Friday, May 15, 2009

Oh to See the Light!

Well, today was my first official day shift, and it was fabulous!! Aside from the fact that I missed the second hour of Gray's Anatomy (which I haven't been keeping up with anyways, but which my sister forced me to watch) it was actually nice to go to bed as normal, and work the day away. I almost feel as if it made the day go by faster. We'll see; I know there will be bad days also, and that God answered my prayers by giving me an assignment where I wasn't drowning. I love when I ask for something, he is always so faithful to hear me!

I have been doing a great job of walking every day but one this week. Not only is it a great way to get out of the house, and get exercise, but it is also a fabulous evening activity where you can enjoy the smells and sounds of summer! I love walking by all the lawns freshly mowed, and taking a giant lung full of air, you all know the scent. The only bad thing about summer here are the mosquitoes, and boy to they like me...I must be tasty in a "I want to suck your blood" kind of way...its really disturbing!

Okay, off to finish my day - more later!!


the Wanna Be said...

Hip hip hurray! I'm so happy for you. (Maybe you'll find a cute, single, godly doctor on first shift!) I know you're going to feel better physically. God is good to take care of all of our needs.

Jess said...

YAY!!!!!! for day shift!! If you can find any catnip on your walks around the area, rub it on yourself and the mosquitoes will stay away (at least to some extent). Mint (the stronger the better!!) works too! Or maybe I should send you some of Lavender Moon's famous herbal bug repellent. It's so awesome-smelling you can use it for perfume, but bugs hate it! lol! Anyway, I will let you know about the July visit...that's probably Mumford weekend though, so I don't know! Maybe you could come up for the day for Mumford -- wouldn't that be fabulous!! Well, anyway, we'll figure it out one way or the other. In the meantime, have a wonderful!! :D

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

so your naked-rat opaque skin, minimal-light-retinas, were not destroyed by the overdose of ultraviolet radiation? i envisioned seeing you smoking and screaming as you walked out the door heading to work, with a plume of smoke coming out of the van window as you drove down the road. OUCH!

so is girth continuing to slim down with all this walking? has she come close to catching any of those elusive creatures?

you can keep mosquitoes and black flies by coating your entire body and hair with Cosmoline before venturing out. a simple rinse in organic solvents will leave you squeaky-clean, although slightly scented.;-)

happy walking!


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Wow SFL....I can see why you needed the dictionary ;-).