Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Kid on the Block

So this is the new place! Once we get moved in and settled I'll try to get some cute pictures. Look, we even get a garage, and a fireplace!! I suppose that is some consolation for the whole fact that we have to move. Still in all I'll miss my old stomping ground, and will have to get use to the new locale. I should get back to packing...gah...I did get the linen closet sorted and packed - which is good news. After all "M" day is Monday, so I better get a move (hehe) on!


sfl said...


PS - you're picture is the grossest form of security violation WOT has ever encountered!

Anonymous said...

I see one problem with this place, it doesn't have a blue door! I guess I'll have to send some blue paint as a house warming gift. I can't give Amish tours & point out Ms. Clairs house without a BLUE door. Yes, yes, I just want to see SFL's dream of riding the stick horse come true!

I hope all goes well & that "Pup-Charming" settles in ok. You'll have to let me know how it goes. I guess I have much to read here due to my absence but, work comes first these days.

Take care! "B" =)