Sunday, January 30, 2011

Indian Summer in January?

Dear Father Winter,

Has Mother Nature wrapped you around her pinkie? What is the temperature doing in the 60s when February is a week away? Not that I mind or anything, it's just that I'd rather have the snow back. Thank you!



On a totally separate note. This is Torque's new cart!! It is almost finished, and will be fun to use. He can't start pulling it until this summer when he is 18mo, and his bones have finished growing. I'm hoping to get some pictures of him standing with it soon.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Making Ourselves Known

Obedience class went mostly well. After his tail knocked over a whole section of ring divider (it's a short wooden expandable x fencing), he jumped on a little husky dog to play while I was fixing the fence earning a nasty glare from the owner, and decided to pitch a little but loud barking argument while the instructor was welcoming us (at least that got a couple of chuckles and a "any questions" comment).

Then he mostly settled down. It didn't help that it had rained all day, so I didn't get him good and worn out before class. Anyways, we're definitely the biggest dog in the class, with a Doberman in close second. Which is always hard because people don't understand that he's still a puppy, so he really should get a little le-way. The assistant to the class was cracking up when she brought Torque back from the "out of sight" part, because he had spent the entire 3 minutes away from me trying to play with her (they aren't allowed to do more than pet their head for the CGC test). He is a nut.

It will be interesting to see if I survive the class - haha, we may be repeating it. Actually I think he'll do well, it will be a great learning opportunity for him and me! More updates later!!

Mmm, on a quick side note - if you never went to check out the Atlanta IHOP podcast on the Glory of Marriage I would encourage it. It's great weather or not you're married, it's not the normal sermon on marriage. Check it out!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oh snow, where art thou!

Now that all our snow has melted I thought that I'd take a walk down memory lane. I was thinking about singing a dirge relating to my sorrow at the loss of our snow, but that did seem slightly over kill. Alas.

Our first level 2 obedience dog class is tonight. I'm sure I'll make a posting about how we were the most disobedient pair there. More will come on this.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Marriage isn't just for the married

This the first part to a marriage series by Billy Humphrey at the Atlanta House of Prayer. It's great!! I recommend it - and if it won't play on here than go to


Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

I think one of my favorite things about getting snow in the South is watching how people act in it and about it. That and because it shuts everything down it is like a holiday!! The dogs are loving it! Torque and Daisy play some, Torque is still obsessed which can be annoying, but it's a good training opportunity.

Hearing some chaos outside the house I went to look out the window, and both my neighbors and I got to watch a man in a big truck slide sideways down the hill in front of the house. I think he was trying to go up the hill, and hit some ice. Stupid people - if they tried not to spin their wheels they would do better; but instead they spin ice patches into the snow covered streets...thanks...a lot.

I wish that we did have plows, because I would love to go with Julia and go hiking with the dogs at the farm, but since there are so many hills by us it could be a bad idea...I don't really feel like getting stranded. I'll try to post more!!!

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Something To Save My Sanity

And Then There Were Two...

More appropriately titled; And Then She Lost Her Mind.

This is Daisy. Torque thinks Daisy is a new toy that runs, hides, plays, and smells AMAZING. Yes, Daisy is spayed. Yes, Torque is a butt head.

I have a blister on my hand now. Why? Might you ask. By the way, thanks for asking...a mother's pain just needs to be recognized now and then *pause for emotional crying moment*. Oh. Right. Blister. Torque spent all after noon bouncing, and jumping, and generally trying to get to Daisy. While I spent all afternoon holding Torque's leash. Use your imagination.

Torque loves other dogs, I'm starting to think to much. I'm going to brainstorm with Julia tomorrow when we go hiking in the morning before Yoga. I neeeeeeed yoga. Torque makes me need yoga. WOT says I sound like a mother. I think that I agreed with her when I threatened to ground the dog. I am starting to think that I really do need to just get married and have a bunch of kids to yell at, I will feel more legitimized then.

There will be more pictures and stories later I'm sure. Daisy is here for a week. Heaven save us all....

P.S. This is not a perminant eddition - I'm dog sitting.