Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Summer time!

Well this week has flown by! I forgot to mention; mainly because I forgot it was happening, that my sister's fiance's sister (that wasn't confusing now was it) Sarah was coming to live with us for at least a couple weeks if not until August. She is great, and so far so good, but still it has been strange having another person in the house especially one who is home a lot more often than the sis has been. It is all getting evened out though.

The puppy keeps getting bigger by the second, and I wish he would sleep more. One of the girls from work who has been going to the dog park in the mornings with me agreed after she saw him play for about 2 hours and still wasn't tired enough to nap...She said "most 14week puppies still sleep a lot, even in the dog park they usually conk out after awhile" - yeah, no, not my beast haha. He still goes to town. At least she commiserated with me, and how I'm tired because he never is!! Along with the fact that an awake puppy usually equals a puppy getting into trouble.

On another note our house's owner is still trying to sell the property. I still think he is asking to much for it, but we'll see. The realtor is going to try to find an investor who would let us stay in the house, which would be awesome!! Pray that we get a great landlord!

Well, tonight is puppy class night, and the rest of my day is filling up. Right now though I'm sitting here enjoying a sunrise and savoring my coffee...Mmmm life is a-okay...;-)

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