Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gack and his "Hack"

I told WOT that I'd post another music video for her. I don't think you've seen this one, but it's one of my favorites, so enjoy!

As for Gack, I think SFL cursed him, because he's been "hacking" all week. I don't know if he has a hairball that he can't get out, poor boy. The vet wasn't too concerned, soooo we'll see. Today I'm sure the beasts will be unhappy with me, as Polly got dewormed again, and Gack got his second booster shots and dewormed. Of course the baby doesn't cough the whole time we're at the vet, and then within five minutes of being home starts hacking. I may got get some hairball stuff today and see if that will help him out. I'll let you know how it goes!! Poor baby!

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