Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Actually, my post has nothing to do with flowers, but its a great title, is it not?

Back to my life, I am currently trying not to procrastinate studing for my review tests once I get back to school. However, most everything else around here seems ten times more interesting than memorizing bones and vitamins...well, maybe studing is more interesting than watering plants which we've been doing a lot of. I think that our house alone is depleting all the NY state water resources! Our plants drink a lot, believe me! However, I will say that we've been able to enjoy the "fruits of our labor" as beans and beets have graced our table all this week, and my new herb garden is growing and putting herbs in all our dishes. Yum!!

As for me I miss IHOP like crazy, and although my family is suppose to be here right now things are pretty dry. Maybe it's just me...I guess that it is hard to see individuals growing, but the corporate body not coming together. The Lord is so good though, and He has perfect leadership in all things. Who am I to say that things should be different? I guess that I need to pray more...Next week one of the worship leaders in the area has been to IHOP and is doing a Harp & Bowl night, and I am sooooooo excited about going! Also, the Friday night coffeehouse downtown has been going on, and has been an awsome event this summer. No, not everything is dry! :-) Ok, that's all for now...Sweet dreams all!

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