Thursday, June 23, 2005


Well, I'm not at IHOP anymore. After graduation I drove home to spend eight weeks or so with the family before heading down to school. Although I am excited for the new season, I really miss IHOP and all my girls. I have not had too much time to be "homesick" for KC, because I've been getting ready to go back to school which has been crazy. In a couple weeks I have my first reenactment of the summer!! I missed the first two (b/c I was in KC), but I am soooooo excited to get some time camping in the great outdoors. Anyway, I'll try to keep posting as much as possible eventhough I'm busy, more talk later....

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Last Night

It it hard to believe that six months could past by so quickly, but here I am, and tomorrow we graduate. It still doesn't seem full real that we are all leaving. Although the apartment has been fully cleaned and it stands almost empty, and even though tonight is our last night in our apt. it still doesn't seem possible. Tomorrow we have graduation at 1:30pm and then after that Jen is leaving to start home, while the rest f us crash at Lindsay's new place. I can't really think of not having my best friends to giggle with before bed, we are so close that whenever one is missing we all feel so strange. Yeah, it seems crazy to think that I would miss everyone so much, but I will......

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Fun Week

I can not believe that at this time next week I'll be on my way home! We are heading into our last week of the internship which is affectionately called fun week because we mostly do a bunch of fun stuff as an internship. Today we went to a local park and had a cook-out before going swimming in the lake (I did not go swimming). Tomorrow we have a full day in the prayer room (which will be soooo good), and then we're going to watch a movie in the evening. Anyway, there's a whole bunch of fun stuff planned for this week, and yet it is so sad to see out apartment get taken down as we are all packing up.

I am excited to go home though, and our director told me that their old church Zion Fellowship has Harp & Bowl Friday nights, and I can hang out with the other Jessica from our internship who also goes to that church and will be home for the summer. Oh how I miss IHOP already, it seemed like such a short time ago that we were moving in on that freezing cold, snowy, icy day in January. Time flies!

Well, more later! Have a great night!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Two weeks...

Wow! Sorry that I have not posted in such a long time!

Things have been crazy around here, and it is so hard to imagine that we only have two weeks left!!! The seige ended well, and we were all sad to stop in a way. We'll still keep praying though! This past week we had a Song of Solomon intensive (Mon., Tue., & Wed.) which was soooo good. I can't wait to listen to the recordings again, because I know that I didn't absorb everything the first time. Then this week we have the Global Bridegroom Fast (Mon., Tue., & Wed.) - I'm not sure what I'm going to do, because although I want to go hard these last weeks, man I don't feel like fasting again... - And starting Thursday we have the Forerunner/End-Times Conference through Sunday (which we're working). The last week of the internship is fun week, where although we spend time in the prayer room we mainly have tons of fun (going different places).

This week and the next two are going to be so easy to slack in, because we're almost done. I want to finish well though, to go harder than before, so I won't look back with any regret. It is soooo hard to believe that two weeks from today we will be graduating! I'm going to miss everyone so bad! My roommates especially because we have so much fun together, and there is nothing like coming home and taking about Jesus. Thursday night we all were dancing around the livingroom doing the "Musical Song of Solomon". Jen was the Beloved, Leah the Lover, and Tiffany & me the friends/extra background sounds (Lindsay was gone). It was hillarious as we sang the SOS, mainly off key...hehehe....Yeah, it was one of the funniest things I've ever done. Then last night our air-conditioning wasn't working, so we were sleeping on the floor, and as we laid there we just talked about the man we all love, this Jesus who has changed all of our lives. Needless to say, although I'm excited to come home and see everyone I don't know what I'm going to dd without my girls...

Enough sadness for one day, I'm off to take Leah to sunbath. Ciao!!