Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Broken Window...

It started out as one of the most daring and well-planned pranks ever done in this internship...

It all started in response to several bouts of water ballons from the G-Plex (one of the boys apt., holds 16 guys), where by our Comm. group decided to play our own prank on the boys when they'd least expect it. We came up with the fabulous idea of going into the boy's apt. and stealing all their toiletries which then would be held at ransom. This idea then evolved into unscrewing all their lightbulbs, and placing Peeps (sorry Mom, they went for a good cause!) outside their doors with a "You've Been Peeped" sign attached. Once the plan was made all that was left was to wait for the perfect opportunity, and implement it.

This brings us to last night...It was the perfect chance! On Friday nights we have EGS Services, and that would assure us that all the boys were gone from the apt., thus giving us a window of opportunity. I'll lay out the timing for you.

6:40 pm - All seven of us pile into me and Tiffany's cars, and head to EGS to check into to service at the regular 10 minute early mark. We then hang around there till all the interns have checked in.

7:15 pm - Loaded with tons of plastic bags we slowly sneek out of service un-noticed, and head to the cars. On the way to the apt. we call the boy's house phones three times to make sure that no one is there.

7:20 pm - We arrive and race up to the first half of the duplex apartments; their side door was wide open. Entering we rush to clear out the three/four bathrooms, unscrew the lights, and place Peeps outside the door. In the mean while Jen goes to find a way into the second half of the Duplex. All the doors to the second apt. are locked, but Jen finds that the front window is unlocked and off the runners; so in she goes. While Jen and I get started on the second apt. the other girls take the first load of bags to Tiffany's trunk. Soon the second apt. is finished as well, and we carry those bags to my trunk. Every one but Jen scrambles to the cars, while we wait for her to climb back through the window.

7:50 pm - Mission accomplished! In a half-hour we had successfully raided the boy's apt. without an accident. Oh, perhaps I should now mention that the wind yesterday was gusting up to 30 mph, you'll see why that is important in a second. As we are pulling away Leah sees that the window Jen had just climbed through had blown back into the house, so she runs to put it back in again.

8:00 pm - The look on Leah's face told all; the worst possible thing had happened. Since the window was off the runners, the wind had blown it inside and it was shattered to a million pieces on the floor. We didn't know what to do, the unthinkable had happened! Afraid of someone breaking in, Tiffany and Lindsay stay with her car to guard the apt. while we run to Lows to see if we can get a new window.

8:30 pm - Lows has no windows that are not custom ordered, and he's "not sure that he could get the same brand anyway", if he could is would take at least 21 days. This leaves us in a pickle, so we run to Walmart to buy a cardboard box & ducktape to at least temp. fix the window.

9:00 pm - We get back to the house; the girls had picked up all the glass, and after putting the broken window back in we taped the cardboard to it, so rain didn't get in. We would have to get Housing to order a new window that we would pay for. Oh, and since the joke really wasn't funny anymore, we left all their stuff in bags on the floor. It would be a big enough pain to sort it all out anyway...

9:30 pm - Katty (Comm. Leader) thinks that all this is hillarious, and can't stop laughing which is a good sign. Since we missed all of EGS we just go to the prayer room for the 10-12, wondering when we were going to die for our deeds.

12:00 am -We now know that the guys know, because they are circling like sharks. How we wished for the clock to slow down!! However, midnight came soon enough, and we started for the cars. The next thing we see is Tiffany's car completely moved (like this : / ), and seran-wrapped with peanut-butter and honey. We thought that it would be worse, and all we could do was laugh. My car was not touched, thank you Jesus! So, we left Tiffany's car till morning and went home where there was a 2x4 screwed across our door. We could still get in, and the whole thing was soooo funny.

1:00 am - The boys did nothing else, and we all collapsed into bed.

So, that is our adventurous story, and hopeful the window will get repaired soon! Anyway, since it's late I should go to bed. Sorry for the insanely long post, but come-on, it was a GREAT story!! Hehe!! Alright, night all!!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Carrots anyone?

We're on the home stretch now in a sense, because we only have till Friday on our 21 day Daniel Fast. Hehehe, yeah I have become pretty good at making some FILLING veggie-meals, because the bad part about a Daniel fast is that you're always hungry. However, everyone agrees that I make the BEST split pea soup ever (even Leah who hates split pea soup!), and last night I made Black Bean soup and it was pretty yummy. Overall the fast has been really good, but as usual it has been a pretty barren time. It is worth it though, to know that however imature I am in God, that these 21 days have moved MY heart closer towards the Lords'.

