Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fall At Last!

Yes, Fall is here! I love Fall - I love the temperature, the activities, the smells, and the holidays!! Today it really started feeling cool, as the temperature dropped to around 55 degrees. This finally means that I can open my windows and enjoy being cold for once. The cold weather also means...APPLE PICKING! Mmmm, who doesn't love to go apple picking on a cool Fall day, come home and make apple pie or homemade apple-sauce? I will post some pictures when we go ;-). We are also planning a fun hayride because they are just fun! That said - you, my faithful commentors will have to post tales of your favorite fall adventures!
As for work, I am switching to my full time schedule on Sunday where I will be working night shift (7-7) for at least the next year. Therefore, I will have too rules: 1) If you can't sleep you can always call. 2) If you call me before 2pm...I will kill you. We will see how it goes, I may be a bit tired for the first couple months.
I appologize that this post is not exactly poetic, or in anyway entertaining....however, it is a post! At some later day I will attempt to appeal to your creative sides ;-)

1 comment:

sfl said...

It looks beautiful there Clair.

Yes, I'm sure Girtha is also glad for the cooling weather.

Who is the "we" that is planning a hayride?

My favorite fall adventure? Hmmmmmmm...............

We love you and hope your new schedule suits you.

love, sfl