times more interesting than memorizing bones and vitamins...well, maybe studing is more interesting than watering plants which we've been doing a lot of. I think that our house alone is depleting all the NY state water resources! Our plants drink a lot, believe me! However, I will say that we've been able to enjoy the "fruits of our labor" as beans and beets have graced our table all this week, and my new herb garden is growing and putting herbs in all our dishes. Yum!!

As for me I miss IHOP like crazy, and although my family is suppose to be here right now things are pretty dry. Maybe it's just me...I guess that it is hard to see individuals growing, but the corporate body not coming together. The Lord is so good though, and He has perfect leadership in all things. Who am I to say that things should be different? I guess that I need to pray more...Next week one of the worship leaders in the area has been to IHOP and is doing a Harp & Bowl night, and I am sooooooo excited about going! Also, the Friday night coffeehouse downtown has been going on, and has been an awsome event this summer. No, not everything is dry! :-) Ok, that's all for now...Sweet dreams all!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Zephaniah 2:1-3 & Joel 2:13-14

"Gather together, gather together, O shameful nation, before the appointed time arrives and that day sweeps on like chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord comes upon you, before the day of the Lord's wrath comes upon you. Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, you who do what he commands. Seek rightousness, seek humility, perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the Lord's anger."

Zephaniah 2:1-3

"Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing - grain offerings and drink offerings for the Lord you God."

Joel 2: 13-14

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mumford vs. Dennis

Yes, I know that I am the worlds worst "blog poster", but what can I say...My good friend Jess by her faithful posting has once again spurred me on to higher heights, and I hope to be posting much more regularly. Anyway, back to the point of my blog, because if you know me at all you know that I ALWAYS have a point/reason.

Friday is my first reenactment of the season now that I am back at home, and I was filled with anticipation...until I saw the weather. May I only say that "scattered" means maybe! After dennis the menace hurricane hit the coast of Georgia, it conveniently went north and is pouring down rain across the northeast. I was not even listening to the weather-man, instead my eyes were fixed on a big GREEN blob covering all of the north and the words SCATTERED THUNDERSTORMS written in white. Along with that came the words (scrolling along the top of my TV) Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday! It is the constant battle of the reenacter vs. the weather. Fortunately we have a very good chance of getting no rain at all, but on the other hand we may be stuck playing a lot of dominoes, eating a lot of food, and seeing a lot of H2O (water for the non-scientist). However, I will admit that playing games, eating, and generally socializing are my favorite things. Pretty much there is no bad side to reenacting, but then again I already knew that! Just ask Jess...

Ok, more later I'm off to eat some pizza! Yum...

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Well, I'm not at IHOP anymore. After graduation I drove home to spend eight weeks or so with the family before heading down to school. Although I am excited for the new season, I really miss IHOP and all my girls. I have not had too much time to be "homesick" for KC, because I've been getting ready to go back to school which has been crazy. In a couple weeks I have my first reenactment of the summer!! I missed the first two (b/c I was in KC), but I am soooooo excited to get some time camping in the great outdoors. Anyway, I'll try to keep posting as much as possible eventhough I'm busy, more talk later....

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Last Night

It it hard to believe that six months could past by so quickly, but here I am, and tomorrow we graduate. It still doesn't seem full real that we are all leaving. Although the apartment has been fully cleaned and it stands almost empty, and even though tonight is our last night in our apt. it still doesn't seem possible. Tomorrow we have graduation at 1:30pm and then after that Jen is leaving to start home, while the rest f us crash at Lindsay's new place. I can't really think of not having my best friends to giggle with before bed, we are so close that whenever one is missing we all feel so strange. Yeah, it seems crazy to think that I would miss everyone so much, but I will......

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Fun Week

I can not believe that at this time next week I'll be on my way home! We are heading into our last week of the internship which is affectionately called fun week because we mostly do a bunch of fun stuff as an internship. Today we went to a local park and had a cook-out before going swimming in the lake (I did not go swimming). Tomorrow we have a full day in the prayer room (which will be soooo good), and then we're going to watch a movie in the evening. Anyway, there's a whole bunch of fun stuff planned for this week, and yet it is so sad to see out apartment get taken down as we are all packing up.

I am excited to go home though, and our director told me that their old church Zion Fellowship has Harp & Bowl Friday nights, and I can hang out with the other Jessica from our internship who also goes to that church and will be home for the summer. Oh how I miss IHOP already, it seemed like such a short time ago that we were moving in on that freezing cold, snowy, icy day in January. Time flies!

