Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Vampire Anyone?

I know that I don't really do the whole Halloween thing...however, were I to I think that I would have to be a little furry vampire bat. Hehe, because that is how I feel with my night schedule. The only thing different is that I don't hang upside down to sleep. Oh - and I don't drink blood of any sort, lol.

On another note, I am rather short on sleep. I got called into work half a shift on Satuday, then worked Sunday and Monday nights, then an hour after I got off work Tuesday morning I had to go to PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) class till 5pm, and then class again all day Wednesday. Needless to say I was up for about 27 hours straight before I got any sleep. However - I passed my PALS class - YEAH!! On about 5 hours of sleep, so kudos to me. PALS was fun though, its where we practice assessing and treating life threatening situations (i.e. cardiac arrest, shock, etc). Anyway, its good to have done and the certification lasts 2 years.

Weeee, well I am off to get some much needed rest, but I'll try to write a little more soon ;-)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Life Upside Down

Hmmm, I don't think that my body knows what side is up; I'm hungry at all the wrong times, but otherwise I am finding that staying up all night and sleeping through the morning and early afternoon is quite easy actually. I suppose the hardest part is feeling disconnected from people seeing as I can't really call anyone during the night, and most people are not game for a social event at 3 in the morning. However, I LOVE working nights. It is busy and crazy at times, but the amount of people (ie doctors, family, misc hospital staff) is limited so my patient care is so much more focused. It is fabulous! The girls I work with are outstanding, fun, and over all we have a great time. How funny to think that this was not the most appealing job offer I got, nor is it the greatest hospital ever, but I don't think I could love my job more; and that speaks to me louder than any pay check that I am in the right spot for now. Who knows where we'll go or what we'll do, but imagine the great big world out there!!!! God created so much, and we're in control of so little - why not get out there and see what inspires you ;-) you might be suprised. Take my advise - if its your time to die there is no way to stop it, so be wise, but seize the moment, do something spontaniously, push the edge and see where it takes you! At 5:30 am I am not sure that whatever I just wrote makes any sense haha, but cheers anyway! I'm off to watch a movie and read a book before some sleep ;-). Happy commenting.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fall At Last!

Yes, Fall is here! I love Fall - I love the temperature, the activities, the smells, and the holidays!! Today it really started feeling cool, as the temperature dropped to around 55 degrees. This finally means that I can open my windows and enjoy being cold for once. The cold weather also means...APPLE PICKING! Mmmm, who doesn't love to go apple picking on a cool Fall day, come home and make apple pie or homemade apple-sauce? I will post some pictures when we go ;-). We are also planning a fun hayride because they are just fun! That said - you, my faithful commentors will have to post tales of your favorite fall adventures!
As for work, I am switching to my full time schedule on Sunday where I will be working night shift (7-7) for at least the next year. Therefore, I will have too rules: 1) If you can't sleep you can always call. 2) If you call me before 2pm...I will kill you. We will see how it goes, I may be a bit tired for the first couple months.
I appologize that this post is not exactly poetic, or in anyway entertaining....however, it is a post! At some later day I will attempt to appeal to your creative sides ;-)