Sunday, June 05, 2005

Two weeks...

Wow! Sorry that I have not posted in such a long time!

Things have been crazy around here, and it is so hard to imagine that we only have two weeks left!!! The seige ended well, and we were all sad to stop in a way. We'll still keep praying though! This past week we had a Song of Solomon intensive (Mon., Tue., & Wed.) which was soooo good. I can't wait to listen to the recordings again, because I know that I didn't absorb everything the first time. Then this week we have the Global Bridegroom Fast (Mon., Tue., & Wed.) - I'm not sure what I'm going to do, because although I want to go hard these last weeks, man I don't feel like fasting again... - And starting Thursday we have the Forerunner/End-Times Conference through Sunday (which we're working). The last week of the internship is fun week, where although we spend time in the prayer room we mainly have tons of fun (going different places).

This week and the next two are going to be so easy to slack in, because we're almost done. I want to finish well though, to go harder than before, so I won't look back with any regret. It is soooo hard to believe that two weeks from today we will be graduating! I'm going to miss everyone so bad! My roommates especially because we have so much fun together, and there is nothing like coming home and taking about Jesus. Thursday night we all were dancing around the livingroom doing the "Musical Song of Solomon". Jen was the Beloved, Leah the Lover, and Tiffany & me the friends/extra background sounds (Lindsay was gone). It was hillarious as we sang the SOS, mainly off key...hehehe....Yeah, it was one of the funniest things I've ever done. Then last night our air-conditioning wasn't working, so we were sleeping on the floor, and as we laid there we just talked about the man we all love, this Jesus who has changed all of our lives. Needless to say, although I'm excited to come home and see everyone I don't know what I'm going to dd without my girls...

Enough sadness for one day, I'm off to take Leah to sunbath. Ciao!!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Jess!!! Hey! I miss you! I meant to call you today but I had to play violin at a church with some friends and just forgot of course. LOL! Silly me. Did you get the pictures I sent you from Letchworth? I mean, the pics OF Letchworth? If not I will try sending them again. I sent them once and it gave me a message that something wasn't sent...but I don't know what it was. So anyway. Sounds like you're having a marvelous time with your roomies. Wish I could be there to sing along with you! Of course, I don't know the words to the song, but that's never stopped me before! Oh hey, BTW, I made a little website. It's I posted a link to my blog and yours on there...I hope that's OK. If you don't want your blog linked to there, just tell me and I'll take it off. K? Oh, yeah, and India Mackenzie is just another one of my aliases. I love confusing people with all my alternate names. What's that you say? You think I'm living in an alternate REALITY? Oh. Well, you're probably right...anyway, gotta go -- love you -- see you soon -- bye -- I think I have enough dashes in here now, don't you? :)