Monday, April 18, 2011

Philosophy and Plants

What lessons might you ask can one learn from a bean plant?
If you continue to grow you can reach the sky.

Or mayhap a developing pea plant? What great wisdom does it contain?
Although it may look like you only have one pod, inside are multiple opportunities to plant.

Another lesson? Don't judge potential from humble beginnings and small starts.

Okay, okay, enough with the mushy gushy crap - on to the supporting cast of Clair's circus. I felt that due to their limited camera time in the past they deserved a little notice.

Hi wittle Gack! Aw, he comes when called!

Polly, the Diva; come on now she kinda deserves it after all she has to put up with the boys each day. Poor girl

Lastly, but definitely not least (he won't let you forget it) is the Beast. Who the neighbor kids love. I'm pretty sure that when he gets his cart I could buy a house off of tips from cart rides.


Anonymous said...

oh how i miss gack!

and torque is looking quite mature and almost majestic in that shot. he's becoming quite the boy!

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Gack is a great kitty! You should come visit him - he'll meow at you!

Majestic? Mature? Surely you jest! Perhaps in pictures alone, because definately not in reality.

Caris said...

Wow Torque is a grown-up puppy now! haha. He's so majestic and beautiful. I love your blog, "Clair." Looks like you're up to some great stuff! Miss you! :)

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Aw, thanks darling! He is all brawn and no brain right now - we're working on it. I'm glad you still check it out here!! Hope you're doing well!