Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Vampire Anyone?

I know that I don't really do the whole Halloween thing...however, were I to I think that I would have to be a little furry vampire bat. Hehe, because that is how I feel with my night schedule. The only thing different is that I don't hang upside down to sleep. Oh - and I don't drink blood of any sort, lol.

On another note, I am rather short on sleep. I got called into work half a shift on Satuday, then worked Sunday and Monday nights, then an hour after I got off work Tuesday morning I had to go to PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) class till 5pm, and then class again all day Wednesday. Needless to say I was up for about 27 hours straight before I got any sleep. However - I passed my PALS class - YEAH!! On about 5 hours of sleep, so kudos to me. PALS was fun though, its where we practice assessing and treating life threatening situations (i.e. cardiac arrest, shock, etc). Anyway, its good to have done and the certification lasts 2 years.

Weeee, well I am off to get some much needed rest, but I'll try to write a little more soon ;-)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Life Upside Down

Hmmm, I don't think that my body knows what side is up; I'm hungry at all the wrong times, but otherwise I am finding that staying up all night and sleeping through the morning and early afternoon is quite easy actually. I suppose the hardest part is feeling disconnected from people seeing as I can't really call anyone during the night, and most people are not game for a social event at 3 in the morning. However, I LOVE working nights. It is busy and crazy at times, but the amount of people (ie doctors, family, misc hospital staff) is limited so my patient care is so much more focused. It is fabulous! The girls I work with are outstanding, fun, and over all we have a great time. How funny to think that this was not the most appealing job offer I got, nor is it the greatest hospital ever, but I don't think I could love my job more; and that speaks to me louder than any pay check that I am in the right spot for now. Who knows where we'll go or what we'll do, but imagine the great big world out there!!!! God created so much, and we're in control of so little - why not get out there and see what inspires you ;-) you might be suprised. Take my advise - if its your time to die there is no way to stop it, so be wise, but seize the moment, do something spontaniously, push the edge and see where it takes you! At 5:30 am I am not sure that whatever I just wrote makes any sense haha, but cheers anyway! I'm off to watch a movie and read a book before some sleep ;-). Happy commenting.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fall At Last!

Yes, Fall is here! I love Fall - I love the temperature, the activities, the smells, and the holidays!! Today it really started feeling cool, as the temperature dropped to around 55 degrees. This finally means that I can open my windows and enjoy being cold for once. The cold weather also means...APPLE PICKING! Mmmm, who doesn't love to go apple picking on a cool Fall day, come home and make apple pie or homemade apple-sauce? I will post some pictures when we go ;-). We are also planning a fun hayride because they are just fun! That said - you, my faithful commentors will have to post tales of your favorite fall adventures!
As for work, I am switching to my full time schedule on Sunday where I will be working night shift (7-7) for at least the next year. Therefore, I will have too rules: 1) If you can't sleep you can always call. 2) If you call me before 2pm...I will kill you. We will see how it goes, I may be a bit tired for the first couple months.
I appologize that this post is not exactly poetic, or in anyway entertaining....however, it is a post! At some later day I will attempt to appeal to your creative sides ;-)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Creme Brulee Day

Have you ever had one of those days, a day where you get inspired to do something fabulous, something creative, something fun? A day where you want to make Creme Brulee? Ahh yes, today was one of those days. Now I know that not everyone may enjoy a well made Brulee, so feel free to insert above whatever creative creation you like; my point still stands. In every persons life there are days where you dream of that exquisite backdrop of a timeless classic that greets you on the doorstep of imagination and beckons you to into another world, time, and place. These are Creme Brulee days. The essence of Creme Brulee is within its innate simplicity. The elegance, the draw, the universal appeal is not credited to dazzling presentation or creative genius. Instead subtle class and simple flavors have given this desert longevity throughout the culinary world. How the same life works at times (I love when I can combine deserts and life lessons for an amazing illustration). Granted, there are things in today's world that I would miss were they to be removed. However, I think that in every heart there is a little need for the simple things in life. We may not be able to completely shed the complexity we live in, but I would encourage you to take a Creme Brulee day every now and again. Stop, enjoy where you are in life, enjoy a sunny day, the smells on the breeze, a sunset, the fog hanging on the mountain tops, the tousled hair of your kids as they sleep, or even just look back over the years. No man knows fully the hour in which he lives, and how sad it is to not enjoy every moment.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Welcome home to Tennessee!

