Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bath Day

This link has nothing to do with what I was going to tell you, but it's a great video clip I think you'll like it.

Also, I changed the way you guys can comment on here, to make it easier. If it's not working for you and you hate it let me know I can change it back.

This morning the kitten was using the little litter box by the bed around 5am, when Polly (the older cat) decided to go at him. Well Velvet the dog (who hates conflict), must have known that Polly started it, because she took the kitten's side and dove between then snapping at the older cat. I must say I was proud of the dog...I scooped up the kitten onto the bed in my still waking up state only to realize thaaaaat with the chaos his paws were, ah, dirty. That left me at 5:30am climbing out of bed to give the cat a bath, and try to spray the sheets with cleaner. My poor bed...

The kitten was so pitiful as I gave him his bath in the sink, with the only kids shampoo I had left - Watermelon scented. Yummy. He survived though, and got all wrapped up in a towel. Then I collapsed back into bed with a bundled kitten on my chest to try to rest. His little head poking out of his cocoon we snoozed for about an hour. I must admit he is darn cute. As I type this he is laying on my chest under a blanket, because he was still cold.

I now give you permission to "awww".

Can I have a nap?


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

i think you made all this up!

the picture here looks eerily the same as the last picture. you just tryin' to play on the heartstrings of certain readers aren't you???

well it did not work on the ever-vigilant sfl, protector of truth, guardian of all that's right and sacred, and yummy and fizzy and crunchy and salty and peanutbuttery and mrsbutterworthy and nachoflavored and sourcreamandcheddarflavored and loudsquealingtires and smokingtires and highhorsepowerpushyoubackinyourseat, etc, etc, etc.


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

WOT and sfl found the video clip uninspiring.

WOT wants little kitten clips apparently. perhaps action video of gacks near-death experience. or the snarling bearing of teeth by otherwise mild-mannered girth.

something with a bit more pizzazz she said.