Monday, March 14, 2005

Healing and Prophetic Conference

Yeah, I've been pretty tired this week with the conference, and yet today (although we stayed up late playing around) I've felt great. You can pray for us though, we're learning (via hands on experience) about healing as a Comm Group, and it has been frustrating and yet faith building. Tonight is choir and I'm so excited. Tiffany (a roommate) and I are the only interns doing choir, but I don't care cause it's fun! We're doing A Mighty Fortress, and I'm singing Second Seprano (?spelling?). Anyway, we're starting to prepare for tornado season which starts in three weeks (i.e. getting batteries for the apt. radios, etc.), so that should be fun...In a week is our four day Easter Vacation (I'm meeting the family in FL), that is the half way mark of the internship I can't believe it!!!! I'm so sad, because it is so great to be here, and although school is good I think that I'm really going to miss it here. Yet, it is not like IHOP is going to fall off the face of the earth (at least I hope not! lol), so I can still come back; and yet....*sigh*

It has also been crazy as we're studying the End Times, to know that we're pretty much all going to be martyred (spelling?) . Isn't that weird? Yes, that has always (and to some extent still is) a hard thing to think about, and yet God is good, and He is still teaching me. Oh, well more thoughts on that later I'm sure. Now I have to go get ready for choir!


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