"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas isn't quite done yet
To: Mom, who needs a little winter snow along with her homemade bread ;-)
Erbs or Herbs
I feel that this may be another one of those Tomato, Tomaato conversations, alas we are not here to discuss how to pronounce said Herbs. If you would like further imput please consult My Fair Lady. That's all I have to say...
I wanted to post the pictures I promised you off all the books WOT got me for Christmas, so that I could learn how to keep her fit and beautimous forever!
I wanted to post the pictures I promised you off all the books WOT got me for Christmas, so that I could learn how to keep her fit and beautimous forever!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I think I'm getting squeemish...
There are really a whole handful of things that I could write about, dang my procrastinating self. I actually would like to take some pictures and post about the box of books my mother gave me for Christmas, and after that I will be accepting applications for someone to build me another bookshelf seeing as she seemed to have forgotten that I already own too many books. That said - maybe that can be my plan for tomorrow - a massive blogathon!!!!!!!
Here's where you cringe and remind yourself not to check back here for another six months. It's okay, I understand.
On a more pressing note.
I am signing myself up for a Wilderness Medicine Institute course. What? Might you ask. Yes, I know it sounds odd, but since my parents see fit to only drag us through the wilderness on family vacations I thought knowing some serious EMT type first aid training might come in handy. The course looks amazing; in depth, but amazing. There is just one area where I am feeling the palpitations starting. Please, continue to read...
"...risks may include, among other things: Strenuous physical activity; slipping and falling; pinches, scrapes, twists and jolts; sprains, strains, broken bones; collision with fixed or movable objects; weather conditions; falling objects; water hazards; exhaustion; exposure to temperature and weather extremes which could cause hypothermia, hyperthermia (heat related illnesses), heat exhaustion, sunburn, dehydration; and exposure to potentially dangerous wild animals, insect bites, and hazardous plant life; rope burns; being struck by rock fall or other objects dislodged or thrown from above; equipment failure; and improper lifting or carrying;
my own physical condition, and the physical exertion associated with this activity; the condition of roads, terrain, or highways and accidents connected with their use; other participants’ and/or my own negligence; and emotional stress."
Oh that? I'm not afraid!!...Well, maybe a little. It gets better I assure you.
"Physical activities include running (ah I hope you me a fast walk?), hiking, repetitive lifting and carrying. Certain activities will require travel by foot and other means, over unimproved roads, hiking trails and rugged off-trail terrain including downed timber, river crossings,snow, ice, steep slopes, slippery rocks and other features. These travel risks include falling, drowning (like in love?), becoming lost (well, that's nothing new)and others usually associated with such travel, including environmental risks.Environmental risks and hazards include flowing, deep and cold water (I think I'd only do it if it was non-flowing deep and cold water); insects, snakes, animals; falling and rolling rock;lightning, falling timber, and unpredictable forces of nature, including weather which may change to extreme conditions without notice. Possible injuries and illnesses include hypothermia, frostbite, sunburn, heatstroke, dehydration, and other mild or serious conditions..."
All this for a family vacation? Sheesh! ;-) Last but not least:
"...unwelcome touching while acting the role of patient in a
scenario; and emotional distress in response to training scenarios..."
Haha to think I could inflict emotional distress as I lay bleeding on some rock (fake blood of course). I'm just saying, I may be a new kind of me after March 11th...Stay tuned for the next installment entitled - Wanted: To Get In Shape Before March, So I Don't Look Stupid In Front Of A Bunch Of EMTs.
Here's where you cringe and remind yourself not to check back here for another six months. It's okay, I understand.
On a more pressing note.
I am signing myself up for a Wilderness Medicine Institute course. What? Might you ask. Yes, I know it sounds odd, but since my parents see fit to only drag us through the wilderness on family vacations I thought knowing some serious EMT type first aid training might come in handy. The course looks amazing; in depth, but amazing. There is just one area where I am feeling the palpitations starting. Please, continue to read...
"...risks may include, among other things: Strenuous physical activity; slipping and falling; pinches, scrapes, twists and jolts; sprains, strains, broken bones; collision with fixed or movable objects; weather conditions; falling objects; water hazards; exhaustion; exposure to temperature and weather extremes which could cause hypothermia, hyperthermia (heat related illnesses), heat exhaustion, sunburn, dehydration; and exposure to potentially dangerous wild animals, insect bites, and hazardous plant life; rope burns; being struck by rock fall or other objects dislodged or thrown from above; equipment failure; and improper lifting or carrying;
my own physical condition, and the physical exertion associated with this activity; the condition of roads, terrain, or highways and accidents connected with their use; other participants’ and/or my own negligence; and emotional stress."
Oh that? I'm not afraid!!...Well, maybe a little. It gets better I assure you.
"Physical activities include running (ah I hope you me a fast walk?), hiking, repetitive lifting and carrying. Certain activities will require travel by foot and other means, over unimproved roads, hiking trails and rugged off-trail terrain including downed timber, river crossings,snow, ice, steep slopes, slippery rocks and other features. These travel risks include falling, drowning (like in love?), becoming lost (well, that's nothing new)and others usually associated with such travel, including environmental risks.Environmental risks and hazards include flowing, deep and cold water (I think I'd only do it if it was non-flowing deep and cold water); insects, snakes, animals; falling and rolling rock;lightning, falling timber, and unpredictable forces of nature, including weather which may change to extreme conditions without notice. Possible injuries and illnesses include hypothermia, frostbite, sunburn, heatstroke, dehydration, and other mild or serious conditions..."
All this for a family vacation? Sheesh! ;-) Last but not least:
"...unwelcome touching while acting the role of patient in a
scenario; and emotional distress in response to training scenarios..."
Haha to think I could inflict emotional distress as I lay bleeding on some rock (fake blood of course). I'm just saying, I may be a new kind of me after March 11th...Stay tuned for the next installment entitled - Wanted: To Get In Shape Before March, So I Don't Look Stupid In Front Of A Bunch Of EMTs.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas to All!
I'm rather uninspired to write something long and drawn out today, but I wanted to say a quick Merry Christmas to you all, before my weekend of work.
I hope that whether you get to be home and with family or not, that your holiday is a blessed one. Find some ways to be with the ones you love, and to remember the greatest gift of all.
One of my favorite memories about Christmas was that dad would read the Christmas story to us. We would go to Christmas Eve service, and then once we were home we'd settle in with glasses of egg nog, and listen to dad as he read. We weren't serious often, hehe but when we were it was special.
Even this year, when we can't be together we've still found ways to enjoy the holidays as a family. I got a call last night from the parents as they were doing one of our family traditions of driving to see all the neighborhood Christmas lights. Normally as we drive we think of all the Christmas song we can, and attempt to sing them. Dad sings off key on purpose, and mom harmonizes...even amidst dad's racket ;-). Usually the sis and I would just end up rolling in laughter in the back of the van. We even make up words to the songs to fit our jokes. Such was the case last night. I got the full description of lights as they drove, and we even had some carol singing over the phone. It was so fun!!!
That said - Merry Christmas!!! Thank you for being a part of this blog for another year. May Jesus bless you, keep you, and bring you closer to him this next year!