Well, more later! Have a great night!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Two weeks...

Wow! Sorry that I have not posted in such a long time!

Things have been crazy around here, and it is so hard to imagine that we only have two weeks left!!! The seige ended well, and we were all sad to stop in a way. We'll still keep praying though! This past week we had a Song of Solomon intensive (Mon., Tue., & Wed.) which was soooo good. I can't wait to listen to the recordings again, because I know that I didn't absorb everything the first time. Then this week we have the Global Bridegroom Fast (Mon., Tue., & Wed.) - I'm not sure what I'm going to do, because although I want to go hard these last weeks, man I don't feel like fasting again... - And starting Thursday we have the Forerunner/End-Times Conference through Sunday (which we're working). The last week of the internship is fun week, where although we spend time in the prayer room we mainly have tons of fun (going different places).

This week and the next two are going to be so easy to slack in, because we're almost done. I want to finish well though, to go harder than before, so I won't look back with any regret. It is soooo hard to believe that two weeks from today we will be graduating! I'm going to miss everyone so bad! My roommates especially because we have so much fun together, and there is nothing like coming home and taking about Jesus. Thursday night we all were dancing around the livingroom doing the "Musical Song of Solomon". Jen was the Beloved, Leah the Lover, and Tiffany & me the friends/extra background sounds (Lindsay was gone). It was hillarious as we sang the SOS, mainly off key...hehehe....Yeah, it was one of the funniest things I've ever done. Then last night our air-conditioning wasn't working, so we were sleeping on the floor, and as we laid there we just talked about the man we all love, this Jesus who has changed all of our lives. Needless to say, although I'm excited to come home and see everyone I don't know what I'm going to dd without my girls...

Enough sadness for one day, I'm off to take Leah to sunbath. Ciao!!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

The Cross

I'm not really sure what to say, my heart has just been struggling lately with the cross. It is so hard to embrace the cross when I'm not even sure what that fully means except to rejoice in the crushing of myself that Christ might be exemplified. Oh, how my heart is afraid of death! Not even necessarily physical as much as spiritual, although I think that some physical suffering would probably be good for me...Allen Hood did a message tonight that went along with what I had been going through, and one of the things he said was "inconvenience is not the cross it's compromise". I realized that I am so wrapped up with "inconvenience" when I really don't have any idea what the cross truely is! My life is laughable in the face of the Chinese Christians who die, and yet God is so patient and loving and has me where I should be. My pride wants to have a self-condeming pity party for my shortcomings, but instead I want to follow Christ with a joyful, willing heart to go wherever He leads, and embrace the cross whenever He says. How good Jesus is, I love this man!


Yeah, ok, so I never thought that I would love liquids this much!! The first week of the fast is over, so now I'm off H2O and onto liquids, and I'm soooooo excited. I lost 10lbs this week which is crazy, but now that I'm on juice, shakes, etc. I'm sure that I'll gain it back quickly :-P . Hehehe... Anyway, no worrys I'm still healthy, wealthy, and working on the wise part! Although I never want to see water again. I've been drinking about 3 quarts a day to keep hydrated, which works but it is still a lot of H2O. Well, that pretty much takes up all my news. The siege is going really well, dispite the fact that the weather never stays the same. I'll try to post later!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Day One of the Silent Siege

I'm behind one day in posting, but oh well. Yesterday was our first day standing at Planned Parenthood, and it is going to be hard but good. The hardest thing right now is to engage silently for four hours. We can read the Word, pray, pretty much do anything silently, but still it is hard. One fortunate thing, is that where we stand is lined by trees, so we have shade which for me who shouldn't get sunburnt is a great thing. Emotionally it has not been hard, I wish I felt the heart of the Lord more, but at the same time I'm afraid to because when I do I probably won't stop crying. I'm sure that it will get harder when the clinic opens on Monday, since we've been there the clinic has been closed for the weekend.

Anyway, that was just a short update, because I have to go work with the Children's Equiping Center this morning. Maybe it will distract me from my rumbling stomach! Hehe...

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Broken Window...

It started out as one of the most daring and well-planned pranks ever done in this internship...

