Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Airport Adventures

Aw, sigh. The cousin has left, and now my life has drifted back into monotony...think my aunt would catch me if I stole her back?

Actually, she almost got to stay with me - at least for awhile longer.

We arrived at the airport in plenty of time to check her bag, and walk her to her gate prior to boarding of the plane. Please keep in mind that she will be 15 in August, and flew without a problem the whole way here. That said, while we were checking in they asked her age (which was fine - they had done that on the way here also), and then the attendant promptly told me that she could not fly. I think something along the lines of "well she flew here" followed by "well she can't stay here!" - Not that I don't love my cousin, but I think my aunt might freak if I actually kept her - I'm just saying...

The airline then informed me that someone didn't follow policy when they allowed her to fly (with a connection) unaccompanied. Now I understand policies, here at the hospital we live by them, and unfortunately I was now on the receiving end of one. My aunt even tried talking to the manager, but alas! If my cousin wanted to get home we'd be shelling out another hundred dollars to switch her over to another airline who would let her fly. Not only that but there was a four hour wait till her new flight would take off, and my cousin's family would have to drive an hour away to pick her up at a different airport.

Yeah for airport excitement!

I kept my calm, and just told my cousin that this is flying, you have to get use to change - I mean what are ya gonna do - and in the worse case scenario she'd get to hang with me for a couple extra days.

All together I got to hang at the airport a couple extra hours, walk her to her gate, and spend some quality people watching time while we waited. We had fun, and not even the inconvenience ruined our mood. Life is to short to spend it angry! Not to mention my cousin was conviced she wasn't suppose to be on that other plane because Rascal Flatts was going to be on this new flight...I didn't dash her hopes, but I ddddid happen to mention that they probably had their own jet...just saying!


the Wanna Be said...

Your such a fun girl! I bet your cousin had a blast. Hope your summer continues well. Kisses to you!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

you mean you didn't freak, get loud and be wrestled to the ground by a female TSA agent from the former GDR named Helga, and subsequently Tasered? i'm disappointed not to read about you on CNN.


Nashville - "female tasered at nashville airport for failure to comply after learning she could not dump off her unruly cousin at the airport. authorities believe woman tied to Islamic militant group involved in similar disruptions at other major airports around the country recently. her name is being witheld pending notification of parents (whom are really only custodians for the alien-human hybrid)."

well it makes for good fiction at least. and my deluded mind was quieted for a brief spell.

thanks for the fictious memories.

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Hahaha, maybe I should try that some time SFL. At least the Wanna Be was sweet ;p. You on the other hand...I do love, however your imagination gets carried away. I think your other daughter would be more likely to freak! Were I to loose it though I would have to make the following statement:

"I will be making no appologies, as the section of my brain that can compriehend regret has been perminately damaged from the taser...however, I would be more than willing to have a rematch at another scheduled time if Helga requests....."

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

yeah, girls are sweet...

and boys are...

sugar and spice and everything nice, isn't that the way the rhyme goes??