I hope that whether you get to be home and with family or not, that your holiday is a blessed one. Find some ways to be with the ones you love, and to remember the greatest gift of all.
One of my favorite memories about Christmas was that dad would read the Christmas story to us. We would go to Christmas Eve service, and then once we were home we'd settle in with glasses of egg nog, and listen to dad as he read. We weren't serious often, hehe but when we were it was special.
Even this year, when we can't be together we've still found ways to enjoy the holidays as a family. I got a call last night from the parents as they were doing one of our family traditions of driving to see all the neighborhood Christmas lights. Normally as we drive we think of all the Christmas song we can, and attempt to sing them. Dad sings off key on purpose, and mom harmonizes...even amidst dad's racket ;-). Usually the sis and I would just end up rolling in laughter in the back of the van. We even make up words to the songs to fit our jokes. Such was the case last night. I got the full description of lights as they drove, and we even had some carol singing over the phone. It was so fun!!!
That said - Merry Christmas!!! Thank you for being a part of this blog for another year. May Jesus bless you, keep you, and bring you closer to him this next year!
Monday, December 13, 2010
I'm walking through a white Christmas...
This is Torque's first snowfall! When I opened the door initially he was completely unsure if he should go out in the stuff, but after that it was pure joy. He LOVED it, and so did I.
All this joy and love however, came after the beginning of my night...
Heading home from work at 1930 (military time obviously) there was already a lot of snow on the ground, and it was still coming down. I wasn't worried about the highway drive, but I figured that I could have some trouble on the hills close to home. It turns out my fears were well grounded. Aside from the general icy conditions, the real issue came when I fell in line behind 3 other cars a a stop sign. Unfortunately there is a hill on the other side of the stop, and there were cars in all the lanes having trouble.
When it was our turn to try (after waiting forever) we didn't even get up the hill when we started spinning our tires. Long story short, I ended up pulling the car partially off the road; knowing it might get hit, so that I could hike the mile home and decide what to do. Poor Torque had to pee, and I had to get some better clothes on.
The walk home in thin scrub pants, with snow up around my ankles was not the most pleasant experience. I trudged through the heavy snow on the side of the road, and when the road was empty we (there were others doing the same) walked on the road. Thank you Jesus that mom had always taught us to make sure you at least have in your car clothes that would be helpful if your car broke down. That morning I had specifically put a scarf and my heaving gloves in the car...they turned out to be very helpful...
Once I got home I let the dog out, changed into my
snow pants, boots, and head gear, and prepared to trek back the mile to my car. AAA although helpful had a delay until 3am to get someone out to help, I decided to try it myself.
My little backpack had my craftsman flashlight, camera, wallet, and extra scarf. I had Torque's leash in my left hand, and my container of salt in the other. By this point it's almost 10:30.
The hike back while more tiring because I was carrying a load, was at least warmer!
The walk was so pretty. Snow everywhere, and that winter quiet when the world is insulated by the falling flakes. I wish I had had a better camera to capture some of the sights, but oh well - just know it's all in my head!
When we got back to the car most of the chaos had stopped. Most people had just left their vehicles. This was good because I had more space to work. I took me a bit of maneuvering slowly, but I got in a good position at the bottom of the hill and tried. No luck. A guy and his girlfriend were very nice and offered me a ride if I couldn't get up the hill, but I was determined. I will fess up that after about the 20th try I DID say a cuss word...but if it's consolation I hadn't really eaten much since 12 that afternoon, had walked 2 miles, and had worked a 14 hour day. That said my next words were asking Jesus and his angels to please melt the ice enough so I could get up the hill. I backed up pretty far to see if I could get a rolling start, salted in front of the car to try and get some traction, down shifted and started up the hill. The salt was helpful, and I think worth while to keep in the car.
Once I got moving I tried to slowly avoid the major ice patches, and not stop. Foot by blessed foot I crept up the hill. I can not tell you how excited I was! I was a long slippery mile to the neighborhood and the safety of my garage, but I finally made it! It was 11:30.
I was tired, cold, and excited. I had a horrid tension headache, and by legs were red from walking home the first time, but I didn't care. I got Torque some chew stuff me some Ibuprofen, and fell into bed.
Sorry for the long story, but I think it was a good one. It just goes to show, with a little resolve, common sense, and creativity you can break out of the normal box we live in and make hot chocolate out of cocoa.
Monday, December 06, 2010
Vinny - king of the hill

Please bare in mind when judging my appearance that it WAS 24 degrees out, felt like 18, we'd been hiking for over 1.5 hours, my nose would not stop running, and I think my lungs stopped working about an hour earlier. All that said don't you think I look great? Haha. Vinny is one of Julia's dogs, and he loves to jump into my arms. That however, was not good enough today, he wanted top lookout position. It was so hilarious - he sat there for about 5 minutes before deciding to go play with the other dogs.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Guess what!
It's Narnia!! The third movie, and it looks sawsome!! (sweet and awesome). Although I couldn't get the trailer to load on here you should check it out.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Christmas decorating!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Swiss Family Robinson Reborn!
I'm sure you all remember the famed Robinson family who get shipwrecked on an island, and end up building their own little family house? Thought you'd remember. Anyway, that is our family plan ;-)
Enough land to have fun on, and close enough to enjoy each other's company. We'll let you all visit! Don't worry!! Maybe we'll have a retreat center or something fun - hey we could make Dot and her hubby a recording studio so they can fly people in to make albums. See it's a perfect plan.
On a totally different note I'm letting my obsession with Christmas music out of the closet for another year!! Woot. It's so great...And I am slightly embarrassed to confess that the David Archuleta Christmas album is my favorite right now. Really though, he has a great voice at least. It's okay, you can mock me. Hehe!
On a third and fourth note, I am sitting here with cotton in my ear because I think I have an ear infection which I am wondering if ruptured my ear drum. The NP that I went a saw though was a waste of space. She was so short and then just said she couldn't even see my eardrum or anything. At least she gave me drops, so we're treating me like I have an infection. Unfortunately the whole left side of my face and into my neck hurts. Oh well!! The fourth note is that I'm going to my first yoga class with Julia this morning!! Woot! I have a love of yoga now, and I can't wait to take a class. We'll see if my head feels like exploding with my ear. I'll just have to do some modifications until I get better.
Okay, more updates later!!
Enough land to have fun on, and close enough to enjoy each other's company. We'll let you all visit! Don't worry!! Maybe we'll have a retreat center or something fun - hey we could make Dot and her hubby a recording studio so they can fly people in to make albums. See it's a perfect plan.
On a totally different note I'm letting my obsession with Christmas music out of the closet for another year!! Woot. It's so great...And I am slightly embarrassed to confess that the David Archuleta Christmas album is my favorite right now. Really though, he has a great voice at least. It's okay, you can mock me. Hehe!
On a third and fourth note, I am sitting here with cotton in my ear because I think I have an ear infection which I am wondering if ruptured my ear drum. The NP that I went a saw though was a waste of space. She was so short and then just said she couldn't even see my eardrum or anything. At least she gave me drops, so we're treating me like I have an infection. Unfortunately the whole left side of my face and into my neck hurts. Oh well!! The fourth note is that I'm going to my first yoga class with Julia this morning!! Woot! I have a love of yoga now, and I can't wait to take a class. We'll see if my head feels like exploding with my ear. I'll just have to do some modifications until I get better.