It all started in response to several bouts of water ballons from the G-Plex (one of the boys apt., holds 16 guys), where by our Comm. group decided to play our own prank on the boys when they'd least expect it. We came up with the fabulous idea of going into the boy's apt. and stealing all their toiletries which then would be held at ransom. This idea then evolved into unscrewing all their lightbulbs, and placing Peeps (sorry Mom, they went for a good cause!) outside their doors with a "You've Been Peeped" sign attached. Once the plan was made all that was left was to wait for the perfect opportunity, and implement it.

This brings us to last night...It was the perfect chance! On Friday nights we have EGS Services, and that would assure us that all the boys were gone from the apt., thus giving us a window of opportunity. I'll lay out the timing for you.

6:40 pm - All seven of us pile into me and Tiffany's cars, and head to EGS to check into to service at the regular 10 minute early mark. We then hang around there till all the interns have checked in.

7:15 pm - Loaded with tons of plastic bags we slowly sneek out of service un-noticed, and head to the cars. On the way to the apt. we call the boy's house phones three times to make sure that no one is there.

7:20 pm - We arrive and race up to the first half of the duplex apartments; their side door was wide open. Entering we rush to clear out the three/four bathrooms, unscrew the lights, and place Peeps outside the door. In the mean while Jen goes to find a way into the second half of the Duplex. All the doors to the second apt. are locked, but Jen finds that the front window is unlocked and off the runners; so in she goes. While Jen and I get started on the second apt. the other girls take the first load of bags to Tiffany's trunk. Soon the second apt. is finished as well, and we carry those bags to my trunk. Every one but Jen scrambles to the cars, while we wait for her to climb back through the window.

7:50 pm - Mission accomplished! In a half-hour we had successfully raided the boy's apt. without an accident. Oh, perhaps I should now mention that the wind yesterday was gusting up to 30 mph, you'll see why that is important in a second. As we are pulling away Leah sees that the window Jen had just climbed through had blown back into the house, so she runs to put it back in again.

8:00 pm - The look on Leah's face told all; the worst possible thing had happened. Since the window was off the runners, the wind had blown it inside and it was shattered to a million pieces on the floor. We didn't know what to do, the unthinkable had happened! Afraid of someone breaking in, Tiffany and Lindsay stay with her car to guard the apt. while we run to Lows to see if we can get a new window.

8:30 pm - Lows has no windows that are not custom ordered, and he's "not sure that he could get the same brand anyway", if he could is would take at least 21 days. This leaves us in a pickle, so we run to Walmart to buy a cardboard box & ducktape to at least temp. fix the window.

9:00 pm - We get back to the house; the girls had picked up all the glass, and after putting the broken window back in we taped the cardboard to it, so rain didn't get in. We would have to get Housing to order a new window that we would pay for. Oh, and since the joke really wasn't funny anymore, we left all their stuff in bags on the floor. It would be a big enough pain to sort it all out anyway...

9:30 pm - Katty (Comm. Leader) thinks that all this is hillarious, and can't stop laughing which is a good sign. Since we missed all of EGS we just go to the prayer room for the 10-12, wondering when we were going to die for our deeds.

12:00 am -We now know that the guys know, because they are circling like sharks. How we wished for the clock to slow down!! However, midnight came soon enough, and we started for the cars. The next thing we see is Tiffany's car completely moved (like this : / ), and seran-wrapped with peanut-butter and honey. We thought that it would be worse, and all we could do was laugh. My car was not touched, thank you Jesus! So, we left Tiffany's car till morning and went home where there was a 2x4 screwed across our door. We could still get in, and the whole thing was soooo funny.

1:00 am - The boys did nothing else, and we all collapsed into bed.

So, that is our adventurous story, and hopeful the window will get repaired soon! Anyway, since it's late I should go to bed. Sorry for the insanely long post, but come-on, it was a GREAT story!! Hehe!! Alright, night all!!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Carrots anyone?

We're on the home stretch now in a sense, because we only have till Friday on our 21 day Daniel Fast. Hehehe, yeah I have become pretty good at making some FILLING veggie-meals, because the bad part about a Daniel fast is that you're always hungry. However, everyone agrees that I make the BEST split pea soup ever (even Leah who hates split pea soup!), and last night I made Black Bean soup and it was pretty yummy. Overall the fast has been really good, but as usual it has been a pretty barren time. It is worth it though, to know that however imature I am in God, that these 21 days have moved MY heart closer towards the Lords'.

