Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stories From the Hospital

What you ask has made me so slack in regards to this fabulous blog? I shall tell you.

The past few weeks have kept me quiet busy adjusting to our schedule of classes. Unfortunately, unlike Mary I have not had exciting skating escapades and adventures (although I would have enjoyed them). Instead three out of five school days I get to wear scrubs because we have clinical, or lab. The one thing that is great about this is that three out of five days you do not have to decide what to wear! I will make a comment though, I do not know who thought it best to make nurses wear white scrub pants and colored tops, but it should be the opposite! The worst is to be walking around campus and see a nursing student - who must have gotten changed in the dark - wearing floral print underwear which I might add is VERY visible through white pants. At least with a white top you could wear another shirt underneath it, but you can not wear an added layer under pants. You would think that my logic made sense, but does anyone care obviously not.

Anyway, we spend the majority of our time wearing scrubs, and fortunately I love our instructor she is hilariously funny, and she loves to tell stories of nursing student flubs and interesting situations. She is very down to earth and relaxed which is great because then it is easier to feel like you can learn and make mistakes. The only think bad about clinical is that we have to get up at 5:30 am Thursday morning! Mary be glad this is not you....

Other than school I try to relax some, and just hang around the house. Oh, I am sooooooooo excited, because I am going to KC for spring break!!!!! My girls there are already planning, and we are going to have a blast I can't wait. I think that 3/4ths of my internship is still there, so there will be LOTS of hanging out, oh I miss them! That will allow me to work at home this summer, and reenact with MARY!!! Yeah!!!!!! I am so excited to see her! We will terrorize solders and spend lots of time complaining about the heat. Then we will watch Pirates of the Caribbean 2 together!!! Yeah!!! Come to think of it, I am pretty much excited about anything that doesn't relate to school...Yep, I guess at this point anything that can get me through 15 weeks of tests is exciting.

Well, that's all for now!


Jess said...

Darling! I am so excited to think about your coming home soon!!! Well...all right, it will still be months and months, rejoicing knows no bounds.

I do miss you, dear a character in a book I recently read for the 13th time said, "Je suis desolee, tres desolee, sans votre compagnie..." (AAAAHHHH! I can't type accents! It's driving me crazy!)

I can't wait to "terrorize soldiers" with you my dear. We are so good at that, aren't we? Tee hee! No wonder guys rarely come over to ask us to dance at the ball...*giggle*.

But complain about the heat?? ME?!?!?! You MUST be joking. I never complain. **angel eyes** (YEAH RIGHT! HAH! That's about all I ever do...)

And then we will go see POTC2!!!! HUZZAH! I am SO excited -- gonna go see a fun movie with my bestest friend...ah me, I am so blessed...!

Anyway, yes, I am so so so so glad I do not have to get up at 5.30 in the morning. I would be an absolute bear. Hey, just think of it as though you're going to wake up on "Mumford Time" every day! That's what we'll call early mornings from now on...Mumford Time. You know, like Mountain Time or Eastern Standard Time...

Your observations concerning floral print unmentionables and see-through white nursing scrubs are quite lucid and compellingly correct. Maybe in the future they will do away with scrubs altogether...we live in hope!

I am sorry you can't join me in my skating escapades and at the gym. I would love to have your company, my dear. It would make things so much easier and more fun...and besides you could protect me from the big macho guys at the gym...especially the giant bald tattooed ones. **shiver** HELP MEEEEEE!!!!!

*ahem* Oh well, anyway, I am so glad you have posted...I was beginning to worry about you. Just to let you know to expect a thank you note in the mail soon...I know you said not to send you one last time but this time I am going to...

Keep safe, my dear Clair, and know that you are constantly on my mind. Love you much -- see you soon...

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Mary I absolutely LOVE the idea of Mumford Time, at least that will help me to think positively. If only my cell phone ring had a bugle setting, and then we'd truely be authentic!

Perhapes this summer we can work out together, you know keep tabs on one another.

Also, I must inform you that you are in direct violation of the Jessica Friendship Code! There are to be NO thank you do you train people! *sigh* Well, thank you dear...

Jess said...

But, Clair, dearest, may I remind you that if there are to be no "thank yous" for gifts according to the Jessica Friendship Code, then you too have broken called me to say thank you for the gift I sent you! So it is only fair that I, who dislike the telephone, am allowed to express my thanks in the manner with which I am most comfortable. Yes? ;)

sfl, you know full well I was not intending to be risque. However, upon consideration I can understand how devious little minds with frunken shrontal lobes might have the dubious ability to deliberately misunderstand what those with un-frunken shrontal lobes say.

Of course, by that reasoning Keith I. must also have a frunken shrontal lobe...

Jess said...

Ooooo! I have always wanted to see a trephining operation...will you do that, sfl? That would be highly entertaining.

My ankle, by the way, is not gangrenous. After excessive debridement of febrile tissue and many applications of Carr's Carbolic Compound, my ankle is getting well again. Sorry to spoil your fun, but at least you can trephine Keith I.'s skull.

I have pictorial proof of someone surviving five such operations, so, Keith: fear not. You are in capable hands. And even if the dear old sfl does remove a little more brain matter than he had planned on, you have a competent future anesthesiologist waiting in the wings to give you more chloroform.

Reassuring, am I not?

Jess said...


If I had drunk phenol (carbolic acid), I think I would have already been dead. No, no, Carr's Carbolic Compound is for external use only.


ViNeYaRD WoRSHiP said...

Let it be known - if any imbibing inherent to the nursing (or blogging) profession need be mentioned - let it be that which is most medically beneficial.

Wine is far healthier, at least than potato-juice. Grape-juice (though tough to remove from scrubs) is better yet for clear thinking among such clear-thinking bloggers (especially those of the "minor"-ity, as regards imbibing at all).

Vineyards make good friends.

your friend "Vinnie"