Don't tell me if you don't like it, because I won't listen! This is my brand new flower pot, and flowers.
Aweeeee, so pretty! Doesn't it make you just want to go to the garden store?
I have my Gerber Daisies, Saliva, and Asparagus ferns.
Now all I have to do is protect them from some cold nights until summer is really underway. I'm going to get some hanging flowers for the front porch eventually too.
I also spent today trimming all the bushes in the front, and picking up sticks in the backyard. It was definitely a good work out, and my arms are so sore!!
Go be inspired! Find a plant to nurture this summer ;-) I promise it will brighten your day!!
P.S. Like my new found picture overload? Hehe.
well it is beautiful. although spit is not actually a flower, or plant for that matter. at least not until some form of fungus, mold, or the like grows from the spittle. but who quibbling when there is such a nice arrangement.
it's wonderful to hear you are becoming a green thumb just like dear old WOT. she is quite the gardener to be sure.
i've watered many a plant in my day. so i've done my part to make a greenier, more fertilized world.
Very pretty. I love asparagus ferns. Now the trick will be keeping it alive (at least that would be a trick for me.)
So post a photo of it in a month- so we can watch it grow.
Happy Spring!
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