Anyway, now comes the decision about what/whether to fast this months' Global Bridegroom fast. It is soooooo tempting to go haywire and eat the entire GBF, but we have the 21 Day Silent Siege Fast coming up on May 7th, and I'd rather keep fasting than throw my body off completely....we'll see...*lol*. Yeah, so the next 21 day fast is going to be sooooooooooooooo intense!!!! We'll be having our regular schedule except that we'll be going to stand in front of the Foxhill Abortion Clinic in KC, Kansas with red tape over our mouths and the word LIFE written on the tape. Then we'll go to the 4-6 intercession meeting, and go to whatever classes we have at night, before falling into bed. All this done on no food...Yeah....intense...So, keep us in your prayers that we don't end up in jail or physically hurt. As far as I know the police are completely on board with us which is cool, but we were talking today about the fact that people could be killed! Especially in the future as Christians receive even less protection from the law, and I was thinking about how weird it would be if this was our last couple weeks on the earth. I'm not trying to freek anyone out by saying were going to die, because I believe that God does have His hand of protection over us, but nevertheless I realized that although I say that I would die for Jesus it literally scared me to think about that becoming a possible reality. Yesterday some friends of ours (the Bennetts and others) got back from their mission trip to Alaska where they were doing the some LIFE statement, and their stories are unreal. On the way back home (of course the protest was all over the papers/news) they were treated as a high risk security threat! The airport changed flights around them, had them watched, made them all go through the security checks that are suppose to be random, outright refused to give them any justification for the prevous, etc. It was crazy! Oh well, I'm not paranoid or anything, because God is good and whatever happens is in His plan. Actually, I'm kind of excited about the whole thing.

Yeah, so this has been a long post, but I just kept rambling...sorry! *lol* I hope that you all are doing well, and I'll try to post again soon (you know what that means! ;-)) Also, please don't worry about me I'll be careful, and take my muli-vitamin! hehe - Dad- hehe...I'll post later!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

For anyone who reads my posts....

Which I understand may not be many, I thought that I'd update you on my life. I haven't posted recently because we were really busy with our Israel Mandate Conference which was GREAT! However, it was exausting because we helped run the event so we all got around 12 hours of extra work on the weekend. Tracie (our director) was great though, and made this weeks Comm Class a manditory "Nap Time", took everyone out for dinner, and canceled that night's class. It was great to relax a bit since we didn't have last week's Thursday off as usual.

As most of you knew, our Comm Group was starting a three week Daniel fast (fruits and veggies) the 8th of April, so we are almost a week into that, and it is going well. It has taking a little getting use to with having to watch sugar, flour, and meat intake, but I'm settling in and don't really mind it. Then after we're done with that fast, the Mission Base (all of IHOP) is going on a 21 day "Silent Siege Fast" against abortion. During that time we're going to be spending a lot of time outside an abortion clinic in Kansas City, Kansas (about 15 min. away), with red tape over our mouths and the word life written across it. It will be very similar to what Lou Engel (spelling?) is doing with the Call in D.C. That said, we are going to be fasting (in some form) for a very looonnnggg time. As with every fast we don't have to fast at all, and I'm not sure yet how I'm going to fast, but we'll see....

Also, we've just started Tracks this week. Tracks are special areas of focus that we get to take an eight week class in. I'm taking four different tracks, and so now everyone's schedule has changed a bit since we get to make some of our own schedule. We all still go to the prayer room 24 hours a week, but only 12 of those hours are planned for us. The rest of the hours we plan around individual schedules based on work assignments, tracks, previous classes (i.e. End Times), and personal preference (i.e. morning or night person...). Anyway, I'm excited, and I'll try to update soon on how they are all going.

Well, I hope that you feel caught up on my life. Things are always busy and tiring, but good. I miss everyone at home, and I can't wait to see you all this summer!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yeah, so I probably should have posted yesterday when it was actually my birthday, but I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance too. On Thursday, my fabulous Comm. group spent the whole day on me. We did nails and face masks in the morning, took me shopping for five hours (we must find the perfect outfit!), went out for dinner (yum!), then finished the day with a visit to a bonfire and cake at the apt. Needless to say, the day was amazing, and I felt so spoiled. Then yesterday I continued to feel special as I spent most of my birthday with Jesus. He was so good, and I enjoyed the entire day spent in His presence. Whew!

