Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Life here moves at an insane rate! Sorry that it has taken a little time for a new post, but we've been really busy. This past weekend the intern staff brought in a guest mini-seminar on Relational Wholeness, to really give the interns a chance for some healing and ministry. Needless to say, the weekend was very emotionally draining, but people's lives were changed so I think that it was definately a good thing.

You can also be praying, cause the flu (or some bug) has been running rampant through the internship. About a third of the intership was sick (fevers, achy, cough, congestion), and although I'm fine this has really been hard on everyone.

We also started our Fourunner School of Ministry classes (Excellencies of Christ and Intro. to End Times). Both classes are incredible, I can' t wait to get into them. Allen Hood (AWSOME teacher) teaches EoC, and Dave Sliker (reminds me of my dad - hilarious) teaches ET. I'm using abreviations or else I'll spend have the post spelling out the class names! Anyway, last night in EoC we just reminded about how all the rest of eternity is going to be focused on Jesus (not like we aren't now, and other things will happen in heaven), but the point of eternity is intimacy. I think that I use to be afraid of heaven, thinking that it would be boring, but be real with yourself, how do you view heaven? Allen said something that captivated my heart - "He *God* is pleasure immeasurable, delight consummate, and the highest honor and joy He could give us is to base our relationship around the subject matter of Himself", basically the greatest pleasure that God could give us was the pleasure of experiancing Himself. Then Allen said, "The highest definition of faith is the faith that has the greatest encounter with God, and then because of that encounter is willing to do anything (unto death) for God. Hummmm...Chew on that for a while!

I'll put another post up about ET class, cause it's time for dinner and then I have to sing ON STAGE at IHOP (ACK!) for the 8-10 intercession set. Insane right! Yep, but I'm pretty calm now, I keep asking God to let me sing with an audience of one - Jesus - then it won't matter if the President shows up because I'm not looking for the approval of others. Man, that's good! I think that I make more sense to myself if I right it! That is kind of crazy....Ok, so once again I've talked your ear off, but still you come back for more :-) hehe, it must not be too bad. Love to all....

*P.S. Please pardon any spelling mistakes, that is not my strong point! Sorry!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Day Off

Yes! Thursdays are our days off, and yet you can still find me in the prayer room (if not to pray, than because I get great internet connection there!:-)). First of all, I made my three day fast!!!!! Yippy!! It was awesome, and I never cheated once, actually I think that cheating makes it harder....
Secondly, I've been approved to sing in the prayer room itself!! But it was kinda hard 'cause none of my roommates did, so I'm just keeping it on the "down low" if you know what I mean. Still I can't believe that I made it, I think that God is actually trying to teach me that it is ok to be good at something, because I felt so unworthy when I found out.
Thirdly, in reply to my dad, The force that corvette man experienced was 92809.2 N *m/s. I think that that is correct, but I'm sure that if it is not I'll be informed. My roommates couldn't believe that my dad made up a physics problem, and that I actually tried to solve it; we all had a really good long laugh last night.
Anyway, I'm actually spending my Thursday reading Anatomy & Physiology, and Nutrition (along with updating my blog). I hear your condolences, but how else will I be prepared to go back to school in the Fall?? I may be insane but I'm the smartest insane person you ever met! :-) Maybe later I'll take a nice hot bath....*sigh* Oh yeah, that is definitely going on the agenda! Oh, as a complete change of subject, KC has the strangest weather patterns on the face of this earth. Every Thursday we have been here, we've had blue skies, sun, and warmness! We may have the worst weather in between (i.e. snow, rain, cold...), but come Thursday, the nice weather is back. I don't get it, but that is ok I'll never argue having great weather on our days off. Well, until later...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Last Day!

Today is the last day of our fast, and God has poured out such grace, because I am doing great! I'm even in a really good mood this morning!!! Last night we got about three inches of snow, so we had a huge snowball fight, and all sorts of fun stuff and I wasn't tired at all. I think that with all the sitting we do (dispite the fact that I'd been fasting) I had energy to expend. After we got home though, it was all that I could do just to fall in bed! :-) hehe, yeah.....That was random, but whatever...Today I will hopefully find out whether or not I got approved to sing in the prayer room. Even if I didn't make it, I'd rather know than not hear anything. Fortunately, if I didn't make it I can tryout again next month! Alright, enough of my rambling I'll post again soon.

P.S. if you can have a P.S. in blogging....If any of you are interested in watching the prayer room live go to and on the left hand side there is a menu option called Watch our Webcasts. Click on that and it gives you options of when you can watch. The downside: you can only watch at designated times, but there is away around it, if you want to also see a music set after the "webcast time", get on during the webcast time, and then don't get off; you will be able to continue watching live music sets for as long as you want assuming that you don't close the window. Also, you can watch Sunday FCF meetings (church), which Mike Bickle teaches they are awsome! Alright, enjoy watching the prayer room!!

Monday, February 07, 2005

Fasting and other stuff...

It is the begining to a new week; Mon., Tue., and Wen. we have the Global Bridegroom Fast, and we also have prayer room worship team tryouts (AHHHHhhhh!!). I tried out for vocals so we'll see if I make it, their standards are pretty high... Hopefully we'll find out by Wen.! Anyway, I'm hungry, cold (it's freezing outside), and tired, but I guess that makes a good recipe for moving my heart closer to God's. Actually we don't have to fast at all it's not like it is mandated, but I find that it really helps me focus on God because all else "fades away". I'll keep you updated, but right now I'm going to get ready to go to the prayer room.


Saturday, February 05, 2005

Better Late than Never!

Hello to all my family and friends!

I have started this cosy little blog so that instead of making five hundred phone calls (not to mention running up the phone bill), I can update you all on my life as a Onething Intern at the International House of Prayer - KC. Not to mention, you can all leave me comments and lllooovvveee! :-)
I have been here since January 7th, 2005 and so much has happened that I hardly know where to start. If you don't know anything about IHOP, it is a 24/7, 365 days a year prayer room. Built out of an old strip mall, IHOP contains the Prayer Room itself, a coffee shop, bookstore, multipurpose and seminar rooms, a daycare, Childrens Equiping Center, a Realestate agency, thrift store, a cafeteria, and part of an apartment complex for all the different internships they do. Needless to say, IHOP is a full time ministry dedicated to the night and day prayer movement that is spreading across the earth. Staffed with three or so hundred musicans and intercessors, IHOP has been going full time (day and night) for five years!
Ok, so what am I doing here? Well, I'm spending six months at the feet of Jesus! As an intern I spend (weekly) around 30+ hours in the prayer room, another 21+ hours in classes, and 6 hours on my weekly work assignment. Then you have extra prayer time, as well as other fun activities like Walmart trips, and going out late Wenesday night for Friday's happy hour menu (let me tell you - cheap food is great, and you don't have to sit at the bar either). I'd tell more, but it will have to wait until another time, because it is late and I need my sleep!