Friday, December 16, 2005


I have several things to address this posting. First of all, the secret of the acronimes (I think that's the right spelling) shall not be revealed, and there is no SOT among us (it's up to the reader to break the code). Muahhhhh...

Secondly, I give a warning to my faithful commentors that this "Grape Lover" and SFL have a long history and may cause a stir.

Thirdly, I would like to announce that I have successfully passed my all my classes this semester. YEA!!!!! (Jesus pulled me through this one!) Anyway, it is a HUGE relief to be finished, and I mean to fully enjoy my break. Well, I'm tired, so I'm going to call it a night.


ViNeYaRD WoRSHiP said...

SFL whimpers... I "whine" after all - squashed grapes are useful for more than 'vehicular jelly'.

I believe I have on occasion seen such an event as SFL describes, which is to say I may have "spotted" an accident now and again upon the road.

Clearly, Jess, there's no accident regarding your mental acuity - no doubt it is your density to achieve success.

Imust,however, lodge asingularcomplaint, that my record of blogposting isfartoo short to exclude me from those known as "faithful"! And as to the stir,we'll just let things settle for a bit- which is to say, ferment- certainly not "stir" them....

Goodness, what kind of science are you learning there?

-until soon

ViNeYaRD WoRSHiP said...
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Jess said...

Um...I vote yes...I think? Wait, let me go back and read that again. Not sure I understood it...

BTW, SFL, why are you now referring to to yourself as shlewsfl? Did I miss something important?

Jess said...

Intellectual prowess????!!!!


After finals, you are lucky to get a blog from me, let alone intellectual prowess. Certain parties would tell you I do not have intellectual prowess even at the best of times, when even MY frontal lobe is functioning at full capacity!

But I thank you for the kind thought.


Jess said...
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