Saturday, November 25, 2006

Turkey Genocide

To all my fair Turkey lovers out there...still eating reminants of Turkey from two days ago, I beg you to turn your hardened hearts to the woeful calls of the million plus Turkeys killed within the past month. Here is what the newscast should read:

Thursday, November 24, 2006
Over one million turkeys were found slain this year. Their moist, buttered, and brown skin was roasted, fried, and baked across the country today. The people in the spirit of tradition turned a deaf ear to their cries; instead gracefully carved tender meat onto garnished trays beside cranberry sauce. Spokesman R.D. Quill from the Federation for the Liberation of Turkeys stated Wednesday morning. "The slaugher this year is unprecedented, and we call for Freedom to Turkeys across the world!" Unfortunately, the illustrious Mr. Quill was one of the many who fell during Thursday's events. A memorial to the fallen hero will take place next week sometime. And now, please stay tuned for an update on the "hunt for the Grinch".

As for me, I am enjoying my break from classes and early morning very much! It is hard to believe that in another three or so weeks Christmas break will be here!! Yea!!!! Alright, well I am off to do whatever I want to :-). Till next time...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hay Rides and Square Dances

Yea, so I know that you will all be overwhelmed by two blog postings within one day, but I can't help it; try to stablize yourselves please.

I had to post and tell you about my very fun night last night. I got an invite by a friend to go hang out with a Christian group of college kids, because they were putting on this big square dance and hayride. It was a blast, we hung out with about 80 kids and danced till we were exausted, and then we braved the cold to take a hayride. It was awesome because the sky was so clear that you could see every star, it was so beautiful. However, it was freezing and I think that my fingers were ice cubes by the time I got back (hehe). I seriously realized that I needed to get out a little, because this semester has been busy I really haven't hung out with anyone so I think that I needed it. Well, anyway that is my little summary of my night, it was so much fun! :-)

Debates With the T's....

Good afternoon my faithful commentors! How goes it in your unique, individual, worlds?

Well this week, I was reminded that I have failed for far to long to introduce you to some friends of mine - pardon a' me (my French is atrocious). Without adu meet the T's; Mr. and Mrs. and their four little ones. Yes, they are my favorite Landlords, and my family away from home. The T's have been absent from my humble internet abode, however my fabulous blog topic this time around would not be complete without the recognition that the T's spawned (hehe - SFL, its your favorite word) this topic. Thus, everyone say hello to the T's!

As for the topic which you have all been so patiently waiting for, I expect some excellent dialoge.

Mr. T informed me the other night that it is very unAmerican to not have a Christmas Tree at Christmas. Now, my question to him was why the Christmas Tree? And why is the Christmas Tree "American"? Why not Stockings, Eggnog, or Snow? After all, is Christmas another cultural holiday or does it mean something else? I am sure that there are plenty of stories about the history of Christmas, and to me they may or may not be true. However, if Christmas truely is a "pagan" holiday like Halloween should we treat it the same way? Should we not celebrate it, and celebrate Hanika instead? Hummm, any ideas commentors, or shall Mr. T remain uncontested?

Monday, November 06, 2006

My Future

That sounds like such a large monumental concept does it not? "THE FUTURE". After all, think about your future; the hopes, dreams, and possibilities that at times seem so unclear, and at other times seem to lead us in a straight line. I know that this sounds appears to be quiet theoretical, but as I am gaining more life experience I am beginning to understand the absolute trust we must have in the Lord. Little 'ol me has all these plans, where, when, and how my life is going to work...when in reality I cannot make one thing happen on my own, without the Lord. This leads me to think how ironic it is that for all the plans I make and could never put into action; I get so offended at the Lord when he changes those plans. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with plans, goals, and great ideas; instead I think that for me I just need the reminder to always trust that the Lord knows those good plans that He has for me, and if I follow Him, and keep a heart tender to His leading I will live in a way that pleases the Lord, and ultimately will satisfy my heart.

Ahh, I love a good contemplative moment...:-)...As for life, I am actually in the midst of deciding where I might go upon graduation. I tell ya' there are so many choices! My friends at school are determined to keep me here, my family and friends at home (ie. Jess #1, parental guidences, and Heather) will kill me if I don't move back home ;-), and I have job offers and opportunities from across the country. I hate, this is true, whatever decision I make doesn't have to be perminant, and will only open other doors for me. Anyway, I got to go to a very fun conference on Saturday, and see my MUMMY!!!!!! Yeah!!!!! We had a blast, and got to listen to hours of info relating to nursing and jobs, etc. I find it quite entertaining to see a couple hundred nurses and nursing students interacting. I think that my favorite part of the conference was when this one nurse was answering a question about why there is not some way to make IV ports unique to the tubing so that nurses can't make mistakes and put something like Ensure into an IV line instead of a gastric tube where it should be...because this has happened. The nurse replied with, "actually the two different tubes don't fit on the IV port...however nurses are known for their creativity and if something doesn't work they WILL find a way." Nurses are so use to having to work with things that don't work, having to be creative, and having to think out side the box, that sometimes its to our the death of whoever we put Ensure in their veins...cough! Anyway, it was funny to think of how creativity can sometimes be a negative, and the nurse reminded us, "if something doesn't work or fit right, before you MAKE it work you should first check to make sure that it SHOULD work". Ah, such a simple idea, and yet at times how we

Well, I apologize for the delay of a recent posting, and for the length of this one. Enjoy, and comment well! :-)