Another piece of news is that Global Bridegroom Fast starts Monday-Wen. then it's Tiffany's birthday (my roomy) before we start a three week Daniel Fast (fruits & veggies) on Friday. I'm soooooooo excited about the Daniel Fast!! Anyway, I'm exhausted so although I hate to cut the post short I am going to say adu (I don't know how to spell that....:P)).

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Spring Break is Here!!

Well, Spring Break has officially started, and I'm sitting here waiting to eat some soup. Tomorrow I leave to meet the Family in FL for a little R&R. It should be a blast, and yet I don't feel like I "need" to leave. I'm going to miss the roommates & Katty sooooo much, but its only four days. I guess that I was hit with the realization that this is what it is gonna be like (with everyone leaving) in three months! Ack! I can't believe how much I love the people here, and it is hard because I want to see everyone at home too because I miss them all. Oh well, it'll all turn out...

Ummm, my soup is sooo good....I need to do laundry, pack, sleep, neaten up the apt., etc. Man, I'm spacing out! *lol* Alright, sleep well all I'm going to finish eating then crash...YES, BREAK IS HERE!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Revolt of the Tonsil....

There once was a happy pair of tonsils that lived in the back of Jess' throat. One day after they were abused by being forced to go running in the cold, and riddled by a cough the one tonsil decided that he did not want to be a tonsil anymore. However, since he is attached to the back of the throat he could do nothing but hurt, and nothing the second tonsil said could make the first tonsil change his mind.

Was that not a fabulous story? The great part is that it is the true story of my throat. Eventually, (when I get the number of the office) I will make it to the doctor. Oh well, I'll survive...

Also, this weekend in an optional (Fri - Sat) conference for the Joseph Company. This JoCo conference is geared toward teens and college age kids who are interested in bringing the Kingdom of God into the Market/Business Place. Us as interns can go if we want, so I am. The only downside is that I have to be up early all weekend...:-P...

Today we went and spent all morning wittnessing at the St. Patrick's Day Parade. Around two hundred IHOP-ers went, and we did a variety of things. We had a drum circle, handed out candy, did prophetic evangelism, etc. It was cool, and there were around 200,000 people there; it is like the second largest St. Patrick's Day Parade in the US. I went with three other girls from the Internship, and we handed out candy and tracts about St. Patrick. It was good, but hard too. Fortunately not too much alcohol had been consumed before we left, although we did get some comments from people especially guys. Ack!! That was a time I wished I had a six foot guy standing beside me, and yet I did have God, so I guess that counts! LOL!

Alright, I must go eat some dinner, and then I'm gonna go Wait on God with a group of interns. That should be fun. But anyway, have a great night all!!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Healing and Prophetic Conference

Yeah, I've been pretty tired this week with the conference, and yet today (although we stayed up late playing around) I've felt great. You can pray for us though, we're learning (via hands on experience) about healing as a Comm Group, and it has been frustrating and yet faith building. Tonight is choir and I'm so excited. Tiffany (a roommate) and I are the only interns doing choir, but I don't care cause it's fun! We're doing A Mighty Fortress, and I'm singing Second Seprano (?spelling?). Anyway, we're starting to prepare for tornado season which starts in three weeks (i.e. getting batteries for the apt. radios, etc.), so that should be fun...In a week is our four day Easter Vacation (I'm meeting the family in FL), that is the half way mark of the internship I can't believe it!!!! I'm so sad, because it is so great to be here, and although school is good I think that I'm really going to miss it here. Yet, it is not like IHOP is going to fall off the face of the earth (at least I hope not! lol), so I can still come back; and yet....*sigh*

It has also been crazy as we're studying the End Times, to know that we're pretty much all going to be martyred (spelling?) . Isn't that weird? Yes, that has always (and to some extent still is) a hard thing to think about, and yet God is good, and He is still teaching me. Oh, well more thoughts on that later I'm sure. Now I have to go get ready for choir!


Thursday, March 10, 2005

Breaking the Fast!!!

Yes! It is Wednesday night, and I'm sitting at the table eating Ramen soup. Once again the Global Bridegroom Fast was this week, and since we just started the monthly fasting teams (they are of course optional), and I signed up for Sunday - I FASTED 4 WHOLE DAYS!!! Yippy! God was so good, and gave so much grace that it really was not that hard for me.

There was another suprise this week, my sister. Audrey showed up Sat. completely un-announced and played an early April Fools on me! She's on her spring break from school, and so we've had a great time hanging out. She did the internship last spring, and has been introducing me to some of her friends here that I didn't know. Anyway, that will definately go in as the all-time record Best Suprise Ever.

