Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fur Toddler has emerged!

Teething has begun in earnest, and I don't know if I can make it through!!! He has been so grouchy, and chewing mostly me. I think some of his toys are so hard that they hurt his mouth instead of helping, so I've tried to refocus him on soft toys. I thought I'd post some new pictures though!!! Last week we went to movies in the park, and Torque had a great time! He was so well behaved, I was impressed. His 1/2 brother in Denmark also just won the World Junior Title, so Molly has a lot of hope that Torque will show very well...I think he will if he'll stop biting my arm off!!

Hope that you have a wonderful end to your Sunday, and I'll send more updates as the week progresses!


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

every time i see that thing it's tongue is hangin' out, what's the deal?

so he comes from a broken home does he?

no wonder he has behavioral issues...


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

You'd have your tongue hanging out all the time too if you lived where it was >90 degrees with 94% humidity everyday! Especially if your mother dragged you out and about in it! Poor Torque...

I'd go into the whole broken home thing, but I promised Torque that this could be a new begining, where the past could be buried like a bone in the backyard. ;-)

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

hey, great line, "bury the past like a bone in the backyard"

sounds like the makin' of a country song! keep going!