Anyway, now comes the decision about what/whether to fast this months' Global Bridegroom fast. It is soooooo tempting to go haywire and eat the entire GBF, but we have the 21 Day Silent Siege Fast coming up on May 7th, and I'd rather keep fasting than throw my body off completely....we'll see...*lol*. Yeah, so the next 21 day fast is going to be sooooooooooooooo intense!!!! We'll be having our regular schedule except that we'll be going to stand in front of the Foxhill Abortion Clinic in KC, Kansas with red tape over our mouths and the word LIFE written on the tape. Then we'll go to the 4-6 intercession meeting, and go to whatever classes we have at night, before falling into bed. All this done on no food...Yeah....intense...So, keep us in your prayers that we don't end up in jail or physically hurt. As far as I know the police are completely on board with us which is cool, but we were talking today about the fact that people could be killed! Especially in the future as Christians receive even less protection from the law, and I was thinking about how weird it would be if this was our last couple weeks on the earth. I'm not trying to freek anyone out by saying were going to die, because I believe that God does have His hand of protection over us, but nevertheless I realized that although I say that I would die for Jesus it literally scared me to think about that becoming a possible reality. Yesterday some friends of ours (the Bennetts and others) got back from their mission trip to Alaska where they were doing the some LIFE statement, and their stories are unreal. On the way back home (of course the protest was all over the papers/news) they were treated as a high risk security threat! The airport changed flights around them, had them watched, made them all go through the security checks that are suppose to be random, outright refused to give them any justification for the prevous, etc. It was crazy! Oh well, I'm not paranoid or anything, because God is good and whatever happens is in His plan. Actually, I'm kind of excited about the whole thing.

Yeah, so this has been a long post, but I just kept rambling...sorry! *lol* I hope that you all are doing well, and I'll try to post again soon (you know what that means! ;-)) Also, please don't worry about me I'll be careful, and take my muli-vitamin! hehe - Dad- hehe...I'll post later!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

For anyone who reads my posts....

Which I understand may not be many, I thought that I'd update you on my life. I haven't posted recently because we were really busy with our Israel Mandate Conference which was GREAT! However, it was exausting because we helped run the event so we all got around 12 hours of extra work on the weekend. Tracie (our director) was great though, and made this weeks Comm Class a manditory "Nap Time", took everyone out for dinner, and canceled that night's class. It was great to relax a bit since we didn't have last week's Thursday off as usual.

As most of you knew, our Comm Group was starting a three week Daniel fast (fruits and veggies) the 8th of April, so we are almost a week into that, and it is going well. It has taking a little getting use to with having to watch sugar, flour, and meat intake, but I'm settling in and don't really mind it. Then after we're done with that fast, the Mission Base (all of IHOP) is going on a 21 day "Silent Siege Fast" against abortion. During that time we're going to be spending a lot of time outside an abortion clinic in Kansas City, Kansas (about 15 min. away), with red tape over our mouths and the word life written across it. It will be very similar to what Lou Engel (spelling?) is doing with the Call in D.C. That said, we are going to be fasting (in some form) for a very looonnnggg time. As with every fast we don't have to fast at all, and I'm not sure yet how I'm going to fast, but we'll see....

Also, we've just started Tracks this week. Tracks are special areas of focus that we get to take an eight week class in. I'm taking four different tracks, and so now everyone's schedule has changed a bit since we get to make some of our own schedule. We all still go to the prayer room 24 hours a week, but only 12 of those hours are planned for us. The rest of the hours we plan around individual schedules based on work assignments, tracks, previous classes (i.e. End Times), and personal preference (i.e. morning or night person...). Anyway, I'm excited, and I'll try to update soon on how they are all going.

Well, I hope that you feel caught up on my life. Things are always busy and tiring, but good. I miss everyone at home, and I can't wait to see you all this summer!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yeah, so I probably should have posted yesterday when it was actually my birthday, but I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance too. On Thursday, my fabulous Comm. group spent the whole day on me. We did nails and face masks in the morning, took me shopping for five hours (we must find the perfect outfit!), went out for dinner (yum!), then finished the day with a visit to a bonfire and cake at the apt. Needless to say, the day was amazing, and I felt so spoiled. Then yesterday I continued to feel special as I spent most of my birthday with Jesus. He was so good, and I enjoyed the entire day spent in His presence. Whew!

Another piece of news is that Global Bridegroom Fast starts Monday-Wen. then it's Tiffany's birthday (my roomy) before we start a three week Daniel Fast (fruits & veggies) on Friday. I'm soooooooo excited about the Daniel Fast!! Anyway, I'm exhausted so although I hate to cut the post short I am going to say adu (I don't know how to spell that....:P)).