Sunday, May 15, 2005


Yeah, ok, so I never thought that I would love liquids this much!! The first week of the fast is over, so now I'm off H2O and onto liquids, and I'm soooooo excited. I lost 10lbs this week which is crazy, but now that I'm on juice, shakes, etc. I'm sure that I'll gain it back quickly :-P . Hehehe... Anyway, no worrys I'm still healthy, wealthy, and working on the wise part! Although I never want to see water again. I've been drinking about 3 quarts a day to keep hydrated, which works but it is still a lot of H2O. Well, that pretty much takes up all my news. The siege is going really well, dispite the fact that the weather never stays the same. I'll try to post later!

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