Thursday, April 21, 2011

Morning ya'll

Can I shudder now to think that ya'll would ever come out of my mouth. *spits profusely*

I'd prefer to talk with horrid grammar than that say ya'll. It was a promise I made when I move to the South years ago for College that I would never use that Southern trademark.

Back to the morning part of this posting! I told you that I'd post a picture of my finished Coffee Cake product. Can I just say that it's the best coffee cake I've ever eaten? I would have made the middle crumble layer higher next time, but hey it still tastes amazing. Plus, its accompanied by a nice hot cup of Joe. Perfection incarnite. Yes, yes I am ready to wake up and face the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

coffee cake looks really good.

you're on your way to a healthy lifestyle.

eat it up while you're young.

where'e whittle gack???!!!