Okay, more updates later!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
NEW E*TRADE Baby -- Solitary
Can I just say HILLARIOUS!! I also thought that since Torque could be the dog in question here that it was the perfect post for me. I hope you enjoy it!
I needed a laugh as I'm getting ready for the work weekend. It was gorgous outside today, so Julia and I took the dogs on our normal 6 mile hike, and then I hung with the pup on the porch in the sun for awhile too. I supposedly was into the 80s, but mainly it was just so nice and not humid. It's weather like this that tricks people into living here!! Lies, lies, all lies. Just wait till summer and you fry your toes off...not so fun eh? ;p
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkk
So, yeah...The new blog was not such a hit. I'm not sure why everyone raves about it, but I'm back on here. I missed the flexibility of it.
Anyways, things have stayed busy for those of you who didn't even bother to check the other site ;-).
DOT's wedding was amazing, and it took me about a week of sleep to recover! Hehe. Torque is growing like a weed!! We were about 92lbs at the last vet check. He isn't really growing tall as much as filling out. He is having some skin issues, that has him on antibiotics, Benadryl, and a medicated shampoo. We'll see if all that fixes things, or if he gets checked for allergies which I hope it's not!
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I'll have to take some fun pictures to share with you guys. Everyone is excited to see Torque...I'm just hoping I survive taking the Beast among all the excitement. It's kinda like taking a toddler to Disney World, sometimes although it seems like a good idea it's more a hassle as they scream, cry, and throw fits. I'll let you know how that goes.
The house is back to being quiet with both of the girls gone now. It's a bit sad, but I'm trying to make the best out of it. Sorry for the long post, and I'll be posting on here for now, so YEAH!! I know you're all cheering! Thanks for missing me ;-)
Anyways, things have stayed busy for those of you who didn't even bother to check the other site ;-).
DOT's wedding was amazing, and it took me about a week of sleep to recover! Hehe. Torque is growing like a weed!! We were about 92lbs at the last vet check. He isn't really growing tall as much as filling out. He is having some skin issues, that has him on antibiotics, Benadryl, and a medicated shampoo. We'll see if all that fixes things, or if he gets checked for allergies which I hope it's not!
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I'll have to take some fun pictures to share with you guys. Everyone is excited to see Torque...I'm just hoping I survive taking the Beast among all the excitement. It's kinda like taking a toddler to Disney World, sometimes although it seems like a good idea it's more a hassle as they scream, cry, and throw fits. I'll let you know how that goes.
The house is back to being quiet with both of the girls gone now. It's a bit sad, but I'm trying to make the best out of it. Sorry for the long post, and I'll be posting on here for now, so YEAH!! I know you're all cheering! Thanks for missing me ;-)
Monday, September 06, 2010
It's been a year

I did a couple of posts today on the "other" blog, if you get a change check them out.
That said I finished Marley & Me tonight...an cried for at least an hour. My head hurts so badly right now, I couldn't sleep anyways, so I figured I pop a post on here - it just seemed right. Hard to believe that Labor Day a year ago I took Velvet to the Emergency vet to put her to sleep. Funny, I hadn't thought about that until I was reading. Dang books! Oh for those days of having a nice quiet dog sleeping at your feet, not having to watch like a hawk lest they eat our walls out, and just the ever faithful presence of a long time friend. Not that I don't love Torque, but he isn't my girl...as annoying as she was a times; a prime example was her eating my Victoria Secret underwear I had gotten for Christmas one year. I wanted to kill her...
So much has happened this year, and Torque has kicked my butt. Gack has grown from this tiny little kitten last Spring to a two-hander, and Miss Polly is the older woman who keeps the boys in line. I know I'm being overly sentimental - blame it on the book - but still it is both sad and fun to think back on where we were a year ago.
I hope that you all had wonderful holiday fun, I know the day here was one of the nicest we have had all summer! I hate to leave the day on a sad note, so I won't. Give the people and animals who make your life complete an extra hug if you can, and have wonderful dreams!!!!
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Check out the new place!
So, I'm trying out Wordpress as a blog hosting site...Don't worry I'm not deleting this blog or anything, but if you guys don't mind run over there and check it out!!! See how you like it, and let me know! Here's the new address for it.
It takes some getting use to, but I think in the long run I'll love it!
It takes some getting use to, but I think in the long run I'll love it!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Light of Day
We're Signed Up
Well, assuming work will let me have the weekend off Torque and I are all signed up for our very first dog show!! September 18-19th. Woot! I'm slightly nervous because he can be such a butt head, however hopefully we'll just have fun. Torque's cousins will be there too, so we'll have a fun weekend. I'll have to keep you updated!
In other news we speed hiked about 6 miles this morning in an hour and a half. The dogs had a blast, and Julia and I chatted as we walked. I felt slightly wheezy up some of the hills, but we're going again tomorrow, and perhaps it will be better. I'll try to take and post some hike pictures tomorrow!!! Hopefully I'll be getting Torque his hiking pack soon that he can practice with for his hiking title. Fun times!!!!
In other news we speed hiked about 6 miles this morning in an hour and a half. The dogs had a blast, and Julia and I chatted as we walked. I felt slightly wheezy up some of the hills, but we're going again tomorrow, and perhaps it will be better. I'll try to take and post some hike pictures tomorrow!!! Hopefully I'll be getting Torque his hiking pack soon that he can practice with for his hiking title. Fun times!!!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
It's Clifford!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Nap time!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
First there was this:

The poor pets were stuck in crates all day! There was lots of meowing and barking...

There was lots of sweating...lots...it was gross...

Finally though we were home, a new home. Everyone is settling in, Torque thought he'd show you the best part of the house! Our new LAUNDRY room!!!!
The poor pets were stuck in crates all day! There was lots of meowing and barking...
Finally though we were home, a new home. Everyone is settling in, Torque thought he'd show you the best part of the house! Our new LAUNDRY room!!!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Nacho Cheese Chips
I'm sitting on the ottoman minus it's cushion (that's somewhere in the garage) the wooden slats that form the piece are sticking into my backside; a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos in between my knees. My laptop rests on a stack of two boxes making it the perfect height from where I'm seated. The only light that is on is the mellow glow from above the oven, the drone of our new drier a calm backdrop to a house finally bedding down for the night. Having yet to find the cord to download pictures from my camera I was going to postpone an update. However, considering the need I have for a quiet moment in time to call my own...I find myself here.
Before I move on to the story of "The Great Move" as I will from here on out refer to August 16th, 2010; I must make one more statement. I'm pretty sure that I don't want to marry a man who cannot lift more than I can. Now I understand this statement has several considerations; such as (enough with the chips - moving onto chocolate teddy grahams) - ahem, where was I? Oh, yes, considerations. Such as marrying a "vertically challenge", wheelchair bound, or elderly man. Each of those candidates for marriage have potential to bring other more valuable assets to the relationship. I would just like to put it out there for all the guys who don't read my blog, that when a girl can carry more than your fair share of a load you should crawl home and consider doing a push up or two...
