Friday, March 31, 2006

Happy Birthday!!!

Yeah!!! Ok, so I'm almost 21, 1 hour and 53 minutes counting!!! It is very exciting, and for one of my presents I got an amazing little digital camera, so now I can bambard all your e-mails with annoying pictures of me doing strange and unusual things like brushing my teeth....Muhahahaha!!!! Lol!!! Ok, so I won't really bombard you, but I am very excited. Also, Jess # 1 sent me the best smelling lotion, sented water, soap, and lip balm...Hummm...Anyway, I'm going to watch the new Pride and Prejudce (don't worry I won't convert, the old will always be better!), then SLEEP :-)...Tomorrow I'm swamped, and I will get to hang out with my friends to eat cake and ice cream how fun I know. Acually this is a bad weekend to be busy because I have a MedSurg test on Monday, but oh well. I will study Saturday night maybe and Sunday. Ack, to many things to do not enough time. Ok, well I have to go more later. Sorry SFL that you had to wait so long I will post more soon.

Friday, March 17, 2006


Yeah! I am almost a couple hours away from Spring Break, and thought I would write to declair my excitement. As to the only two blog suggestions I recieved; first I don't think that my dear Mary would appreciate any reference to a future mate, and secondly, as much as I don't mind a story posting I am not sure that I have the mental ability to start one right now (you can help me). However, please feel free to make further suggestions. Anyway, I am trying to get through the last two classes of my day before I leave to see my wonderful sister and IHOP girls. Ahhh, the day drags on....I guess I should never wish away any moment, but it is really hard not to just skip class...Perhapes since there is only going to be ten or so people in class our instructors will let us out Well, I'm off to search the web and waste time till my second class.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Back Again

Hey all! It is only a couple days to Spring Break and I am about ready to die! PPPPLLLLEEAAASSSEEE let me LEAVE! It seems like Spring Semester will never end, because there are 10 weeks before our first break. I guess the only good thing is that after break we only have 5 weeks, YEAH!!! Perhapes I am looking forward to break because I have a nasty little sinus cold and have been sneezing like there is no tomorrow. Actually, now that I think about it it is kind of funny to think of me sneezing...

Well, new topic...humm, I'm trying to think of a new topic...yeah....lalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Nope, boring...Can't think of anything topic suggestions my faithful bloggers?