Continuing on - We had our first night dancing in IHOP, and it was so scary at first. However, by the end of the night we had so much FUN!!! The room engaged so well with us, and it was fun to just let go and dance how I felt.

This weekend is our first conference (the Healing & Prophetic conference), so it's gonna be insanely busy, but good. Our intern worship teams also get to play in IHOP Friday and Sat. nights, for Keep the Fire Burning, because the conference is at IHOP's new church building. That should be fun...Anyway, our schedule changes completely, so I'll try to post something on Sunday night to tell how the conference went. Well, I'm glad that I finally got to post something, and I hope that you all have a great night!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Long Time No Post

Yeah, so here is my explanation for my lack of posts...THE INTERNET STINKS!!!!! Whew! I feel better now. I have tried to post two bloggs, and both times (because I'm not a quick learner, & didn't save them) they were erased as the internet connection went down. ARG!!! Anyway, at least I can't complain about the weather which is suppose to be 73 tomorrow. Yes, be jealous all you snow bunnies of NY...*ducks as flying objects such as rotten vegetatables come flying at her head*....

Well, I'm soundly convinced that EoC class is my favorite class. Yeah, I got too excited talking to my mom about it the other day. After an animated conversation on my part, I got off the phone and my Comm leader (Katty) pronounce that I was a preacher. Can't a girl get excited! LOL! Hopefully this coming week will be good, because starting Sunday (my new fasting team day) I'll be fasting four days (Sunday combined w/Global Bridegroom Fast). Four days will be once again a new record for me. Then Thursday is the St. Patrick's Day parade, and I'm not sure yet if I'm gonna help with out reach ministry, because Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is our first conference. Combined, this week is going to be busy! Ok, I'll try to post again later today with more of the news, because I'm getting ready to go to Grid Class. Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Life here moves at an insane rate! Sorry that it has taken a little time for a new post, but we've been really busy. This past weekend the intern staff brought in a guest mini-seminar on Relational Wholeness, to really give the interns a chance for some healing and ministry. Needless to say, the weekend was very emotionally draining, but people's lives were changed so I think that it was definately a good thing.

You can also be praying, cause the flu (or some bug) has been running rampant through the internship. About a third of the intership was sick (fevers, achy, cough, congestion), and although I'm fine this has really been hard on everyone.

We also started our Fourunner School of Ministry classes (Excellencies of Christ and Intro. to End Times). Both classes are incredible, I can' t wait to get into them. Allen Hood (AWSOME teacher) teaches EoC, and Dave Sliker (reminds me of my dad - hilarious) teaches ET. I'm using abreviations or else I'll spend have the post spelling out the class names! Anyway, last night in EoC we just reminded about how all the rest of eternity is going to be focused on Jesus (not like we aren't now, and other things will happen in heaven), but the point of eternity is intimacy. I think that I use to be afraid of heaven, thinking that it would be boring, but be real with yourself, how do you view heaven? Allen said something that captivated my heart - "He *God* is pleasure immeasurable, delight consummate, and the highest honor and joy He could give us is to base our relationship around the subject matter of Himself", basically the greatest pleasure that God could give us was the pleasure of experiancing Himself. Then Allen said, "The highest definition of faith is the faith that has the greatest encounter with God, and then because of that encounter is willing to do anything (unto death) for God. Hummmm...Chew on that for a while!

I'll put another post up about ET class, cause it's time for dinner and then I have to sing ON STAGE at IHOP (ACK!) for the 8-10 intercession set. Insane right! Yep, but I'm pretty calm now, I keep asking God to let me sing with an audience of one - Jesus - then it won't matter if the President shows up because I'm not looking for the approval of others. Man, that's good! I think that I make more sense to myself if I right it! That is kind of crazy....Ok, so once again I've talked your ear off, but still you come back for more :-) hehe, it must not be too bad. Love to all....