As for "The Great Move" it was an 18 hour day for me. Tons (literally and figuratively) of lifting, hauling, and coordinating. My sister's poor fiance hurt his neck really badly two days before, and so was sidelined to help hold doors and get the truck loaded efficiently. There was only me and one other guy who could really do a lot of the lifting...needless to say I am SORE, everywhere. We got most everything moved, and by midnight I was finally falling into bed.
I wish I could say I've been lazy-ly ever after, but alas there has been more loading, unloading, unpacking, old house cleaning, errand running, and dog class attending that I have had no time for thinking. I'm hoping the next several days improve.
The dog and cats are adjusting. They had a very long crated moving day too, and have been more than glad to run around. Tonight I took Torque outside to potty, then brought him in his big crate that I set up in my walk-in closet. Was he happy? No. He wanted out, and regressed back to peeing in his crate. I was so upset. That is what lead me to a nice long post, and in that interim the pup has finally fallen asleep in his crate, and I think that it is time I try to get some sleep as well. Thanks for all the well wishes, and prayers!! I hope the next post will have pictures!!!!
Before I move on to the story of "The Great Move" as I will from here on out refer to August 16th, 2010; I must make one more statement. I'm pretty sure that I don't want to marry a man who cannot lift more than I can. Now I understand this statement has several considerations; such as (enough with the chips - moving onto chocolate teddy grahams) - ahem, where was I? Oh, yes, considerations. Such as marrying a "vertically challenge", wheelchair bound, or elderly man. Each of those candidates for marriage have potential to bring other more valuable assets to the relationship. I would just like to put it out there for all the guys who don't read my blog, that when a girl can carry more than your fair share of a load you should crawl home and consider doing a push up or two...
As for "The Great Move" it was an 18 hour day for me. Tons (literally and figuratively) of lifting, hauling, and coordinating. My sister's poor fiance hurt his neck really badly two days before, and so was sidelined to help hold doors and get the truck loaded efficiently. There was only me and one other guy who could really do a lot of the lifting...needless to say I am SORE, everywhere. We got most everything moved, and by midnight I was finally falling into bed.
I wish I could say I've been lazy-ly ever after, but alas there has been more loading, unloading, unpacking, old house cleaning, errand running, and dog class attending that I have had no time for thinking. I'm hoping the next several days improve.
The dog and cats are adjusting. They had a very long crated moving day too, and have been more than glad to run around. Tonight I took Torque outside to potty, then brought him in his big crate that I set up in my walk-in closet. Was he happy? No. He wanted out, and regressed back to peeing in his crate. I was so upset. That is what lead me to a nice long post, and in that interim the pup has finally fallen asleep in his crate, and I think that it is time I try to get some sleep as well. Thanks for all the well wishes, and prayers!! I hope the next post will have pictures!!!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
New Kid on the Block
So this is the new place! Once we get moved in and settled I'll try to get some cute pictures. Look, we even get a garage, and a fireplace!! I suppose that is some consolation for the whole fact that we have to move. Still in all I'll miss my old stomping ground, and will have to get use to the new locale. I should get back to packing...gah...I did get the linen closet sorted and packed - which is good news. After all "M" day is Monday, so I better get a move (hehe) on!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A little slice of heaven on a shelf
I know that we all have our own definition of heavenly experiences.
I'm pretty sure that I've had several different experience that get that classification, but Sunday night was definitely on of those. Sarah and I found this book store called McKays. OMG! It is wall to wall of used movies, books, etc that people have traded in. You can either bring in a trade that gives you store credit that you can use to get something new, or you can just buy something. Everything is supper cheap, and the variety is awesome! I was transported...I may have to limit myself otherwise I may go overboard. What what a great place - I mean so what you get a book there that you don't end up wanting to read, no problem just bring it back and you get credit to buy a new one!!!! Just saying ;-)
I think we all need those things in life that we can enjoy just for the sake of enjoying them - I hope that you have an experience like that today!
I'm pretty sure that I've had several different experience that get that classification, but Sunday night was definitely on of those. Sarah and I found this book store called McKays. OMG! It is wall to wall of used movies, books, etc that people have traded in. You can either bring in a trade that gives you store credit that you can use to get something new, or you can just buy something. Everything is supper cheap, and the variety is awesome! I was transported...I may have to limit myself otherwise I may go overboard. What what a great place - I mean so what you get a book there that you don't end up wanting to read, no problem just bring it back and you get credit to buy a new one!!!! Just saying ;-)
I think we all need those things in life that we can enjoy just for the sake of enjoying them - I hope that you have an experience like that today!
Monday, August 09, 2010
Back home!
Beautiful Heart by Chelsea Lankes
The link that I added is my music Monday song, and it's sung by the daughter of one of my close friends I hope you enjoy it!!
As for everything else - I had a wonderful trip to Michigan, and definitely enjoyed the decreased humidity. Who knows maybe that will be my next local ;-) However, now that I'm home I am so tired, but will be staying busy trying to get moved to our new house. I'll be posting soon - hang with me!!!
The link that I added is my music Monday song, and it's sung by the daughter of one of my close friends I hope you enjoy it!!
As for everything else - I had a wonderful trip to Michigan, and definitely enjoyed the decreased humidity. Who knows maybe that will be my next local ;-) However, now that I'm home I am so tired, but will be staying busy trying to get moved to our new house. I'll be posting soon - hang with me!!!
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Light Up the Sky
I know that it's not Music Monday, but I couldn't resist posting this song I heard on the drive up. It was one of those crank up the radio, roll down the windows, and sing kinda songs!! I'm enjoying some decreased humidity of Michigan, although the mosquitoes are horrid, and has cut down on how much I can let Torque out to play. Poor boy is stuck in his cage a lot, I guess it's still better than the kennel! Things have been good here, although with all the wedding stuff it's definitely crazy. I also went to visit the PICU up here to see what it was like, and that was a fun time. I've decided that Nursing Unions can be awesome! Talk about earning what you should!! Why would anyone work for crappy pay when you can come to places like up here and make almost 40/hr? I'm just saying! ;-) Anyways, I'll try to get some pictures to post, but till then enjoy some music.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Have a Boost!
After the last couple days of house drama, I needed a good musical boost end of the week style. This is a fun upbeat song with some great overlay, that all but SFL will enjoy! ;-) As far as updates go: No house yet, but a couple options may be available; we have to be out of the house by August 26th (it's not worth fighting the landlord over the extra time); I am going on at least part of my vacation; I am checking out other options...I'll keep you updated!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
My Rant
1. 30 days has never felt so short.
2. I hate the thought of moving into an appartment complex. As in it makes me want to poke my eyes out, and possibly nash my teeth (however you do that).
3. I know in 30 years I'll look back and think how stupid I was to stress about this.
4. I know in 30 seconds I'm going to want to cry, binge on strawberry ice cream, and watch some random chick-flick while ignoring my problems...including my propencity to eat ice cream...
