Saturday, January 28, 2006


Before long, my once harmless blog is going to need a disclaimer to read, and will have a PG-13 rating. Skulls, gangrene, carbonic acid! Really guys (girls) control yourselves...well, it is pretty entertaining, however I sense that none of your blogging pertains to me, instead my mine is a mere host for all of your irrational conversations (I feel so neglected...).

Anyway, I thought that you all might like something else to do, so I made a quiz for you to take. We will see who knows me better (although I will admit SFL has the upper hand)...Have fun all! :-)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stories From the Hospital

What you ask has made me so slack in regards to this fabulous blog? I shall tell you.

The past few weeks have kept me quiet busy adjusting to our schedule of classes. Unfortunately, unlike Mary I have not had exciting skating escapades and adventures (although I would have enjoyed them). Instead three out of five school days I get to wear scrubs because we have clinical, or lab. The one thing that is great about this is that three out of five days you do not have to decide what to wear! I will make a comment though, I do not know who thought it best to make nurses wear white scrub pants and colored tops, but it should be the opposite! The worst is to be walking around campus and see a nursing student - who must have gotten changed in the dark - wearing floral print underwear which I might add is VERY visible through white pants. At least with a white top you could wear another shirt underneath it, but you can not wear an added layer under pants. You would think that my logic made sense, but does anyone care obviously not.

Anyway, we spend the majority of our time wearing scrubs, and fortunately I love our instructor she is hilariously funny, and she loves to tell stories of nursing student flubs and interesting situations. She is very down to earth and relaxed which is great because then it is easier to feel like you can learn and make mistakes. The only think bad about clinical is that we have to get up at 5:30 am Thursday morning! Mary be glad this is not you....

Other than school I try to relax some, and just hang around the house. Oh, I am sooooooooo excited, because I am going to KC for spring break!!!!! My girls there are already planning, and we are going to have a blast I can't wait. I think that 3/4ths of my internship is still there, so there will be LOTS of hanging out, oh I miss them! That will allow me to work at home this summer, and reenact with MARY!!! Yeah!!!!!! I am so excited to see her! We will terrorize solders and spend lots of time complaining about the heat. Then we will watch Pirates of the Caribbean 2 together!!! Yeah!!! Come to think of it, I am pretty much excited about anything that doesn't relate to school...Yep, I guess at this point anything that can get me through 15 weeks of tests is exciting.

Well, that's all for now!

Friday, January 13, 2006

My children....

Dearest Mary, as much as I love you my children are not up for adoption. Verni is still young and very impressionable, and Veronica is too cute. I may allow you to adopt any future children (Vern Jr, Vanessa, Violet, Vikki, Valerie, Vladimir), however we will cross that bridge when we come to it. I have a long history with my children, and despite what you may think, there is a man somewhere (only one) - I prefer to imagine him lost in some barren stretch of Texas - and he may have a say against the adoption...

Note: Lest you think that I am an abusive parent I would like to remind you that Verni and Veronica are figments of my parents imagination, and are included along with Vernon, Texas, penguins, and protestant Nuns. You may not be familiar with my reference, and this is fine just ignore it.

Heading back to reality; I've been mulling some ideas, but I can't quite form them into verbalized thoughts yet, so you'll have to wait for any true revelations. :-) One thought - It amazes me how you can live your life thinking that you have experienced so many things, only to find that every effort you made to open your own eyes has only led you into a kind of false realty or false perspective. You think you are looking out of a new window, when all you've done is to look out of another part of the same window. How do you live apart from personal prejudice, experience, and preference? Can you separate yourself from it to truly see from another's' view, should we separate ourselves, or is a new approach on life only found by the touch of the Holy Spirit? How often do I think I see the full picture only to find that I've been staring at my own finger? Humm, it really struck me this week, that my whole life I have approached every situation and person from my background and limited understanding without realizing that although the Lord uses our life as an element to our growth and maturity, that is just the beginning. I'm sure this sounds strange, and maybe I'm the last to understand this, but I am starting to truly see that I have been looking at the world through my eyes and the lens of Christianity, without actually experiencing a eye "replacement" to where I am looking through the Lord's eyes! What a different that would make! I'm not saying that I haven't had wonderful life experiences, I guess it is just that as much as I have heard the "new creation" concept before it has never really caused me to think like I have been. There is a time for everything, and you may not understand a thing I ramble about, but that is ok, because it is my rambling...

More later! Have a great night!! :-)

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Back to the books,

Hello all,

I know that you have long awaited my return, and I apologize for the wait. Although there are definite positives of school, currently I am trying to enjoy the last days of Christmas break. I hope that you all had a delightful Christmas and New Year's Eve, I certainly did despite them being quite different from our family norm.

I fully enjoyed seeing my good friends at the beach, and the weather wasn't at all bad either! :-) When our two families get together all insanity breaks out, and we spend the entire (well, almost) time laughing. Poor mom, Audrey, and Aunt Carol they were recovering from Bronchitis and surgeries, and were trying so hard not to laugh... Anyway, we had a blast, and spent so much time in the pool and hot tub that I'm surprised that we're not permenately wrinkled! One of the things we did this trip, was play this game called CashFlow, which is a fun game aimed at teaching financial principle that will help you get out of the "rat race" of income verses expenses. Contrary to all appearances it was actually a fun game, and we played for hours. As part of the game, you can randomly fall on game board spots that help to show things that can happen in real life, and are costly. Poor me, I have a feeling that I will never live it down, but I fell twice on the BABY spot...Yes, I became the single mother of Verni and Veronica (long story with the names...don't ask...). I guess it was hilarious as we all joked about what I'd been up to, it was all terribly unfair! Not that I don't like kids I do, but the connotations..........Despite this I loved the game, and we all laughed more than what was good for us! :-)

Not back at school I am fully enjoying my peace and quiet! It is kinda nice that there is only a couple people around, or maybe I just love not having to fight for a parking spot *wink*...

Till later!