Monday, November 28, 2005

Thanksgiving '05

Hey all!

First, I must comment on my comments which are outrageously funny. Keep up the good work. Oh, P.S., SFL you are a slacker! It has been almost a month and you still have not sent me any rocking pictures...shame, shame, shame...

As far as my life it continues to be a whirlwind of activity. For Thanksgiving I had almost a week of lovely (still far too short) vacation with the Grandparents. It was so fun, getting to relax a bit...well, if you call tearing up a cement sidewalk, digging post holes, placing poles, and mixing and pouring cement relaxing. Yes, I managed to get a little dirty - scratch that - a little dusty this week, but it was great fun. You see my grandfather is putting in a fence for their dogs, and I got to help him so he didn't have to do anything heavy. The first post hole we filled with cement was a learning experience, as we had not bothered to see which way the wind was blowing. This left me pouring an eighty pound bag of cement while Boppa sprayed water in the hole, the whole time a huge cloud of dust got into every area of my skin. I couldn't breath leaning over the dust to pour the cement, and when we were finished I thought that I'd cemented the inside of my lungs, but it turned out alright, and a shower washed it off. The second post was much better, and I can proudly say that the posts look great. The second job was to break the sidewalk, and load it into the tractor bed. It only took three trips to get all the broken cement and the pile of dirt, and we dumped it down the hill were all the water from the driveway drains. All in all it was a new experience that was tons of fun, and it let me burn off all those calories from Thanksgiving! Anyway, I'm back to the grind, and have so much to do before finals which are coming in two weeks!!! Yikes!

I hope that was a good enough posting I'll try to keep up better, but until then I expect to see lots of comments!! :-)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

To Order

I apologize for the lack of bloggage, but I have only been MOSTLY swamped. I will attempt to keep up with my accounts for the sake of my faithful readers and commenters. Oh, Make sure you check out Jess #1's blog, she's awesome!!

As an explanation for the lack of SFL response, he is here (with his lovely wife) visiting me. It has been great. Last weekend the three of us went to Asheville, NC to rock dig. For three days we hiked through the woods, got covered in dirt, found some cool rocks, explored downtown Asheville, and thoroughly enjoyed each others' company. The leaves were absolutely beautiful, and at one location we had to drive down this steep, really bumpy road to get to an old abandoned mine that they filled with H2O. Although we had fun we didn't find anything to great, and so we headed back up the road (I was hoping that we wouldn't have to get out and push, b/c I wasn't so sure that we could make it up). However, due to SFL's excellent driving abilities we made it to the top and got to enjoy a breathtaking view of the mountains all in color (we even got to see some turkeys crossing the road). It was great. We got some great pictures, and awesome video footage too, they are very entertaining...

Then I was back at school and working my tail off, you have no clue how many times I prayed that Thanksgiving would hurry up and get here. Oh well, I'll make it through! God's kept me going for years already, he can get me through pharmacology, Pathophysiology, Health Assessment, therapeutic interventions, and Professionalism.

This weekend my family was back for more, and you'll never guess what they did. They show up at the apt., and make me come outside. Attached to either front window of the van, flew a Tiger flag. Upon SFL's side was one of those airport tube things (the ones that show the direction of the wind), and on mom's side was a very cute flag. Mom goes, "guess who picked what." It's pretty self explanatory. Saturday we fully enjoyed the Ballgame, YEAH we won!!! SFL and I almost lost our voices, but we had a blast. Game day is always so fun, b/c I have never been at a place where fans are so dedicated. Anyways, it has been amazingly fun having the fam. here, and I only wish they weren't going home today. However, before you know it it will be Christmas break!!! Yeah!!


Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I have determined that dates make excellent titles, and as I have a nasty cold I don't have the energy to create an original title. However, I am getting very excited about the fact that my parental guidances are arriving on Friday, and staying for a week, then it's one week before Thanksgiving Break!! After Thanksgiving it's only two weeks till finals, and then off to Christmas Vacation!!! I can't wait! :-) Hopefully I'll survive all my classes till then.

Speaking of Christmas, I need to go shopping sooo bad. I don't have a single Christmas gift. Oh well, I'll get it done.

Our church had their annual All Saints Day Festival which was tons of fun. I got to spend the entire day playing with my friend's kids, awe, they're SO cute! I love going to visit them, I mean who wouldn't like to have three kids running all around, and the fourth crying? Hehe, I love it.

Anyway, I hope that gives a little update for those individuals (you know who you are) who are addicted to my blog. Actually, I can't decide if it's creepy or not to have someone stalk your blog...Humm...I guess I don't mind, it is pretty entertaining.