5. There are to many choices in life...
6. I hate making decisions - as in I would rather do anything else.
7. I'm bad about procrastinating.
8. Hmmm is there a good movie on tonight?
9. Who wants sausage, gravy, and biscits?
10. Oh, wait...where was I...oh, yeah procrastinating - it's bad for you - although not as bad as smoking is...just saying...
11. I don't think I even have the energy for 12.
12. Maybe I'll just move to Michigan, or how about move in with the parents? SFL would be excited, then terrified.
Well, I do feel slightly better after that. Thanks for listening.
2. I hate the thought of moving into an appartment complex. As in it makes me want to poke my eyes out, and possibly nash my teeth (however you do that).
3. I know in 30 years I'll look back and think how stupid I was to stress about this.
4. I know in 30 seconds I'm going to want to cry, binge on strawberry ice cream, and watch some random chick-flick while ignoring my problems...including my propencity to eat ice cream...
5. There are to many choices in life...
6. I hate making decisions - as in I would rather do anything else.
7. I'm bad about procrastinating.
8. Hmmm is there a good movie on tonight?
9. Who wants sausage, gravy, and biscits?
10. Oh, wait...where was I...oh, yeah procrastinating - it's bad for you - although not as bad as smoking is...just saying...
11. I don't think I even have the energy for 12.
12. Maybe I'll just move to Michigan, or how about move in with the parents? SFL would be excited, then terrified.
Well, I do feel slightly better after that. Thanks for listening.
It has begun...
30 days hath September April May June November..
all the rest have 31
except for February with 28 and leap year which has 29
Ah - the story of my life...As of today we have 30 days to move. Ten days or so of those 30 I was going to spend traveling to see family and SFL/WOT. Personally I'm not a fan of sacrificing my vacation because the house owner has finally after two years got his act together! *sigh*
Where are you going to live you ask? Well, it's like I told Torque this morning as he was whining a throwing a puppy fit. "If you don't hush and lay down for your nap so mommy can look for houses you will be living next to the river in tent city!"
As you can see I was kind of throwing a fit back...c'est la vie (such is life) - mmm and on a side rant, can I just say that French makes no sense!! They are always writing things one way, and saying them another. I mean if you want to add and subtract letters to words when said why not just spell them that way? "Zat es just not don" *Humph*...I'm going to stop now...And go back to house hunting...and/or practicing my tent pitching skills!
P.S. Thanks for listening to my rant!!
all the rest have 31
except for February with 28 and leap year which has 29
Ah - the story of my life...As of today we have 30 days to move. Ten days or so of those 30 I was going to spend traveling to see family and SFL/WOT. Personally I'm not a fan of sacrificing my vacation because the house owner has finally after two years got his act together! *sigh*
Where are you going to live you ask? Well, it's like I told Torque this morning as he was whining a throwing a puppy fit. "If you don't hush and lay down for your nap so mommy can look for houses you will be living next to the river in tent city!"
As you can see I was kind of throwing a fit back...c'est la vie (such is life) - mmm and on a side rant, can I just say that French makes no sense!! They are always writing things one way, and saying them another. I mean if you want to add and subtract letters to words when said why not just spell them that way? "Zat es just not don" *Humph*...I'm going to stop now...And go back to house hunting...and/or practicing my tent pitching skills!
P.S. Thanks for listening to my rant!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Mumumumumusic Monday!
I apologize for the lateness in Music Monday, but I haven't been feeling well today. I started getting a cold yesterday afternoon, and it's just been getting worse today. I took a Benadryl to make sure it wasn't just an allergy issue (not that I normally have allergies), which only made me more tired. I think my trip to the store for some necessities was a blur!! Needless to say though - here is some Schlock for your Monday!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The case of the leg
Watch out behind!
When my alarm went off at 4:30 this morning I was regretting my decision to hit the barn at 5:30 for a morning ride. On work days I get up about that time, but during the week I at least sleep until 5:30-6. I threw on my riding gear, fed the pup, and loaded us all in the car for the forty minute drive there. I distance I have to drive to get to the farm is the major downside to this whole arrangement, but it's worth it. By the time we got there we watched the sun rise as we tacked up, and enjoyed the feel of earth waking up for the day. I brought Torque along with me, and he and Rocky (Julia's dog) were in puppy heaven. We weren't sure how Torque would do with me being on a horse. He did great!!! He ran right along with us, and played with Rocky. He had to learn that "watch out" means you're in front of me, and I'm going to run you over; while "Ah Ah Ah - Leave it" means you're too close to the back end. He did end up taking a little kick towards the end of our ride, as both dogs were wrestling, and bumped Skipper my horse in the back. Oh well, no broken bones, and he'll learn not to do that again!! ;-)
Overall we had so much fun! I will confess that I rode English this time which is not my strongest seat, and I looked bad. I will be working on it - definitely. My posting with a trot sucks, because I'm use to Western where you sit your trots. I'm also use to having a lot more saddle under me, haha, I guess that means I'll have to strengthen my seat. It's so nice to be back in the saddle!!! Julia decided that when she adopts her Premarin horse (foals born to mares that are bred to harvest their hormones that women take) I'll adopt my mustang, and we'll leave happily ever after.
Anyway here are some pictures, and next time I'll get Julia to get ones of me on Skipper.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Back to Monday
I must say, after horseback riding for an hour and a half my pelvic bones are soreeee. It was worth it though! Aside from being much to hot it was wonderful to ride through the woods. I can't wait until Torque is behaved enough to run along with us, and Julia's dogs.
Otherwise, I am still looking for a new place to live. The current house remains on the market with plenty of views. It's quite frustrating honestly. We found this place so perfectly that to not have that happen again is hard. Trying to make decisions about buying vs. renting, and staying here vs. moving away sometimes seem overwhelming. However, I think that things will work out in time - we'll just have to see where the dice fall! On that note - enjoy music Monday!!
Otherwise, I am still looking for a new place to live. The current house remains on the market with plenty of views. It's quite frustrating honestly. We found this place so perfectly that to not have that happen again is hard. Trying to make decisions about buying vs. renting, and staying here vs. moving away sometimes seem overwhelming. However, I think that things will work out in time - we'll just have to see where the dice fall! On that note - enjoy music Monday!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Step 1: Start peeing on freshly vacuumed floor.
Step 2: Walk down the clean floors dribbling as you go. (I swear it looks like artwork)
Step 3: Finally get to were mom finds you and stop to finish out puddle style.

Thank goodness for paper towel and carpet cleaner...Also, thank you God for a voice with which to yell...I really wasn't yelling at him as much as expressing my frustration. If I do say so my self, I handled it well - I didn't freak out on him. I just took him tethered him in the living room so he'd stop walking all over it, and went to clean it up. I swear sometimes he does it on purpose!
Thank goodness for paper towel and carpet cleaner...Also, thank you God for a voice with which to yell...I really wasn't yelling at him as much as expressing my frustration. If I do say so my self, I handled it well - I didn't freak out on him. I just took him tethered him in the living room so he'd stop walking all over it, and went to clean it up. I swear sometimes he does it on purpose!
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Welcome July!
Since I will be working this weekend, and doubt that I'll have time to get on and post, I just wanted to say happy 4th of July!