Well my loyal commentors and readers alike, I am officially moved into my new apartment; which I might add is so cute! Mmm, actually its only half as cute as is will be when I have furniture ;-). Right now I write this to you seated on a giant plastic tub of clothes which I'm surprised hasn't broken yet due to me sitting on it for extended periods of time. Otherwise the place is still bare, however this weekend when SFL and WOT come I shall finally have furnishings! Yea!! This past weekend my old roomie paid me a fabulous visit, and we got to see some great sights around town. We also found our official restaurant, which we happened upon by sheer chance. You see, the night she arrived we were both hungry but didn't really know what places were around to eat in; when low and behold we saw this hilarious lighted sign on the right which said "Cootie Browns! Real Food!". The place looked packed, and well, we both looked at each other and knew that Cootie's was calling our name. I would never have dared to try the place by myself, but as I'm sure you've noticed two people are braver than one. Let me just tell you! The food was amazing, the atmosphere so perfect!! You can eat inside or out on tables each individually painted, surrounded by walls decorated with hand panted murals of what I can only suppose is the famous Cootie Brown. We had the best time, and declared Cooties as our official place to eat. I knew you would have to hear the story ;-) because I'm sure you can picture us sitting there laughing our heads off for two hours, while a mix of college students, families, and couples in their fifties sat surrounding our lively party, each one enjoying the night just as much as us.

Unfortunately the weekend always comes to an end, and today was my very first day of work! I was again asked if I was old enough to have graduated college and taken my licence exam...I think that its good I'll be working with kids, at least I know that they'll look younger than me. Hehe, alright, that said I am off to bed. Tomorrow is another early morning with a full day of sitting in chairs listening to speakers on patient care and employee ;-). More later!!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Weekend weddings, and M-Day!

It is hard to believe that we are at this point already, but nevertheless the relative end of summer has arrived! For those of you who might not know, I have passed my Nursing (NCLEX) Boards, and now have my official nursing license - How exciting! I am also leaving tomorrow to attend one of my oldest friends' wedding. I am definately not sure that there is enough space in Michigan to hold SFL, WOT, and our friends family who is definatly as weird as us! lol! From the wedding I am driving down to my new apartment, where I will have a week to settle in before my first week of work orientation. In the midst of that I have a great friend from school coming up for the weekend, and my parents will be coming down a week later. Whew, I swear my life is crazy! It is exciting though to think that I will finally get to have my own place, and not have to move in 4 months. I know that life in the real world can slip into a boring rut at times, however, I am excited to have an apartment to come home to, and I know that work will definately keep me busy for quite awhile.

Well, I know that it was not the most interesting of posts, but I will try to come up with something more creative for the next time. Until then!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Global Warming? Say what!

I don't know about your normal family conversations over the dinner table - assuming you have such events...but I will tell you that we have had some impressive ones. If you have ever eaten at our place you probably remember some such strange conversations, ranging from the creative naming of potential spouses, to the thermodynamics of a fart (eww - SFL we seriously do not need a demonstration!). The past several days have however, considered more serious intrigues. It began when SFL informed us that by next year all car companies will be mandated to only produce vehicles who get at least 35mpg. Now the reason given to the enforcement of this law was that it would help lower carbon emissions which influence global warming. This topic is a very interesting "ball" to toss around in a discussion, and before long the question became what global warming (assuming it exists) is caused by? How much CO2 is truly produced by cars, and in which countries? Is increased mpg the BEST way to control CO2 emission? How much CO2 is normally required on earth for living things (especially plants)? I must note here that I did suggest that we just put a limit to the number of times people can breath per minute, because after all we produce CO2 every time we exhale...however, that suggestion was not really viewed as possible (shame). Nor was my other alternative observation that CO2 might be decreased if we only wipe out the entire earths population.....once again shot down...

