Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It has begun...

30 days hath September April May June November..

all the rest have 31

except for February with 28 and leap year which has 29

Ah - the story of my life...As of today we have 30 days to move. Ten days or so of those 30 I was going to spend traveling to see family and SFL/WOT. Personally I'm not a fan of sacrificing my vacation because the house owner has finally after two years got his act together! *sigh*

Where are you going to live you ask? Well, it's like I told Torque this morning as he was whining a throwing a puppy fit. "If you don't hush and lay down for your nap so mommy can look for houses you will be living next to the river in tent city!"

As you can see I was kind of throwing a fit back...c'est la vie (such is life) - mmm and on a side rant, can I just say that French makes no sense!! They are always writing things one way, and saying them another. I mean if you want to add and subtract letters to words when said why not just spell them that way? "Zat es just not don" *Humph*...I'm going to stop now...And go back to house hunting...and/or practicing my tent pitching skills!

P.S. Thanks for listening to my rant!!


Jess said...

Comfort yourself with the thought that you already have lots of tent-pitching skills! Hooray!!! ;) In all seriousness, I hope you find a house. If you need any help looking through real estate, I am ALWAYS game -- I love real estate!! Heheh!

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Good point Jess - I do love your logic!!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

no sweat, we'll come down and help. either way we get to see each other.

just hurry up and let WOT find you a place to live, you know she can do it quicker, more efficiently, more securely, and she'll feel so much better having helped you out. and before you know it we'll be down and moved everything with excessive efficiency and minimal enjoyment.

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

You need to do no such thing Mr."I have no vacation time!" You just stay and enjoy the dog next door - although WOT is good at finding houses!!!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

i'll make arrangements at work. no problemo. 'sides, iffen, you be gonna let me retire, i can't tell them to take this job and [fill in the blank]...

dog next door? son-of-sid or the other dog?