Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Mr. Morris!

Born in 1791, Samuel F.B. Morris was the founder of the Morris Code, and Telegraph which later went on to be the foundation from which our current day phone system is based. Yeah for Google...I am not original at all, and I'm okay with it. That said, today when you enjoy your cell phone, land line, or even email be grateful for a painter from Massachusetts with a good brain for dots and dashes.

Hmm, yeah I think that whole thing stemmed from me attempting to stay awake at work. Perhaps it stemmed from the fact that one of my babies is screaming for the umpteenth time because she spit her passe on the floor...I haven't decided what to blame it on yet. Just be glad you got Morris Code and not a dialogue on Blood Gas Interperitation....sigh...I want my bed...

Saturday, April 25, 2009


We'll start off with a scrumptious picture of my quiche from yesterday, and it's still fabulous....Oh yes, those are mushrooms that you see! One of my favorite discoveries with this recipe is that you don't have to make quiches have crust. I'm not the worlds biggest crust fan, so with this I made a crust for the bottom of the pan, but didn't put any on the sides. It worked great, and even when cutting it there was no falling apart disaster. You can totally go crustless my friends!!! Just saying. Now you can go pantless, shirtless, and crustless, hehe, yummm.

On to my new plants for my front porch. Aren't they cute? Good news, the pot in the back still looks great. The Silvia LOVES it there, and has grown big. One of the Gerber Daisies has done great, while the other one has stayed green but the blooms have shriveled. I don't know, maybe the one Gerber is jealous of the other...I'll have to give them a talking too.

I should be taking a nap now, but I'm not really tired. This I will regret if I get called into work tonight. Lets just pray that I don't get called in.

I have done great this week switching over to day shift, and I'm quite proud of myself. Sure there are days that are better than others, but hey I'm just sticking to one day at a time. Ohhhh, I knew there was something else I was going to tell you! So I just finished reading Tending Roses by Lisa Wingate, and I'd definitely recommend it. It is a book about discovering the important things in life. I ran across it by accident when someone left it at work for several days, and I started reading it.

Wow, I think I have the most eclectic posts ever. Can you stand the randomness?! Hehe, hope so ;-).

One last thing.

They say that one of the strongest ties to memories are smells, and the past couple of days I have realized how true that is. I've been enjoying our 80 degree weather by spending time rocking on the porch. I forgot how nice it was to just sit and enjoy. It smells like summer, it smells like those weeks of summer camp, of shindigs with friends in the backyard, of hard work, and of grass. Hope you're enjoying the start of summer too!
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Friday, April 24, 2009

Sunny Day!

I hope that most of you have been enjoying the wonderful change in weather that the Southeast and Northeast have been experiencing. I've spent the majority of the day sitting on the front porch reading my book, rocking in my chair, and enjoying the breeze. Part of my craving for some fresh air maaaaay have to do with the fact that the toaster almost caught fire this morning. Lets just say that the house smelled like burnt toast, and I threw the toaster out...To rid my house of nasty burnt smell I made quiche. It worked! My house now smells like onions, cheese, and tastiness!! Try not to be to jealous ;-).

I also found some cute flower pots to hang from the porch. I guess I went a little bland with white flowers, but they are very pretty, and I'll take some pictures to show. If I had my way I'd live in the garden store, hehe. If flowers took care of themselves, and weeds didn't exist then life would be perfect.

I should vacuum my floors, but we'll see how that goes. I want to be like the cat and curl up in the sun for a nap. In a bit I'll take a nice walk, yeah for a beautiful evening!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Opera..and Crab...

I'm sure that this blog is testimony to the fact that I am strange, although I do come by it genetically look at the parental units. I was again reminded of this fact tonight. I love opera, I mainly love opera in any language but English surprisingly enough. I don't need to know what they are saying, and the English operas that I have heard are not nearly as beautiful to listen too as ones in a foreign tongue. I wish sometimes that I have gone to see some, but thank goodness for PBS who will broadcast them at 2am when I'm at work looking for something to listen to. Unfortunately, I have gotten some weird stares, and several comments along the lines of "WHAT are you listening to?" or "is that what I think that is?". I personally think that the more culture, beauty, music, and diversity you can introduce into your life the more well rounded and educated you will be. Lets face it I could watch some infomercial or a show about unsolved murders at 2am (can I shudder now?), oooor I could watch the opera...hmmm. Don't get me wrong, I love numerous mindless and meaningless shows; this is my way of sprinkling my life with some culture the same way some people sprinkle fiber supplements on cereal.

Speaking of shows, I hope everyone had time to catch the season premier of The Deadliest Catch on Discovery Channel. I know, I know - some people don't get the whole excitement of catching crab in the Bering Sea. I however, am an avid fan. Its more about the boats and crew than the crab...well okay its all about the crab, but it's the crews that make the show interesting. Just saying! I'm sure you all have much more interesting shows that you watch or listen to; you'll have to fill me in ;-). It's going to be hard to beat cold, wet, sleep deprived sailors though on the scale of all things interesting to watch. I personally think that we should have a running side bet for who will catch the most crab this season...I'm going for the Time Bandit...or the CorneliaMarie (she is kinda a personal favorite) many good ships, only one can win!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

My Pride and Joy

Don't tell me if you don't like it, because I won't listen! This is my brand new flower pot, and flowers.

Aweeeee, so pretty! Doesn't it make you just want to go to the garden store?

I have my Gerber Daisies, Saliva, and Asparagus ferns.

Now all I have to do is protect them from some cold nights until summer is really underway. I'm going to get some hanging flowers for the front porch eventually too.

I also spent today trimming all the bushes in the front, and picking up sticks in the backyard. It was definitely a good work out, and my arms are so sore!!

Go be inspired! Find a plant to nurture this summer ;-) I promise it will brighten your day!!

P.S. Like my new found picture overload? Hehe.
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Monday, April 06, 2009

Mud Bath Anyone?

I finally found how to import my pictures from Picasa onto here, so expect picture overload!! ;-) Okay, so here is me after almost face planting into the mud. We were hiking down this trail, and my friend was trying to stay out of the mud, while yours truly was assuring her that it was not THAT muddy. The next second I went flying. My one hand saved me from a serious total body wipe out. My poor foot though - I had mud all under my toenails!! I don't mind the mud, but I'm not a huge fan of dirt under the nails. I washed off in the nearest creek, which made my friend laugh hysterically. At least I know that if nothing else my life brings joy to at least one other soul. Although after she told me that she hadn't read my blog in almost two years I almost had to break off our friendship...well, not really, but I figured if I threatened her she might read it was totally worth the effort.

On a side note, we went shopping at one of the malls today (/e shudders at the thought of shopping). Nevertheless, the one thing I did enjoy about the mall was the department stores. When I am twenty-eight I am going to register. I want to pick out china, and housewares, and decorations, and a beautiful new bedspread. I want to have cute stuff, and to decorate my house. Oh well, one of these days ;-), that or I'll volunteer to remodel the loony-bin house!
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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Fun in the sun!

Sooooo, I think I may have found my alternate Pemberly. Oh Mr Darcy, we love ya! Now I'm ready for a Pride and Prejudice marathon.

Anyway, this is the Cheekwood Botanical Gardens; one hundred acres of beauty. My picture is of the original house that the Cheekwood family built and lived in prior to the property being donated as a garden. The house now is home to a museum, including some 800 piece collection if silverware, and some amazing flowers made out of crystals and fine stones.

A friend of mine from school is up to visit, so we've been having some fun going all over. I almost face planted in the mud, but was able to gracefully save face and ended with only my hand and foot completely covered in mud...I'll have to remember to post a picture...
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