We'll start off with a scrumptious picture of my quiche from yesterday, and it's still fabulous....Oh yes, those are mushrooms that you see! One of my favorite discoveries with this recipe is that you don't have to make quiches have crust. I'm not the worlds biggest crust fan, so with this I made a crust for the bottom of the pan, but didn't put any on the sides. It worked great, and even when cutting it there was no falling apart disaster. You can totally go crustless my friends!!! Just saying. Now you can go pantless, shirtless, and crustless, hehe, yummm.
On to my new plants for my front porch. Aren't they cute? Good news, the pot in the back still looks great. The Silvia LOVES it there, and has grown big. One of the Gerber Daisies has done great, while the other one has stayed green but the blooms have shriveled. I don't know, maybe the one Gerber is jealous of the other...I'll have to give them a talking too.
I should be taking a nap now, but I'm not really tired. This I will regret if I get called into work tonight. Lets just pray that I don't get called in.
I have done great this week switching over to day shift, and I'm quite proud of myself. Sure there are days that are better than others, but hey I'm just sticking to one day at a time. Ohhhh, I knew there was something else I was going to tell you! So I just finished reading Tending Roses by Lisa Wingate, and I'd definitely recommend it. It is a book about discovering the important things in life. I ran across it by accident when someone left it at work for several days, and I started reading it.
Wow, I think I have the most eclectic posts ever. Can you stand the randomness?! Hehe, hope so ;-).
One last thing.
They say that one of the strongest ties to memories are smells, and the past couple of days I have realized how true that is. I've been enjoying our 80 degree weather by spending time rocking on the porch. I forgot how nice it was to just sit and enjoy. It smells like summer, it smells like those weeks of summer camp, of shindigs with friends in the backyard, of hard work, and of grass. Hope you're enjoying the start of summer too!
1 comment:
Dear Jess,
You are so sweet to comment on my blog when I haven't written there in...how many months has it been, anyway? Goodness! I'm glad to be back, though. I have so enjoyed reading over your blog entries. I love your randomness! I will update again soon, and in the meantime keep reading and commenting. I still have not found a present I like for your birthday (I have been searching and searching, but so far have come up blank). I just want to find something that screams, "BUY ME FOR JESS!!" Haha! Anyway, I made a fire and baked biscuits and cornbread using the dutch oven the other day...Heather and her brothers were over and we all had so much fun. We missed you though. We were wishing you could have been there. Maybe sometime soon! Well, I have to go! Oh, by the way, have you seen the movie "Faith Like Potatoes"? I think you would like it. It made me cry so it might make you cry too...but it was awesome. Well dear, I will talk to you soon! Lots of love and hugs!!! :)
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