The weather has taken a wonderful turn with decreased humidity, and highs in the 80s. If July stays like this it will be the most perfect summer month!!!
The 4th is one of my favorite holidays, and once again I'm working it...I've decided not to celebrate holidays haha. Actually I feel like I've worked almost every holiday since I got out of school. Still and all, I've got to love a good patriotic celebration! It's a fun event where you enjoy family, friends, and great out door food. Not to mention war movies galore...I just can't help myself, I'm a sucker for a good John Wayne movie!! Hopefully, although I will be working this weekend you will be having fun, and eating a burger for me.
The weather has taken a wonderful turn with decreased humidity, and highs in the 80s. If July stays like this it will be the most perfect summer month!!!
The 4th is one of my favorite holidays, and once again I'm working it...I've decided not to celebrate holidays haha. Actually I feel like I've worked almost every holiday since I got out of school. Still and all, I've got to love a good patriotic celebration! It's a fun event where you enjoy family, friends, and great out door food. Not to mention war movies galore...I just can't help myself, I'm a sucker for a good John Wayne movie!! Hopefully, although I will be working this weekend you will be having fun, and eating a burger for me.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Torque's First Canoe Trip
It was amazing to look at the devastation on the river from our massive flood. There were chairs, and toys twenty + feet up in trees, and hundreds of the trees that line the river were knocked over. The waters in places were probably close to thirty feet high, I know that sounds like a lot, but it flooded all the houses along the river. Houses that aren't even next to the water! It was sad to see, and definitely made us grateful for what we have, and what we didn't lose.
Note, at the pick up point at the end we were hanging out just waiting for the van, and we found a bone in the water...definitely made me not want to be in the shallows. It looked pretty human, but who knows. I'm sure it was something or someone washed away by the flood. I just don't want to know - but if any of you are aspiring CSI agents I'll be more than willing to let you have a go. ;-)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Fur Toddler has emerged!
Teething has begun in earnest, and I don't know if I can make it through!!! He has been so grouchy, and chewing mostly me. I think some of his toys are so hard that they hurt his mouth instead of helping, so I've tried to refocus him on soft toys. I thought I'd post some new pictures though!!! Last week we went to movies in the park, and Torque had a great time! He was so well behaved, I was impressed. His 1/2 brother in Denmark also just won the World Junior Title, so Molly has a lot of hope that Torque will show very well...I think he will if he'll stop biting my arm off!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Monday Music Come Back!
I know that it's been a little since I've posted a Monday Music, but I found this artist really liked her, and thought I'd share!! Today poor Torque has had diarrhea, and threw up which was loads of fun...
That said, enjoy the song - I hope that you had a wonderful Monday!!
That said, enjoy the song - I hope that you had a wonderful Monday!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Back to nature
This morning bright and early at 7am Torque and I met my friend Julia, and we went to the farm where she boards her horse. She usually rides every morning, but I showed up after her ride to let the dogs have some fun! Torque loved running through the meadow with the other dogs, and he got all wet and muddy in the pond. I think that this will turn out to be a great tradition!!! Hey, it might even get me back to riding ;-) I won't protest to that!!
Hope that you're getting out, and enjoying your summer! I'm sure you must be since everyone has been so quiet on here. Enjoy the sun, and get some living done!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Who wants the office?!
I know that you guys are all sick of listening to me trying to find a new place to live, so I wanted to put your mind at ease. I have found the perfect place, and there is even enough room for you all to visit...I might even let WOT and SFL stay on a more permanent basis.
"...real estate website Redfin recently posted a sales listing on Mr. Obama's current residence - the White House...Redfin had the 55,000 square foot presidential estate listed at $10 million and as being "For Sale by Owner." I actually find this enormously hilarious. Who actually owns the White House, but the American people who technically could sell the house if they wanted to not to mention find a new occupant, which is what part of Redfin's statement insinuated..."Its description adds this: "Not for sale in a strict sense but available for the right person every 4 years with the proper combination of credit, charisma and drive. Special consideration given to applicants with an Electoral College rating of 270 or better." Hahahahahahahaaaa
This news story really made my morning...that and the fact that the story was followed by a story of the President visiting the gulf oil spill, and that he would be returning home (i.e. to the White House) later today. I guess that he'll only return if the property hasn't sold...I wonder if he'd be game for a house trade like in that movie The Holiday? Just wondering!!
"...real estate website Redfin recently posted a sales listing on Mr. Obama's current residence - the White House...Redfin had the 55,000 square foot presidential estate listed at $10 million and as being "For Sale by Owner." I actually find this enormously hilarious. Who actually owns the White House, but the American people who technically could sell the house if they wanted to not to mention find a new occupant, which is what part of Redfin's statement insinuated..."Its description adds this: "Not for sale in a strict sense but available for the right person every 4 years with the proper combination of credit, charisma and drive. Special consideration given to applicants with an Electoral College rating of 270 or better." Hahahahahahahaaaa
This news story really made my morning...that and the fact that the story was followed by a story of the President visiting the gulf oil spill, and that he would be returning home (i.e. to the White House) later today. I guess that he'll only return if the property hasn't sold...I wonder if he'd be game for a house trade like in that movie The Holiday? Just wondering!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I wish I could say that I had been so swamped that I couldn't post, but that wouldn't exactly be the truth. Granted I have been plenty busy, however the main excuse has been sheer laziness.
I've hit up the dog park almost every morning again this week it's been great! Today after the dog park I've run to the grocery, gassed up the car, and cleaned the house before WOT gets here. The realtor wants to show the house, which at least she wants to do before I am busy this afternoon. My friend Lori is also dropping her old Lab Charlie (the girl) here for the weekend, so as you can tell this weekend is going to fly by!
Since I can't manage to do much else I'll post another picture of the monster!! He is 38.5lbs and will be 16 weeks old this next week - Happy birthday Torque!!!
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Learning the ropes
Ah - Life at the dog park!
Haha, Rocky is so tall he just jumped over Torque.
Nice block Rocky!!
Mom - I made it home!!
Haha, Rocky is so tall he just jumped over Torque.
Nice block Rocky!!
Mom - I made it home!!
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Summer time!
Well this week has flown by! I forgot to mention; mainly because I forgot it was happening, that my sister's fiance's sister (that wasn't confusing now was it) Sarah was coming to live with us for at least a couple weeks if not until August. She is great, and so far so good, but still it has been strange having another person in the house especially one who is home a lot more often than the sis has been. It is all getting evened out though.
The puppy keeps getting bigger by the second, and I wish he would sleep more. One of the girls from work who has been going to the dog park in the mornings with me agreed after she saw him play for about 2 hours and still wasn't tired enough to nap...She said "most 14week puppies still sleep a lot, even in the dog park they usually conk out after awhile" - yeah, no, not my beast haha. He still goes to town. At least she commiserated with me, and how I'm tired because he never is!! Along with the fact that an awake puppy usually equals a puppy getting into trouble.
On another note our house's owner is still trying to sell the property. I still think he is asking to much for it, but we'll see. The realtor is going to try to find an investor who would let us stay in the house, which would be awesome!! Pray that we get a great landlord!
