Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I think I'm getting squeemish...

There are really a whole handful of things that I could write about, dang my procrastinating self. I actually would like to take some pictures and post about the box of books my mother gave me for Christmas, and after that I will be accepting applications for someone to build me another bookshelf seeing as she seemed to have forgotten that I already own too many books. That said - maybe that can be my plan for tomorrow - a massive blogathon!!!!!!!

Here's where you cringe and remind yourself not to check back here for another six months. It's okay, I understand.

On a more pressing note.

I am signing myself up for a Wilderness Medicine Institute course. What? Might you ask. Yes, I know it sounds odd, but since my parents see fit to only drag us through the wilderness on family vacations I thought knowing some serious EMT type first aid training might come in handy. The course looks amazing; in depth, but amazing. There is just one area where I am feeling the palpitations starting. Please, continue to read...

"...risks may include, among other things: Strenuous physical activity; slipping and falling; pinches, scrapes, twists and jolts; sprains, strains, broken bones; collision with fixed or movable objects; weather conditions; falling objects; water hazards; exhaustion; exposure to temperature and weather extremes which could cause hypothermia, hyperthermia (heat related illnesses), heat exhaustion, sunburn, dehydration; and exposure to potentially dangerous wild animals, insect bites, and hazardous plant life; rope burns; being struck by rock fall or other objects dislodged or thrown from above; equipment failure; and improper lifting or carrying;
my own physical condition, and the physical exertion associated with this activity; the condition of roads, terrain, or highways and accidents connected with their use; other participants’ and/or my own negligence; and emotional stress."

Oh that? I'm not afraid!!...Well, maybe a little. It gets better I assure you.

"Physical activities include running (ah I hope you me a fast walk?), hiking, repetitive lifting and carrying. Certain activities will require travel by foot and other means, over unimproved roads, hiking trails and rugged off-trail terrain including downed timber, river crossings,snow, ice, steep slopes, slippery rocks and other features. These travel risks include falling, drowning (like in love?), becoming lost (well, that's nothing new)and others usually associated with such travel, including environmental risks.Environmental risks and hazards include flowing, deep and cold water (I think I'd only do it if it was non-flowing deep and cold water); insects, snakes, animals; falling and rolling rock;lightning, falling timber, and unpredictable forces of nature, including weather which may change to extreme conditions without notice. Possible injuries and illnesses include hypothermia, frostbite, sunburn, heatstroke, dehydration, and other mild or serious conditions..."

All this for a family vacation? Sheesh! ;-) Last but not least:

"...unwelcome touching while acting the role of patient in a
scenario; and emotional distress in response to training scenarios..."

Haha to think I could inflict emotional distress as I lay bleeding on some rock (fake blood of course). I'm just saying, I may be a new kind of me after March 11th...Stay tuned for the next installment entitled - Wanted: To Get In Shape Before March, So I Don't Look Stupid In Front Of A Bunch Of EMTs.


Anonymous said...

and you snivel about going on rock hunting trips with your poor, old, indigent parental units? this sounds way more extreme than our trips.

WOT is extremely unnerved by all this talk of extreme things. she is risk averse, and is going to be counseling you against going.

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

As much as I thought Thal would enjoy this post, I had no idea how much WOT didn't...

"you can't go - it's highly dangerous, it's too risky..."

Well, WOT for the sake of all our family vacations I must go. There are people to rescue from dark swirling water.

Jess said...

What??? What?? This sounds so exciting!!

Hey, you could take me along and then "practice" rescuing me over and over again (I put "practice" in quotes because you really would need to rescue therefore it would not be just practice...haha!).

That is, if I didn't die after the first day. There would be a good possibility of that. Then you'd have to bring someone else in.

Jess, you are going to be so good at this. You will not look stupid in front of the EMTs. You will be fabulous.

I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!

:D :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

so where is this so called, "blogathon", you threatened???