Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Creme Brulee Day

Have you ever had one of those days, a day where you get inspired to do something fabulous, something creative, something fun? A day where you want to make Creme Brulee? Ahh yes, today was one of those days. Now I know that not everyone may enjoy a well made Brulee, so feel free to insert above whatever creative creation you like; my point still stands. In every persons life there are days where you dream of that exquisite backdrop of a timeless classic that greets you on the doorstep of imagination and beckons you to into another world, time, and place. These are Creme Brulee days. The essence of Creme Brulee is within its innate simplicity. The elegance, the draw, the universal appeal is not credited to dazzling presentation or creative genius. Instead subtle class and simple flavors have given this desert longevity throughout the culinary world. How the same life works at times (I love when I can combine deserts and life lessons for an amazing illustration). Granted, there are things in today's world that I would miss were they to be removed. However, I think that in every heart there is a little need for the simple things in life. We may not be able to completely shed the complexity we live in, but I would encourage you to take a Creme Brulee day every now and again. Stop, enjoy where you are in life, enjoy a sunny day, the smells on the breeze, a sunset, the fog hanging on the mountain tops, the tousled hair of your kids as they sleep, or even just look back over the years. No man knows fully the hour in which he lives, and how sad it is to not enjoy every moment.