Well, tonight is puppy class night, and the rest of my day is filling up. Right now though I'm sitting here enjoying a sunrise and savoring my coffee...Mmmm life is a-okay...;-)
The puppy keeps getting bigger by the second, and I wish he would sleep more. One of the girls from work who has been going to the dog park in the mornings with me agreed after she saw him play for about 2 hours and still wasn't tired enough to nap...She said "most 14week puppies still sleep a lot, even in the dog park they usually conk out after awhile" - yeah, no, not my beast haha. He still goes to town. At least she commiserated with me, and how I'm tired because he never is!! Along with the fact that an awake puppy usually equals a puppy getting into trouble.
On another note our house's owner is still trying to sell the property. I still think he is asking to much for it, but we'll see. The realtor is going to try to find an investor who would let us stay in the house, which would be awesome!! Pray that we get a great landlord!
Well, tonight is puppy class night, and the rest of my day is filling up. Right now though I'm sitting here enjoying a sunrise and savoring my coffee...Mmmm life is a-okay...;-)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Music Monday!
I know this is a late posting, but I was having some computer issues earlier in the day. I hope that you all had a fun and sunny Memorial Day!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Since it's been awhile...
I know that we haven't had Music Monday in quite awhile - sorry about that...it goes along with the whole "my life is crazy right now" deal. That said - Sis and I saw the new Robin hood last night and thought it was awesome, and warranted a Music -ah- Wednesday.
P.S. movie theaters should be jailed for the ticket prices...I'm just saying...I'm going to open my own theater and I would guarantee that if prices were lower more people would come i.e. you would sell more tickets and ultimately make more money - also people might actually buy snacks...but then again no one asks me.
P.S. movie theaters should be jailed for the ticket prices...I'm just saying...I'm going to open my own theater and I would guarantee that if prices were lower more people would come i.e. you would sell more tickets and ultimately make more money - also people might actually buy snacks...but then again no one asks me.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Starting to settle out
At least we're getting into a routine -
4:45 am - rise and shine
4:50 am - stumble out the door to let Torque potty
The next several hours are spent getting us both some breakfast, playing with toys, and hitting up a good walk.
Somewhere between 8 and 9 am the pup will get atrociously grouchy and need a good 1-2 nap where I usually read or nap too.
The afternoon is a bit of a rinse and repeat with bathroom breaks every 4 hours at least. And another nap in there.
Whew. I mean I feel like I'm always tired, even though I'm hitting the sack by 10pm at the latest!! I'm telling you - after this kids would be easy ;p I have a little more experience with kids anyway, puppies are more challenging.
Anyway, I hope that explains my absent blogging. I really want to, but my time is less, and my energy is low ;p.
4:45 am - rise and shine
4:50 am - stumble out the door to let Torque potty
The next several hours are spent getting us both some breakfast, playing with toys, and hitting up a good walk.
Somewhere between 8 and 9 am the pup will get atrociously grouchy and need a good 1-2 nap where I usually read or nap too.
The afternoon is a bit of a rinse and repeat with bathroom breaks every 4 hours at least. And another nap in there.
Whew. I mean I feel like I'm always tired, even though I'm hitting the sack by 10pm at the latest!! I'm telling you - after this kids would be easy ;p I have a little more experience with kids anyway, puppies are more challenging.
Anyway, I hope that explains my absent blogging. I really want to, but my time is less, and my energy is low ;p.
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Rubber Meets the Road
Let me just say that I'm so glad Monday is here! Work was really good this weekend, albeit exhausting, and the puppy left me poopy messes in his cage twice. Today has started well though, and I've buckled down with the puppy's crate time. I had just been letting the puppy nap whenever he felt like it, but he wasn't sleeping that much, and he was just getting into trouble. That said I've been giving him two hour crate times every couple of hours. It's so nice to feel like I get my time, he isn't grouchy, and there have been no messes in the house yet. Woot!! I'm just saying - enjoy the small victories! He also starts puppy classes Wednesday which will be amazing! It will be so nice to let him socialize, learn, and burn some energy.
I would write more, but I'm so tired - so while the puppy naps so will I!!!!!!
I would write more, but I'm so tired - so while the puppy naps so will I!!!!!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Music Monday Returns!
I know that you've all been dying for another Music Monday seeing as I haven't posted one with the whole "trapped in Europe story". Anyways, I know this isn't exactly my normal post, but considering the circumstance I think it's a good one!!
NOTE: Quotes are from an article entitled "We Are Nashville" by Patten Fuqua. To read the complete article, you can visit www.section303.com (Note- I have no affiliation with that site, nor do I know the author personally).
NOTE: Quotes are from an article entitled "We Are Nashville" by Patten Fuqua. To read the complete article, you can visit www.section303.com (Note- I have no affiliation with that site, nor do I know the author personally).
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Nap Time
I am forcing myself to sit down and write some on the trip, because with the puppy craziness I'm never going to have time to. The fur baby is napping on the couch beside me, so I'll try to put some down. ;-)
Maybe I'll just start with a list!
My favorite things:
1) Food!! Their bread is of course amazing...
2) I think all the walking was a love/hate relationship - but it was nice to get a good workout every day.
3) How great we all got along - I couldn't have asked for a better group of girls to go with.
4) Getting to see all the beautiful scenery. I think Ireland was the most pretty country, but England and Scotland had more quaint houses and streets.
5) Getting asked to present the eurcerest (?spelling) at the Irish Catholic church we attended Sunday...we tried to explain that not only were we in jeans, but we weren't Catholic, and had no idea what to do.
6) The memory of almost missing our train from London to King's Lynn. At the time it was stressful, but once we were on board it was hilarious. I think people might have been worried that I was going to die after running so far, I was huffing and puffing worse than the Big Bad Wolf.
7) Meeting Flo's friends Rebecka and Sarah, and eating dinner with their Aunt Sarah and her husband Miles.
8) Watching some strange European telle
My Least Favorite:
1) Walking for miles on uneven cobblestone roads...talk about an ankle workout.
2) Almost 16 days in hostels - the last 3 nights we were in Ireland we broke down and stayed at a hotel so we could have our own bathroom.
3) Public transportation was also a love/hate relationship - sometimes is was obnoxious, other times it was helpful.
4) Having to take two buses and a ferry to Dublin (mainly because its a motion sickness nightmare).
5) Not having easy phone or Internet access.
6) A giant ash cloud making me use my vacation days
7) The horrid exchange rate, and how expensive everything is.
Yeah for some great times - at least the list is a start. There was so much we saw and experienced that it's hard to write it all down!
Monday, May 03, 2010
Good Morning World!