*P.S. Please pardon any spelling mistakes, that is not my strong point! Sorry!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Day Off

Yes! Thursdays are our days off, and yet you can still find me in the prayer room (if not to pray, than because I get great internet connection there!:-)). First of all, I made my three day fast!!!!! Yippy!! It was awesome, and I never cheated once, actually I think that cheating makes it harder....
Secondly, I've been approved to sing in the prayer room itself!! But it was kinda hard 'cause none of my roommates did, so I'm just keeping it on the "down low" if you know what I mean. Still I can't believe that I made it, I think that God is actually trying to teach me that it is ok to be good at something, because I felt so unworthy when I found out.
Thirdly, in reply to my dad, The force that corvette man experienced was 92809.2 N *m/s. I think that that is correct, but I'm sure that if it is not I'll be informed. My roommates couldn't believe that my dad made up a physics problem, and that I actually tried to solve it; we all had a really good long laugh last night.
Anyway, I'm actually spending my Thursday reading Anatomy & Physiology, and Nutrition (along with updating my blog). I hear your condolences, but how else will I be prepared to go back to school in the Fall?? I may be insane but I'm the smartest insane person you ever met! :-) Maybe later I'll take a nice hot bath....*sigh* Oh yeah, that is definitely going on the agenda! Oh, as a complete change of subject, KC has the strangest weather patterns on the face of this earth. Every Thursday we have been here, we've had blue skies, sun, and warmness! We may have the worst weather in between (i.e. snow, rain, cold...), but come Thursday, the nice weather is back. I don't get it, but that is ok I'll never argue having great weather on our days off. Well, until later...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Last Day!

Today is the last day of our fast, and God has poured out such grace, because I am doing great! I'm even in a really good mood this morning!!! Last night we got about three inches of snow, so we had a huge snowball fight, and all sorts of fun stuff and I wasn't tired at all. I think that with all the sitting we do (dispite the fact that I'd been fasting) I had energy to expend. After we got home though, it was all that I could do just to fall in bed! :-) hehe, yeah.....That was random, but whatever...Today I will hopefully find out whether or not I got approved to sing in the prayer room. Even if I didn't make it, I'd rather know than not hear anything. Fortunately, if I didn't make it I can tryout again next month! Alright, enough of my rambling I'll post again soon.

P.S. if you can have a P.S. in blogging....If any of you are interested in watching the prayer room live go to and on the left hand side there is a menu option called Watch our Webcasts. Click on that and it gives you options of when you can watch. The downside: you can only watch at designated times, but there is away around it, if you want to also see a music set after the "webcast time", get on during the webcast time, and then don't get off; you will be able to continue watching live music sets for as long as you want assuming that you don't close the window. Also, you can watch Sunday FCF meetings (church), which Mike Bickle teaches they are awsome! Alright, enjoy watching the prayer room!!

Monday, February 07, 2005

Fasting and other stuff...

It is the begining to a new week; Mon., Tue., and Wen. we have the Global Bridegroom Fast, and we also have prayer room worship team tryouts (AHHHHhhhh!!). I tried out for vocals so we'll see if I make it, their standards are pretty high... Hopefully we'll find out by Wen.! Anyway, I'm hungry, cold (it's freezing outside), and tired, but I guess that makes a good recipe for moving my heart closer to God's. Actually we don't have to fast at all it's not like it is mandated, but I find that it really helps me focus on God because all else "fades away". I'll keep you updated, but right now I'm going to get ready to go to the prayer room.


Saturday, February 05, 2005

Better Late than Never!

Hello to all my family and friends!

I have started this cosy little blog so that instead of making five hundred phone calls (not to mention running up the phone bill), I can update you all on my life as a Onething Intern at the International House of Prayer - KC. Not to mention, you can all leave me comments and lllooovvveee! :-)
I have been here since January 7th, 2005 and so much has happened that I hardly know where to start. If you don't know anything about IHOP, it is a 24/7, 365 days a year prayer room. Built out of an old strip mall, IHOP contains the Prayer Room itself, a coffee shop, bookstore, multipurpose and seminar rooms, a daycare, Childrens Equiping Center, a Realestate agency, thrift store, a cafeteria, and part of an apartment complex for all the different internships they do. Needless to say, IHOP is a full time ministry dedicated to the night and day prayer movement that is spreading across the earth. Staffed with three or so hundred musicans and intercessors, IHOP has been going full time (day and night) for five years!
Ok, so what am I doing here? Well, I'm spending six months at the feet of Jesus! As an intern I spend (weekly) around 30+ hours in the prayer room, another 21+ hours in classes, and 6 hours on my weekly work assignment. Then you have extra prayer time, as well as other fun activities like Walmart trips, and going out late Wenesday night for Friday's happy hour menu (let me tell you - cheap food is great, and you don't have to sit at the bar either). I'd tell more, but it will have to wait until another time, because it is late and I need my sleep!