Now all these questions are quite interesting, and after one evenings' conversation much reading and research was done, and by the second night several answers had emerged. It always amazes me how creative the human mind is! It also amazes me how often in this age where information is so easy to access choose to remain ignorant. Granted, many topics do not appeal, and yet what a better place to discuss topics that you may be ignorant of than the dinner table? Haha, I feel like a commercial for on ABC for the "family table". Truly though! I suppose that another good point is that you should never believe what you hear ;-) after all CO2 only composes 12% of greenhouse gases (I think thats right...WOT care to verify?), so perhaps there are other gases which would be better decreased. There are so many components to almost any issue you care to talk about, which is the very foundation of debates! No, no I am not saying that this vehicle law should not be put into place, however I am saying that it behooves us to think and talk about those issues which concern our world.

Well, I guess you will never get bored with the number of completely random and separate blog topics that show up....hmm...aren't you glad you don't live in my mind ;-).

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Moving on Down, moving on down tooo the south side...

Well it is official! Whether I like it or not I am now a Tennessee resident, and will be moving to my very first job by the beginning of August. I will by working in a Pediatric ICU, I think that working will kids will be both challenging and fun. WOT and I did have to take an unexpected trip down this past week to get my licence, car title, etc to prove my residency so that I could take my nursing exam....yuck! It was a pain!! I loved getting to see DOT and hang out with her for a couple days, but both mom and I were not as excited to sit in the car for a nice 12 hour trip one way. I think that I've put around 3000 miles on my car since the end of April - if my butt never sits in another car it will be too soon!

Well, now that my fate is sealed I have begun packing, and hopefully sorting out what to take now and what to just pack for a later move. *Sigh* I hate packing, but I am excited. Mostly I have realized how fast this summer is going to fly! Also, if any of you are ever coming down my way you will have to stop by for a visit, and see my apartment - which I hope to have decorated cutely ;-). Alright - more later!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Flying By

Isn't that just the story of life hmm? How easy it is to fill our lives with so many things some good, some not, and some just in the wrong order on a list of priorities. I suppose that the difficultly in complexity is when I lose focus of the Lord. Busyness in itself is not bad, too often however are the nights when I roll over to turn off the light on my nightstand, and see my Bible resting there untouched. How tragic would it be if I ignored the prick of the Holy Spirit on my heart? There are so many things in this world that I have just adjusted to - that every now-and-again I wonder if I shouldn't feel something when I see them. For example; just this week I pulled up MSN home page and a story headline caught my eye. At first I laughed at the irony of it, but it has nagged my thoughts this week. It said something like: From the devastating civil war in the Sudan comes good news (at this point I'm thinking oh cool the war ended!)...(read on)...National Geographic shows new aerial footage showing knob antelope are thriving there.

I struck me how misplaced our priorities often are. After all how many times have you seen news on the thousands of people dying in Africa and around the world each day from war, disease, and famine? I know that being stewards of earth is definitely a responsibility given to us by the Lord, but how greater then is our responsibility to the hurting and lost people surrounding us? Granted, we are not all called to fly to the Sudan :-P, but we are all called to be lights in the darkness, to stand humbled in the presence of our God, and to glorify the Lord in EVERY thing that we do. Oh that I might not live my life including God in it - but that I would include my life in the Lord - even the busy parts. Weird thought isn't it.

Mmm, sorry for my rambling. :-) See I'm attempting to actually keep up on here! More to come later - as I get inspired again.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Life Changes Once Again

By now I am sure that most anyone who read my blog in past editions, as since given up hope that I would ever update. However, I am here to say that this record of my doings and where-abouts is far from complete.

I have finally graduated college with my BSN in Nursing, and am proud to say that it was with Honors. My parents and sister came down for the event, and we all had a wonderful, yet exausting time. Leaving was horrid I'll admit. I think I cried enough tears to flood my apartment again; as I drove down the street with the T's standing in their driveway. Mrs. T has called several times and says that Kate still asks when I'm coming home...I miss them tons!!

