It's not my fault!
It was love ;-)
Okay, well I knew my mother would fall in love.

Isn't he precious? I don't know why the sound on my camera didn't work, but my sister is there chilling with us, and telling me I have to get rid of him before I want to keep him!!
Since he will be my parent's cat my Dad named him Einstein, which is only technical seeing as any family pet of ours has a million names. We can call him Dr. E; Eini; my dad wants Flash as a nickname; and MC. Hehe, we'll see...We got our visit to the vet over with, and he wouldn't stop purring when the vet was trying to listen to his heart and lungs. We (including the vet) just laughed, and the vet charted "motor running fine".
Poor Polly (our other cat) hates the baby, and the baby is scared of the dog...When they get used to each other I'll be taking him to WOT.
I guess I should tell you how I happened upon him. I had the intention of dropping by the animal shelter to volunteer for a little on my way to get emission testing on the car. The emissions test didn't happen. While working in the cat room I usually don't visit with the kittens because the get adopted so quickly. Today I was petting the adults when a girl left the kitten room commenting about the cute "Siamese one", and I had to take a look. When I saw him I thought of my mother, and before long it was settled, and home we went!
and he shall be known as GACK. GACK shall be his name, and no other... thus sayeth SFL
I personally like Dr. E or MC, but you I'm sure will call him Gack...poor buddy...
gack! gack-gack-gack-gack! gack! gack-gack-gack-gack!
OMGOSH..........the cuteness!!! I can't handle it!!!!!! He is adorable!
Oh, and P.S. How about calling him MACK? MC...Mack...rhymes with Gack, or Quack, or...well, you get the picture. LOL!
I WANNA CUDDLE THE FUZZY KITTY!!!!!!!! Give him a big hug and kiss for me. :D :D :D
Oh, and another P.S. I'm so glad we got to talk the other day. LOVE!! :)
Gack is a man-cat, not adorable or cuddlely or cute. no hugging, kissing or other shows of affection.
Gack shall be raised in following the traditions of the Spartans. depravation, day long physical excercise, strategic thinking and logic at night. weekly fights to the death to weed out the unworthy. at the end, he will be a highly trained, sharpened weapon ready to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting world.
and he shall be known as Gack. Gack shall be his name...
I'd like to remind you that this morning I kissed him, played with him, rubbed his getting-rounder-belly, told him he was cute, adorable, and the-cutest-little-kitten-ever. I hope he remembers some of this when he is stolen away to the land of the Spartans...poor baby...
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