Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ode to Mom...

Just so you, my faithful commentors do not think that I spend all my time on UTube, I preface this blog with the explaination that the song I am about to share with you was actually showed to me by a friend, which I there by loved for reasons you will understand after listening to it.

Also, before my Ode I'll give you a little update. I have actually been sick for what feels like a month. At first I had a nasty cold two weeks ago, and then on monday I came down with Strep. Monday was also the day that I got a chunk of my leg out, and six stitches put in (it looks cool). The leg was due to a mole that the Dr. found and thought that it may lead to Melanoma cancer, thus he wanted to take my flesh...You know I am seriously contemplating starting a body scar collection, after all I get a new one about every year. Hey I could even get tatoos to go along with them describing the weird cirrcumstances surrounding the scar. Hummm......Well anyway, please excuse my lack of writing I will hopefully be up to speed soon.


Ode to Mom - The EBAY song...

Ode to Mom...

Just so you, my faithful commentors do not think that I spend all my time on UTube, I preface this blog with the explaination that the song I am about to share with you was actually showed to me by a friend, which I there by loved for reasons you will understand after listening to it.

Also, before my Ode I'll give you a little update. I have actually been sick for what feels like a month. At first I had a nasty cold two weeks ago, and then on monday I came down with Strep. Monday was also the day that I got a chunk of my leg out, and six stitches put in (it looks cool). The leg was due to a mole that the Dr. found and thought that it may lead to Melanoma cancer, thus he wanted to take my flesh...You know I am seriously contemplating starting a body scar collection, after all I get a new one about every year. Hey I could even get tatoos to go along with them describing the weird cirrcumstances surrounding the scar. Hummm......Well anyway, please excuse my lack of writing I will hopefully be up to speed soon.


Ode to Mom - The EBAY song...

Monday, October 09, 2006

White and

Ok, I know that my title probably has you raising those eyebrows, is skeptical amusement and question, but please bare with me. Yesterday, I was introduced to one of the funniest songs that I've heard in the longest time, so I have to share it with you. It is so you SFL, and totally reminded me of Audrey's "I was born a small black child" line. Anyway, I hope that you laugh for all you are worth, and please don't take it for more than its is only a song. Have fun, just follow the link! :-)