However, I have stayed fully busy in the few weeks I've been home. I am studing for my Nursing Boards to get my licence (it is so wrong that you have to study AFTER school), and trying to figure out where I'll be working. Right now I am actually leaning towards working in Tennessee as a Pediatric Intensive Care Nurse in a childrens hospital. Along with all the paper work I need to complete, I am also apartment hunting, and trying to get my adult life situated. Mom, dad, and I also just got back home from a wonderful trip to Maine so the parents could go to a rock digging class all week. They had a blast, and I enjoyed Maine! I was hopping ever so much to see a moose...but no - it wasn't to be. Now I can cross off my list of states to see, three more.

It is good to be back home though, and I am back in the swing of reenactments for the summer. We already had our first event, which happened to be four days instead of the usual three because we did an extra school education day that over 400 kids came to from over 4 schools!! As fun as it was, you have NO idea how badly I wanted a shower......

Well, that is about all for now - I will try to be much more faithful in my accounts, and keep you up dated on my work situation. Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Final Count Down...

My four years at school has finally funnelled into these last two weeks before I walk proudly across the stage (hopefully not to fall) and receive my diploma. As I look back it flew by, and yet when I truely think about it, I can remember soo many things that have happened. Although I have no idea yet where I am going, what I am doing, or when it will be; I do know that I will miss school for all its challenges and opportunities alike. I am hoping to have a nice graduation photo to post here or send to you guys ;-) I'll post more later, as I'm sure you will want to hear all my graduatory news.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Birthday #22!!

Happy Birthday to me I live in a tree I may look like a monkey, but thats because I'm hairy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol, ok ok...Well I am officially 22, I know crazy! Things have been busy, as a brief summary -

- I passed my one class (hip hip hooray) - even got a B!
- Spring Break was awesome - my sis is the best and we had so much fun!!! Lots of food, fun, REALLY loud music, bad mom jokes, and laughing.
-Mrs. T is back home (YEA!!) from visiting her sister for 12 days (poor Mr. T) who recently found out she has cancer, so please be in prayer for their family, and for her sister who is not a Christian.
- Once again, we had to plung my bathroom tube which was full of crap....which had backed up from the upstairs was sooooo gross....
- I went to the most REDNECK Civil War Reenactment ever....I hate to say it, but it was REALLY redneck. I did feel bad though one of the guys actually shot himself in the leg (although it was a blank) and the force of the powder actually put a hole in his leg. He'll need some stitches, so they took him in the ambulance, poor guy.
- I had a fabulous birthday!!!
- I meant to have this really awesome theological post...but I knew it would be, you'll have to wait for another time.

Ok, thats about all :-) I'll write more soon!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Theres Always a First Time For Hate Mail...

Haha, have you ever wondered what it would be like to get hate mail?

Ah, yes, my fine commenters - I'm sure you never thought (except SFL) that I of ALL people would ever recieve hate mail...sigh...However, there is a time in every persons life that they must make a desision to stand up for something.

Now - granted, I hope that my timing was alright, but I wrote this letter to our undergraduate coordnator to ask for her opinion on how I should handle a situation with a professor; which I felt that the class agreed on..............................well - I guess not the whole class agreed... Although, I got plenty of very sweet e-mails thanking me for standing up to say something, I also got a couple pieces of hate mail...

Hate mail is a funny thing, it bites, it also is intimidating, but at the same time it makes you want to stand up and say - WELL THEN WHY DO I HEAR SO MANY PEOPLE COMPLAINING ON THE BUS!!!! lol....sorry. On one hand I was thinking "well maybe I had bad timing", but on the other hand if I did it after our final people would say that it was only written because the final was hard, and that is not true. Needless to say, I kinda feel like the women who was going to be stoned....hum...of course not for the same thing....bla bla bla

Well, I'm back off to study and sleep, I've been working SUPPER hard for this final :-) I hope it pays off! I'll write more soon.

P.S. I really just don't do good with hate mail, lol :-P

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Rambling Thoughts...

I will put a quick disclaimer on this post. These alone are my thoughts, and as such have the potential to be erred. If you might offended by my comments you may want to forget you know me =P. Happy reading.

