Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Last Day!

Today is the last day of our fast, and God has poured out such grace, because I am doing great! I'm even in a really good mood this morning!!! Last night we got about three inches of snow, so we had a huge snowball fight, and all sorts of fun stuff and I wasn't tired at all. I think that with all the sitting we do (dispite the fact that I'd been fasting) I had energy to expend. After we got home though, it was all that I could do just to fall in bed! :-) hehe, yeah.....That was random, but whatever...Today I will hopefully find out whether or not I got approved to sing in the prayer room. Even if I didn't make it, I'd rather know than not hear anything. Fortunately, if I didn't make it I can tryout again next month! Alright, enough of my rambling I'll post again soon.

P.S. if you can have a P.S. in blogging....If any of you are interested in watching the prayer room live go to and on the left hand side there is a menu option called Watch our Webcasts. Click on that and it gives you options of when you can watch. The downside: you can only watch at designated times, but there is away around it, if you want to also see a music set after the "webcast time", get on during the webcast time, and then don't get off; you will be able to continue watching live music sets for as long as you want assuming that you don't close the window. Also, you can watch Sunday FCF meetings (church), which Mike Bickle teaches they are awsome! Alright, enjoy watching the prayer room!!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hi Jess! he he, yeah, you're right, I did forget to mention on my blog that I talked to you on the phone. Sowwey!! It was lovely to hear your voice. I'm so glad you're updating your blog. It lets me know what's going on with you. Congratulations on finishing your fast without keeling over from exhaustion/hunger as I would have! LOL! And also, please please please don't forget to update and let me know if you're going to sing in the prayer room. K? Got to go...luv ya hon!! :-)