Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Rant

1. 30 days has never felt so short.

2. I hate the thought of moving into an appartment complex. As in it makes me want to poke my eyes out, and possibly nash my teeth (however you do that).

3. I know in 30 years I'll look back and think how stupid I was to stress about this.

4. I know in 30 seconds I'm going to want to cry, binge on strawberry ice cream, and watch some random chick-flick while ignoring my problems...including my propencity to eat ice cream...

5. There are to many choices in life...

6. I hate making decisions - as in I would rather do anything else.

7. I'm bad about procrastinating.

8. Hmmm is there a good movie on tonight?

9. Who wants sausage, gravy, and biscits?

10. Oh, wait...where was I...oh, yeah procrastinating - it's bad for you - although not as bad as smoking is...just saying...

11. I don't think I even have the energy for 12.

12. Maybe I'll just move to Michigan, or how about move in with the parents? SFL would be excited, then terrified.

Well, I do feel slightly better after that. Thanks for listening.


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

it's the most wonderful time of the month...






the most wonderful time, of the month!

PS - you may come live near us, but not WITH us. unless of course you purchase acreage and allow WOT and I to retire. then i will be the groundskeeper, caretaker, and chaser of WOT through the shrubbery!

now that sounds like a plan, if you ask me!

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

It is NOT the most wonderful time of the month - the most wonderful time will be the end of next month! Also, I think that the shrubbery plan sounds great...

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

your response just confirmed what your surrogate caregiver already said. now just relax and admit i'm correct.

yes, just us two little mayflies skipping and giggling amongst the shrubberry's. it's so refreshing!

ps - quit texting WOT and just call her for crying out loud!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

i'm waiting...*tapping foot impatiently*

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

hey quit ignoring me in favor of mindless texting to WOT!

Rae-Rae said...

totally agree with you as regards the ice-cream fact my personal favourite is also strawberry must have some anaesthetic properties as it really does tend to numb the pain!!