Amid a recent conversation with a friend, the topic of movies was brought up. My friend stated that movies today were designed to create an emotional response within you; which under a real-life circumstance would lend itself to a retaliatory response from the viewer. Generally however, due to the nature of films, no response to these evoked emotions are required or possible. The point of my friend was that we should be wary of putting ourselves in situations where we are likely to have our conscience numbed leading to a desensitization towards emotionally charged situations. I had not been prepared to answer this opinion at the time, but tonight I came upon a thought that has caused me to disagree. Were we not created by the Lord to respond to situations in which we were emotionally drawn? Of course! However, it is not only a movie that has this effect. Have you ever listened to a piece of music that touched your very soul? It could have been the rhythm, the harmony, the picture it placed in your mind, the words, or perhaps just the very notes themselves that stirred within you the cry for response. On the other hand a magnificent sunrise, a snow capped mountain, a surging wave, or a breathtakingly beautiful vista call to the heart of the viewer as well. Within every life experience lies an opportunity for our emotional response to drive us to action. I am not just talking about an emotional expression such as tears; I am speaking of joy, anger, fear, indignation, boldness, sorrow, compassion, and courage; such responses as have been experienced by both men and women since God created them. What then prevents us from taking action in response to these feelings, is it desensitization such as my friend suggested? Why then may I ask do those who have never been exposed to such movies fail to respond in action to music, nature, genocides, natural disasters, or death; while on the other hand there are people who are fully immersed in the film industry who seem to display more response to said stimuli. Could it not be that pure sinful human nature causes our hearts to become callused towards the emotions that rise within us? Although it is not impossible to become desensitized and unresponsive through constant emotional stimulation, I wonder if the lack of action is the result of our lack of a relationship to the Lord. Are there not many more non Christians who cry out for action in the face of injustice? Perhaps my lack of an action following an emotion is not solely a result of desensitization from films, but rather a generalized state of apathy. Why should all films, natural beauty, or piece of music require me to idly sit by, convinced that no action could result? My thought is that every time an emotion is raised within me whether by a piece of art, or a stirring story should I not turn to the Lord and ask Him how I might alter my life according. At the very least I can stand aside for a moment to allow the emotion to ring true in my heart, and really think about my response. I do not want to find myself at the end of my life looking back to see a hundred things I wish would have been changed. So often I hear individuals complaining about this, that, and the other thing, but never do they do something about what they believe. How sad it is to think that I could go through life and never allow myself to truly feel the weight of a passionate burden. Granted, action can be draining, and each person has a different call, but let us not forget we are children of the Lord called to live by a higher standard, and called to have the heart, thoughts, and emotions of the Lord. Why was I put on this earth if I never show a single soul the heart of the Creator who placed me here? Hum, I apologize if this seems quite rambling, but perhaps it will make you think, or at least debate these crazy thoughts of mine. Aren't you glad that I usually don't say what is really going in my head? Trying to articulate all this stuff makes me

P.S. If my thoughts do not exactly flow so that they are understandable I am sorry, it is late...

Monday, February 19, 2007

Cup of Tea

I have determined that at any point in my day sitting down with a hot cup of something helps to put the world in perspective. I really should suggest it to the greater population :-). Nah - we'll just keep it our little secret. Well, as for life the weeks are flying by which can be a good thing, but it is also a little bitter sweet. After all, come May I no longer get the title of college student. Sure there are plenty of things to look forward to - decorating my own apartment, not having to move every year, work, money, humm. However, there is plenty I will miss which is why I think that I'm sort of in denial; Mrs. T and I both. That is the funny part of life though, it goes on, it is never the same.

Oh - I almost forgot! Everyone give SFL a huge hug, presents, and a song for his BIRTHMONTH!! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Now granted he was physically born on a single day, but no one knows the day exactly (he's lied about it for years), soooo we celebrate the month instead. This should go right along with my friend Matt who hides his birthday.....humm you strange people....

Oh and wish me luck this week! I am off to the great state of Texas where the sky truely is bigger (although neither my sister nor I have been able to scientifically prove it) for a job interview. We will see, I'll keep you all posted. More soon!!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

First Snow Day of 2007!

