Saturday, April 30, 2011

Viva Chicago!

Well, I'm posting from the Windy City, which while living up to it's nickname, was also amazing pleasant today with an afternoon temperature peaking at 66. It was great! We also managed to have sun, no rain for our main day of site seeing. The rest of the week will be conference, with some evenings to walk around; so it was nice to have a good site seeing day. We got to visit the Field Museum which had exhibits on World Animals including African safari, North American birds (huge exhibit), reptiles, and mammals. We also promised Julia that we'd check out the Horse exhibit. AMAZING. Very thorough, and lots of fun.

A violin, viola, and cello performing student group from Minnesota also graced us with a wonderful performance in the museum lobby. They were just getting a practice session in before they play tonight at the orchestra. They sounded wonderful with the high ceilings and great natural amplification of the marble museum walls.

What a great afternoon!!

I'm tired though, and I know I've forgotten things, but here are some pictures - I'll post more later - enjoy!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Leaving him behind

I have a work trip coming up this next week. I'm going to Chicago with another girl from work, and it should be a blast! However, trying to get ready is a lot of work.

There are so many elements to put together like always trying to at least have the house neat before a trip, so I don't come home to a mess.

I have a friend coming over to refill the cat's food/water, and check on the house. I'm hoping all the plants live without me too, so when I get back I can take some progress pictures to show you - they're growing!!

Torque is going to the trainer's house for the week. I feel like I'm sending my child away. He is ALWAYS with me, my shadow. It's hard to take him and leave him, but I think it will be good for her dogs to beat up on him a little. She has several dogs, but mainly keeps German Shepards. Not to mention it's a lot of work to pack for me and him. Crate, food, toys, peanut butter, leash, prong collar, directions for Angie, food and water bowl, etc.


I'll try to take some great pictures, and blog while on the trip - we should have a lot of fun. I'll update more later!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tweetie Bird

Sorry it's not the greatest picture ever, but I was trying to get a picture and not scare them away! Look who decided to come visit!! We have a pair of Mocking Birds that live close by, and they are always coming around my pots, but this is the first Gold Finch I've seen, and to have a pair of them! Maybe they'll stay in the neighborhood.

I really need to get some bird feeders out there. It's just fun to have critters come around, and maybe they'll eat all the nasty mosquitoes this summer. One can only hope!

Morning ya'll

Can I shudder now to think that ya'll would ever come out of my mouth. *spits profusely*

I'd prefer to talk with horrid grammar than that say ya'll. It was a promise I made when I move to the South years ago for College that I would never use that Southern trademark.

Back to the morning part of this posting! I told you that I'd post a picture of my finished Coffee Cake product. Can I just say that it's the best coffee cake I've ever eaten? I would have made the middle crumble layer higher next time, but hey it still tastes amazing. Plus, its accompanied by a nice hot cup of Joe. Perfection incarnite. Yes, yes I am ready to wake up and face the day!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's been awhile!

Since we haven't had a Monday Music Video in awhile, I found a fun one to get you through Hump Day! Hope your week is going well!!

Coffee Cake Anyone?

What does one do on a rainy day? Why eat of course! And what does one do when there is nothing suitable to eat on a rainy day? Why make Sour Cream Coffee Cake of course!

Hey mom - can I have some too?

I love helping mom cook - she burns double the calories while cooking because she constantly has to take extra steps around me!

Yum - this will make our cake nice and moist. I think moist is a strange word. M.O.I.S.T.
See, told ya, akward.

Behold - Mount Flour!

I'll have to take a picture when our cake is will be so yummy!

"Does your dog bite?"

This morning I really didn't want to go for a walk with the dog. It is wet and gloomy, and I just didn't feel like it. Therefore, I decided that we could train a little in the driveway. I'm sure I'm one of the worst (not the worst) dog trainers, but you know we all have to learn somehow. I know that I'm far to short tempered, and impatient when I should be the well of optimism and second chances. Oh well, maybe someday!!

Okay, back to my story. So, we're in the driveway training when I see out of the corner of my eye this couple who always walks their chow-looking dog around the neighborhood. They're a nice older Asia couple. I put Torque into a sit/stay before he sees them, because I know he'll be nuts once he does anyways.

The man calls over "are you a dog trainer", HAHA okay, sorry I didn't do that.

I politely replied "No I don't train other people's dogs, just this one".

I must admit that I love how people think a dog's size is somehow proportional to their age as the wife asked me how old Torque was, and then was SHOCKED to hear that he's just a year. I mean really if that misnomer was true Chihuahuas would be perpetually puppies - hmmm maybe I have just landed upon some truth to the human interaction with dogs...More on the that later.

The man then asks me if Torque is aggressive.

Please pause the conversation here while I have a Pink Panther flashback to Dr. Clouseau asking (in a French accent) a hotel owner in reference to the sleeping dog on the floor;

"Does your dog bite?"

The reply, "No my dog does not bite."

When Clouseau reaches down to pet said dog it bites him. "I thought you said your dog does not bite!"

Nonchalant hotel owner, "That is not my dog."

...After this speedy replay in my mind I wanted to answer the man "No, why would you think such a thing". As Torque jumps up and down, pulling at the leash...point and case. Instead I politely answered, "No, he just wants to play with your dog", which I might add is the truth. What is also the truth is that Torque would rip some body part off if someone threatened me, of this I am sure. I didn't say that.

They smiled, even laughed a little and walked on. Leaving me to finally turn my attention back to my bouncing dog, place him AGAIN in a sit/stay, and work on some of that attention he so lacks when in the presence of another canine.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Philosophy and Plants

What lessons might you ask can one learn from a bean plant?
If you continue to grow you can reach the sky.

Or mayhap a developing pea plant? What great wisdom does it contain?
Although it may look like you only have one pod, inside are multiple opportunities to plant.

Another lesson? Don't judge potential from humble beginnings and small starts.

Okay, okay, enough with the mushy gushy crap - on to the supporting cast of Clair's circus. I felt that due to their limited camera time in the past they deserved a little notice.

Hi wittle Gack! Aw, he comes when called!

Polly, the Diva; come on now she kinda deserves it after all she has to put up with the boys each day. Poor girl

Lastly, but definitely not least (he won't let you forget it) is the Beast. Who the neighbor kids love. I'm pretty sure that when he gets his cart I could buy a house off of tips from cart rides.

"Cow Boy"

That would have been a more appropriate title for the Beast.

Sucker would be a more appropriate title for me. I mean - dude he wanted the corncob when I had finished. Cows like corncobs (I know this from childhood experience), maybe dogs do to!

He LOVED it.

To the point that I took it away because he was breaking off pieces to eat and I don't know how cob does internally in dogs, after all he isn't really a cow. The only thing I could think of was that it'd go through him like a pipe cleaner...ouch.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Look Mom, No Hands!

Do you like my pack?

My mom is making me stand here and pose...looking good!

We went for a was a balmy 45 degrees

I send you love!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Couch Potato

I'm tired.

It's a good thing that it is one of those days you should stay indoors. I mean pretty much the whole east coast is having nasty rain and storms. I'm just hoping that we don't get a tornado...we happens.

 So far we've had periodic storms with sudden crazy wind and rain, thunder, and lighting. Torque doesn't care, and is laying beside me on the floor passed out and passing gas. Completely oblivious - it's great. I must also admit that having a large dog is rather nice because we have an instant tornado shelter! His crate is so big that me, him, and the cats can all fit in it!!