Wednesday, May 27, 2009


What happens when the unexpected occurs?
When the road you are on splits.
And you don't know which way to go.

Sometimes you sit and wait.

Sometimes you just have to start walking.
Taking the good with the bad.
Of whatever road you took.

In the end the question remains.
Is there ever a perfect choice to begin with?

You can never guaranty happiness.
Learning to make lemonade from lemons,
Is one of life's greatest lessons.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Celebrate Memorial Day!

I wish that I could tell you that I was busy doing all sorts of fun things to celebrate the freedom we have because of the amazing service of many men and women over the years, but...alas I am stuck on my couch watching The Longest Day (I can't help that I love John Wayne - you can blame my grandfather), and blowing my nose. Unfortunately one of my patient's parents gave me this horrid head cold; wasn't that nice of her? I know that we have sick leave for a reason, but I HATE having to use it.

Needless to say I haven't been doing much of anything including posting on here - sorry!

It's hard to believe that my dayshift rotation is almost half way over, and this last part will go by quickly since my cousin is coming for a week of it also. I hope that you are all having a wonderful start to your summer. I will try to post soon!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Oh to See the Light!

Well, today was my first official day shift, and it was fabulous!! Aside from the fact that I missed the second hour of Gray's Anatomy (which I haven't been keeping up with anyways, but which my sister forced me to watch) it was actually nice to go to bed as normal, and work the day away. I almost feel as if it made the day go by faster. We'll see; I know there will be bad days also, and that God answered my prayers by giving me an assignment where I wasn't drowning. I love when I ask for something, he is always so faithful to hear me!

I have been doing a great job of walking every day but one this week. Not only is it a great way to get out of the house, and get exercise, but it is also a fabulous evening activity where you can enjoy the smells and sounds of summer! I love walking by all the lawns freshly mowed, and taking a giant lung full of air, you all know the scent. The only bad thing about summer here are the mosquitoes, and boy to they like me...I must be tasty in a "I want to suck your blood" kind of way...its really disturbing!

Okay, off to finish my day - more later!!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Rain, rain

Rain and I have a love/hate relationship the polar opposite of my relationship with bagels, which is a love/love relationship. I love rain because it waters my plants for me (that makes me sound so lazy). Rain also means great sleeping during the day, because my room will stay nice and dark. The hate part mainly comes into play when I want to go outside, and I can't because there is water pouring down. Where oh where did you go little globe of sun? I miss you! Don't ask me about my love of bagels, it is uncomplicated and delicious.

Guess what! I go to day shift for six weeks the end of next week!!! Woooooot! Hard to believe I know, we've been waiting a long time. I am excited, and nervous at the same time; I'll let you know how it goes. Mainly, I am looking forward to my days off when I feel like I have a whole day to enjoy, and not feel like I have to short myself sleep to enjoy the day.

I was so elated (vocabulary push ups!)....oh dear...old age has crept in...I totally forgot what I was going to say. Mooooving on...

This week I utilized our public library system to find myself a hefty book for GRE review. I need to get my butt in gear so I can apply to graduate school. Don't ask what I want to do, because I still feel slightly uninspired about school. I think I would like teaching nursing though, I remember a couple of my great professors, and hope that one day I can help create wonderful nurses. I'll keep you updated!