Well, we usually have one snow day each year, and when it finally does come normal life is put on hold. Snow days are holidays, there's no school and no work, instead families spend time with eachother - each family having their own Snow Day traditions. On our snow day, I spent nearly all day playing out side with the Ts. Let me tell you the next morning my legs were killing me! In the afternoon though, we went to one of the good hills in the area to go sledding, and we found a giant snow squirrel someone had created. Now, in case you have not heard, we have had quite the year for squirrels. Mrs. T had seen several mysteriously dead squirrels - not on the road...and so the story was born of the Squirrel Plague. Not long after Mrs. T's find our pastor's son got this rash over his entire body (which was later determined to be results of a virus), but of course was seen as the human reaction to Squirrel Plague. Thus, when on our snow day we found the snow squirrel we had to recognize it as a monument to all our fellow squirrels lost in the plague of 2007.

Monday, January 29, 2007


I can decide if my complete sense of disorganization comes from by desire to graduate, my busy schedule, or a lack of motivation. Perhapes all three to some degree, although I really want to be organized. Mainly, our classes have all these projects that are overlapping, along with the fact that my weekend (when I usually get organized) was kinda shot. Oh well! Lol...I think that tonight when I get home I will sort through all my stuff...

Oh I will share with you a rather hillarious moment brought to you by my slackish self :-). Sunday night around 10pm...yes after I should be asleep...I was up hanging out with some friends watching Back to the Future (such a good movie), when a quote caught my attention. I cannot remember who said it, I'm sure SFL will enlighten me, but I think that Loraine said it. She said "he's my dreamboat". I about choked when it hit me that this is a common reference between my parents...Oh the 80's...I will also admitt that we had way to much fun thinking about how Doc goes 30 years to the future which would be 2015, and what is says about it. My philosophy is that if Doc is correct we might as well stop paying for road and highway maintainence, because we'll be using flying vehicles. Haha, oh what fun.

Alright, I'm off to study a bit, or something.

P.S. You know I thought about doing something very theological...but then decided that I really didn't have the brain power this morning.

P.P.S. So my title makes some sense - it was a balmy 18 degrees this morning.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Really Fast

For the sake of trying to keep up with my blog, this will be a very short post because I have to go set up for church in 5 minutes....Come to think of it I feel like at times my life runs in 5 minute intervals. Enough of that...So my new story - last night -

I was upstairs hanging with the T's, who if you recall are my fabtabulous landlords, and friends. After dinner and plenty of chocolate chip cookies :-) we went to work on their bathroom sink and tub, which ran into some trouble with having random objects dropped down it's drain - thus leading to a massive blockage. We had 6 foot pipe snake, but that was not long enough to reach, so at 9 o'clock at night we called next door to borrow his 25 foot snake...This then led us to a hillarious discussion of snakes...but lets not go there.

Needless to say when all was said and done the sink drained, the tub drained, and the three of us were covered in brown - crap...and smelled like bleach, vinagar, and REALLY nasty crap.

I took a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG shower.....

More later :-)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Hey all! I'm sure that you had all thought that I must have dropped into some eternal vortex unable of escape - thus explaining my complete and total lack of blogging. Well...I am afraid that you are mistaken. To tell you the truth I am trying to get back into the swing of school, as it is I have been avoiding going grocery shopping like the plague. Things are good though, I do like my classes much better than last semester. Yesterday however, I think that the entire class' jaws dropped when we saw the 19 page syllabus that our instructor handed out...19 pages!!! Talk about assignments!!!

Then this past weekend I went to Georgia for a Vineyard Church Conference for Small Group Leaders. It was a GREAT conference, and it was so fun to get away from Clemson a little. Church is going so well, and the whole leadership team is so excited for implementing more of what we learned over the weekend.

I also have been kept busy fighting the Squirrel Plague which has been taking over the neighborhood. Yes, my friends - the squirrels strike back!! All we know, is that squirrel plague has a strange effect on human children. It causes them to breakout in a red rash all over there body. Humm...................Well at least that is what my friend Matt and I have determined by our very scientific method. You should have heard my pastor - he was like "REALLY! I heard something about that yesterday!!". I about died me it was hillarious.

Alright, I have to leave for Clinical in 5 minutes, so I'd better sign off. I will be back to post more later!!!