Tuesday, June 02, 2009


About a month ago in church we talked about telling the people in our lives how amazing they are while they are alive, and not just waiting to give a wonderful funeral speech. So as I sat here thinking, I wanted to jot down just a few of my favorite things about just a few of my favorite people. Now don't go getting antsy - I'm doing my best here, maybe I'll make this a weekly thing, and I'll do different people every time. Are you ready? ;-)

You can take a bow when it's your turn - I won't laugh!

Okay...maybe I will laugh, but only if you hit your head on something when you bow...

We'll start off with SFL because it IS almost Fathers day.

SFL: He is the strong silent type. We'd get sent to our room when we were younger as punishment, but we always knew that SFL would be up soon with that look that could make you fess up to anything. He tells great stories too - don't let him fool you.

Julie: She is a wonderful friend. She is great at seeing the heart of something, I need people like that. I LOVE late night laundry folding/ice cream eating moments, or just hanging out. If you ever want to eat good food.../e points (sorry my mouth is full).

Ashley: This girl is awesome about trying new things, and being adventurous. I love that about her! She doesn't mind telling you whats what either, and will stand up for herself - something I'd like to be better at.

I realized I could make a ten page list about people...I know I'm only getting a little picture for you here. You'll just have to get to know them yourselves.

Den: Hmm, where to start. She is my go to girl when I just want to whine, and she does the same to me; don't you just love those mutual relationships? She doesn't even read this, but that's okay. She is one of the nicest people you will ever meet, and she would be willing to do anything for you. She loves flowers....

Okay, I have work to do - but don't worry I will add more people later!!


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

All statements about SFL are compelete fabrications since SFL is a complete and total fabrication of our electronic culture. SFL is a dream, a wisp of ethereal thought, a trip through a wormhole in a fantastic dimension of sight and sound... wait, isn't that Rod Serling talking???


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Wovings SFL tons of hugs and wovings for you!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

you cannot wuv an electron.

unless you do so in a quantum mechanical sort of way...
