Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkk

So, yeah...The new blog was not such a hit. I'm not sure why everyone raves about it, but I'm back on here. I missed the flexibility of it.

Anyways, things have stayed busy for those of you who didn't even bother to check the other site ;-).

DOT's wedding was amazing, and it took me about a week of sleep to recover! Hehe. Torque is growing like a weed!! We were about 92lbs at the last vet check. He isn't really growing tall as much as filling out. He is having some skin issues, that has him on antibiotics, Benadryl, and a medicated shampoo. We'll see if all that fixes things, or if he gets checked for allergies which I hope it's not!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I'll have to take some fun pictures to share with you guys. Everyone is excited to see Torque...I'm just hoping I survive taking the Beast among all the excitement. It's kinda like taking a toddler to Disney World, sometimes although it seems like a good idea it's more a hassle as they scream, cry, and throw fits. I'll let you know how that goes.

The house is back to being quiet with both of the girls gone now. It's a bit sad, but I'm trying to make the best out of it. Sorry for the long post, and I'll be posting on here for now, so YEAH!! I know you're all cheering! Thanks for missing me ;-)

1 comment:

Jess said...

I did miss you, my dear!! I liked the other blog but this one just felt like home. :)