Saturday, August 27, 2005

Another week gone by!

It is amazing how fast time flies!

Here I am, and a week has already flown by. School is going to be hard, but so far I like it which is good. The only hard thing is that all my classes resolve around the same topics not allowing me any subject changes when I'm studying. I guess there is some difference b/w the classes, but it doesn't feel like it as if you had math and english.

Anyway, what can I say life is boring for the most part. I study, go to class, eat, study, study, study, sleep, and the cycle goes on. Weekends are the hardest I like school days better, because there is a feeling of purpose and progression.

Thursday is FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) which is one of the highlights of my week, but this week I almost didn't go. Although I'm not an athlete, most of the ppl who come to FCA aren't. Sure there are ppl who are just there to look pretty and find a guy, but there is great worship and teaching, and the leadership has a heart for the Lord, so if you want to encounter Jesus you will. Anyway, I was going to go with the roomies, but they went out, and I really didn't want to go by myself. How stupid is that? Not to go because I feel awkward going alone! Thus, I went, b/c it was time to grow up. I have a cute napkin hanging on my tack board that says "Put your big girl panties on & deal with it", and it was definitely one of those moments! I actually had a great time, and on the walk over met a freshman who was walking alone too, so we joined forces and went together. It was great fun. See how the Lord provides if I would just get over myself and live unashamedly! Hehehe, my life...what can I say in the midst of the mundane God shows up and suprises me. I love it!! :-)

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hi!!! Thank you for your comment on my blog. Did you see how many others I got? I think they were all spam but I answered a couple just to make sure. I didn't mention yours because I didn't want the spammers to get hold of your blog...LOL! Anyway! How are you?? Love you and miss you! I can't imagine you feeling awkward going somewhere because you were by yourself...that just does not seem like you, hon. You're always such a go-getter, you go out there and just do stuff I only sit back and *think* about doing. I'm glad you went to FCA even though you felt funny about it. And look what happened -- you met someone else who was going! Huzzah! God does love to surprise us, ay? On a side note, my dear, I don't know how you can keep your classes straight and not mix up what you're studying if they are all the same! Poor you!! Today was my first day of's going to be rough. I'm so busy now, even without trying to keep up with school work -- I don't know how I'm going to get it all done! *sob!* Waaaahh! *sniff* OK, I'm all better. See? I'm just not going to allow myself to think about it. That's always what I do when I have something difficult to accomplish...never think about it until I actually have to do it. Yeah, anyway, I'm rambling again...but please keep posting, my dear. I always check out your blog hopefully each day, waiting to see if you have posted anything new yet. :) I will try to keep updating things too...I still have to give the Mumford Report, agh!!! Oh, well...sigh...anyway (how many times have I said that?), must's getting late...I should read stuff for tomorrow but I'm not going to. So there, professors! LOL! Got to run, my dear, dear friend...again, miss you lots and can't wait for you to come back home. In the meantime, keep safe and know that I am thinking of you and praying for you. :)