Last night the city had so much rain that there were records broken; like the 13.79 inches of rain that fell, and the height of one of the main rivers at 50.1 feet. The ER and basement of the hospital flooded while I was a work, and everyone was worried about their families and homes. Fortunately our house didn't flood, but there was a woman in our neighborhood who was trapped by water in her house had to deliver her baby there, and was rescued by canoe! Needless to say I was so glad to make it home safely - and the puppy was happy too. Sis has been keeping him well occupied, but he's always excited when someone comes in the door. This morning's picture is so him. He grabbed his soft ball toy took it to the front door, and plopped down with his feet hanging off. He loves to lay like that, and is always stretching on his belly. Potty training is going well, and hopefully we'll start working on peeing outside and not on the paper now that he's had his shots. He is full of energy, and is so strong that his puppy biting is very painful. He doesn't realize how strong he is, and being only 9 weeks old he is just a 30lb infant. I'm hoping that this week is relaxed so that I can settle in with him, and avoid an further natural disasters!! Happy Monday!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Torque's first day home
Can I just say that I feel like I have Jet Lag x10? Not only is my body a little thrown off schedule, but the puppy woke me up about every 3 hours last night. That said I woke up with a nasty neck related migraine, and spent the first several hours of the morning throwing up while Torque whined from his kennel. I finally made it to the chiropractor which helped, but I'm still tired, and I can feel the tightness in my neck. I just hope that work this weekend is okay, and that Torque survives. Fortunately right now I'm sitting on the couch with Torque laying belly up next to me. After his immunizations this morning I think he is poop tired poor boy. Maybe I can catch some zzzzs with him too...well I'll post later, I'm off to attempt a nap!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Home again, home again!
After 16 days, and I don't even know how many hours we arrived home to the USA. I'm a bit tired, and I woke up this morning at 2am with my jet lag catching up with me since my body has been 6 hours ahead for the last two weeks. I am sorting through pictures, and spent all this morning running errands. I have to go get Torque this afternoon, WOOOT! So, things haven't stopped since my feet hit the ground. Hopefully soon I'll go through our whole trip on here, posting pictures, and talking about all that we saw and did. I can't wait for you guys to get to see some of what we did. It's so good to be home!!! When the Immigration officer stamped my passport and said "welcome home" yesterday as we went through customs I could have hugged him and cried...hahaha which on a second thought may have gotten me arrested...It was just so nice to be back to some normalcy. I promise I'll post more later!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Good news...and bad news
We'll first off there is some good news on the whole "escape from Dublin" project. We had to be at the American Airline's ticket counter at the airport this morning by 7:30 to check on our flight now that the skies have opened for flights.
Bad news. We only got it moved from the 29th to the 27th...so it's a good thing that the four of us girls like traveling with each other because we're stuck for another week. The other bad thing is that it is so expensive to travel here. It is worse in Ireland than it was in England or Scotland where the pound is currency. It's somewhere like 2-3 US dollars for 1 euro. For anyone not sure - that is a horrid rate...
Over all we're having fun though, and staying safe. I have a new and wonderful love/hate relationship with Europe, and many things about it I'll miss. However, I can't wait to be home! I can't wait to talk on the phone to my family, go to the grocery store and not have to pay for bags, take a shower and not have to pay for a towel, eat dinner for under 12 dollars, and sleep in my own bed. Sigh. It will be wonderful!
Until later - keep me in your prayers as I continue the journey home to the USA ;-)
Bad news. We only got it moved from the 29th to the 27th...so it's a good thing that the four of us girls like traveling with each other because we're stuck for another week. The other bad thing is that it is so expensive to travel here. It is worse in Ireland than it was in England or Scotland where the pound is currency. It's somewhere like 2-3 US dollars for 1 euro. For anyone not sure - that is a horrid rate...
Over all we're having fun though, and staying safe. I have a new and wonderful love/hate relationship with Europe, and many things about it I'll miss. However, I can't wait to be home! I can't wait to talk on the phone to my family, go to the grocery store and not have to pay for bags, take a shower and not have to pay for a towel, eat dinner for under 12 dollars, and sleep in my own bed. Sigh. It will be wonderful!
Until later - keep me in your prayers as I continue the journey home to the USA ;-)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Stuck in the UK
I finally got a minute to pop on here and update.
So when we left for London little did we know that this giant volcano was going to start erupting ash into the sky, which in turn would leave the skies over the UK strangely void of puffy white jet trails. The airports look like grave yards, with the scattered people still turning up to check on flights while most have relinquished the wait to more permanent accommodations. Crazy I know! God has watch over us though! Since we were here before the eruption started most of our trip has been unaffected by it all. This last part however has been a bit difficult, and yet we have always had the right person to help us at the right time - its really been awesome - thank you for your prayers!!
I don't think I could possibly do justice to all we've seen and done (I'll try to post pictures if we ever get back). It's been amazing! We have all gotten along, had fun, and seen so much. There definitely is a bit of a dark feeling here in general, but I still really love it, and my friend Stacey who is on the trip too have joked that we'll just move here. I know right - nutts ;-).
Mmm, we did get the chance to try some Haggis and Black Pudding, but I couldn't do it. The girls said the pudding was gross, but the haggis wasn't bad. I'll leave you all to look and see what they are if you don't know.....I've tried other stuff though, and I've drank enough tea and coffee to float me home! ;-)
Anyways, more later - enjoy the update - sorry no music for tomorrow! Instead leave me notes!!!! Love and miss you all!!!
So when we left for London little did we know that this giant volcano was going to start erupting ash into the sky, which in turn would leave the skies over the UK strangely void of puffy white jet trails. The airports look like grave yards, with the scattered people still turning up to check on flights while most have relinquished the wait to more permanent accommodations. Crazy I know! God has watch over us though! Since we were here before the eruption started most of our trip has been unaffected by it all. This last part however has been a bit difficult, and yet we have always had the right person to help us at the right time - its really been awesome - thank you for your prayers!!
I don't think I could possibly do justice to all we've seen and done (I'll try to post pictures if we ever get back). It's been amazing! We have all gotten along, had fun, and seen so much. There definitely is a bit of a dark feeling here in general, but I still really love it, and my friend Stacey who is on the trip too have joked that we'll just move here. I know right - nutts ;-).
Mmm, we did get the chance to try some Haggis and Black Pudding, but I couldn't do it. The girls said the pudding was gross, but the haggis wasn't bad. I'll leave you all to look and see what they are if you don't know.....I've tried other stuff though, and I've drank enough tea and coffee to float me home! ;-)
Anyways, more later - enjoy the update - sorry no music for tomorrow! Instead leave me notes!!!! Love and miss you all!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Music Monday - See you in ten days!
I found some music that I think SFL won't stick in the Shlock category, but then again he always surprises me. I wanted to get in at least one Music Monday since I will miss it next week. When I get back though I will have to put a bunch of pictures up!! We leave this morning for Europe - I have that mix of nervous excitement. I'm all packed though, and I weighed my pack and it's only 10lbs, so I think we're good!! We can only carry 15kg on the Scotland to Ireland flight, so we had to keep on the light end of things. Stacey said that it's suppose to be 40-50 degrees out, but I hope she told me in Fahrenheit haha. I'll give the full update when we get back on the 21st. I hope that you all have a great week, and enjoy Music Monday!!!
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Welcome to the family
Today I got to go pick my puppy!!! This will be Leo/Torque - and he is/was the yellow puppy in the litter. He is a super sweet boy, and I got to hang with all the boys and Molly the breeder for about two hours. We played and Molly and I talked over all things dogs and showing. I can't wait, and in about three weeks we'll have a new family member!
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