Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas to All!

I'm rather uninspired to write something long and drawn out today, but I wanted to say a quick Merry Christmas to you all, before my weekend of work.

I hope that whether you get to be home and with family or not, that your holiday is a blessed one. Find some ways to be with the ones you love, and to remember the greatest gift of all.

One of my favorite memories about Christmas was that dad would read the Christmas story to us. We would go to Christmas Eve service, and then once we were home we'd settle in with glasses of egg nog, and listen to dad as he read. We weren't serious often, hehe but when we were it was special.

Even this year, when we can't be together we've still found ways to enjoy the holidays as a family. I got a call last night from the parents as they were doing one of our family traditions of driving to see all the neighborhood Christmas lights. Normally as we drive we think of all the Christmas song we can, and attempt to sing them. Dad sings off key on purpose, and mom harmonizes...even amidst dad's racket ;-). Usually the sis and I would just end up rolling in laughter in the back of the van. We even make up words to the songs to fit our jokes. Such was the case last night. I got the full description of lights as they drove, and we even had some carol singing over the phone. It was so fun!!!

That said - Merry Christmas!!! Thank you for being a part of this blog for another year. May Jesus bless you, keep you, and bring you closer to him this next year!


Anonymous said...

Nice Christmas song!
Yes - geographical distances are difficult at Christmas, but technology helps us "be together" anyway...Thal's singing and creative license during our annual Christmas lights drive definitely took the cake this year! I'm sure he'll have something humorous to say about it.
Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Oh what a nice story.

Too bad it never happened. We actually were speaking a carefully written coded message given us by your alien-human hybrid developers. They demanded we say and do everything we did in order to set your mental codes ensuring lifelong dedication to your mission. So you see there is nothing you can do but fulfill your mission, all that matters is your mission. *beep*


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

You're weird...not that that is new...

Enjoy your cherry bread - I'm jealous!

Anonymous said...

cherry loaf?

did you say cherry loaf?

where is my cherry loaf? *snif**snif*

me no see no cherry loaf around here...
