Friday, June 19, 2009

Counting Down the Days

I finally have a minute to sit down, which is more than I could say yesterday. You never know what work will be like, but the past several days have been super busy, and not just for me, but for the Unit as a whole. Nevertheless, with my 5 minutes of peace I wanted to do a quick post.

Last night I definitely got a little more sleep as the kitten is growing more independent, and spent most of the night at the top of my pillow sleeping. Poor buddy, he will be so happy when I'm home tonight. It has been nice though to have a sort of trial run before getting a puppy, and I must admit that I'll miss the bugger- at least I know I'll occasionally see him, and he couldn't be going to a better place (SFL is still in question ;p).

I start night shift again on Sunday, so we'll see how that goes. I'm going to really bite the bullet, and attempt on all the days I'm not working to switch back to days. I think it's better for my body. At least I know that it's only 6 weeks before day shift again, and I get to see my folks in another 3 weeks. Whew...

I'd like to mess around with switching this blog onto a domain where I can do more stuff with it, but we'll see how that goes. I think it would be fun.

Anyways, hope that you guys are all having a great day - thanks for all the comments!!

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