Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Nacho Cheese Chips

I'm sitting on the ottoman minus it's cushion (that's somewhere in the garage) the wooden slats that form the piece are sticking into my backside; a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos in between my knees. My laptop rests on a stack of two boxes making it the perfect height from where I'm seated. The only light that is on is the mellow glow from above the oven, the drone of our new drier a calm backdrop to a house finally bedding down for the night. Having yet to find the cord to download pictures from my camera I was going to postpone an update. However, considering the need I have for a quiet moment in time to call my own...I find myself here.

Before I move on to the story of "The Great Move" as I will from here on out refer to August 16th, 2010; I must make one more statement. I'm pretty sure that I don't want to marry a man who cannot lift more than I can. Now I understand this statement has several considerations; such as (enough with the chips - moving onto chocolate teddy grahams) - ahem, where was I? Oh, yes, considerations. Such as marrying a "vertically challenge", wheelchair bound, or elderly man. Each of those candidates for marriage have potential to bring other more valuable assets to the relationship. I would just like to put it out there for all the guys who don't read my blog, that when a girl can carry more than your fair share of a load you should crawl home and consider doing a push up or two...

As for "The Great Move" it was an 18 hour day for me. Tons (literally and figuratively) of lifting, hauling, and coordinating. My sister's poor fiance hurt his neck really badly two days before, and so was sidelined to help hold doors and get the truck loaded efficiently. There was only me and one other guy who could really do a lot of the lifting...needless to say I am SORE, everywhere. We got most everything moved, and by midnight I was finally falling into bed.

I wish I could say I've been lazy-ly ever after, but alas there has been more loading, unloading, unpacking, old house cleaning, errand running, and dog class attending that I have had no time for thinking. I'm hoping the next several days improve.

The dog and cats are adjusting. They had a very long crated moving day too, and have been more than glad to run around. Tonight I took Torque outside to potty, then brought him in his big crate that I set up in my walk-in closet. Was he happy? No. He wanted out, and regressed back to peeing in his crate. I was so upset. That is what lead me to a nice long post, and in that interim the pup has finally fallen asleep in his crate, and I think that it is time I try to get some sleep as well. Thanks for all the well wishes, and prayers!! I hope the next post will have pictures!!!!

1 comment:

sfl said...

great news on the move!

sorry to hear about the physical burden though.

it's good to have folks willing to help. the challenge in moving (and most of life) is finding the best ways to work with others that maximizes the capabilities of all while attaining the goals at hand. you can look back (assuming you can turn your neck or torso without pain) and see the job was done. as time rolls on, you'll consider ways to improve the next one.

sounds like you're still patient with the animals even though you are tired, which is a huge accomplishment in and of itself. you should feel good about yourself there. the move is traumatic for them as well. they'll bounce back fast since they love, (or more accurately see you as a steady provider of what they require), you.

take it slow, get your rest, and unpack essentials, then rest, then unpack a little more, then rest. take a break and do nothing for a while, then hit it again.

give gack a hearty GACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from me.