Friday, January 13, 2006

My children....

Dearest Mary, as much as I love you my children are not up for adoption. Verni is still young and very impressionable, and Veronica is too cute. I may allow you to adopt any future children (Vern Jr, Vanessa, Violet, Vikki, Valerie, Vladimir), however we will cross that bridge when we come to it. I have a long history with my children, and despite what you may think, there is a man somewhere (only one) - I prefer to imagine him lost in some barren stretch of Texas - and he may have a say against the adoption...

Note: Lest you think that I am an abusive parent I would like to remind you that Verni and Veronica are figments of my parents imagination, and are included along with Vernon, Texas, penguins, and protestant Nuns. You may not be familiar with my reference, and this is fine just ignore it.

Heading back to reality; I've been mulling some ideas, but I can't quite form them into verbalized thoughts yet, so you'll have to wait for any true revelations. :-) One thought - It amazes me how you can live your life thinking that you have experienced so many things, only to find that every effort you made to open your own eyes has only led you into a kind of false realty or false perspective. You think you are looking out of a new window, when all you've done is to look out of another part of the same window. How do you live apart from personal prejudice, experience, and preference? Can you separate yourself from it to truly see from another's' view, should we separate ourselves, or is a new approach on life only found by the touch of the Holy Spirit? How often do I think I see the full picture only to find that I've been staring at my own finger? Humm, it really struck me this week, that my whole life I have approached every situation and person from my background and limited understanding without realizing that although the Lord uses our life as an element to our growth and maturity, that is just the beginning. I'm sure this sounds strange, and maybe I'm the last to understand this, but I am starting to truly see that I have been looking at the world through my eyes and the lens of Christianity, without actually experiencing a eye "replacement" to where I am looking through the Lord's eyes! What a different that would make! I'm not saying that I haven't had wonderful life experiences, I guess it is just that as much as I have heard the "new creation" concept before it has never really caused me to think like I have been. There is a time for everything, and you may not understand a thing I ramble about, but that is ok, because it is my rambling...

More later! Have a great night!! :-)


ViNeYaRD WoRSHiP said...

Vinne here...

Just checking in to CONFIRM that I am Not in any way a descendant or relation fo clair b's - despite the alliterative nature of my nomenclature - and its apparent nearness to those of aforementioned offspring.

As to sprouting canopies, best leave that the those, who know of gardens and vines.

Actually, on a more personal note - sfl, you're da man!


Jess said...



Jess said...

Aye, aye, Your Stochasticness! Right away, sir!

*touches knuckle to forehead*
