Saturday, March 03, 2007

Rambling Thoughts...

I will put a quick disclaimer on this post. These alone are my thoughts, and as such have the potential to be erred. If you might offended by my comments you may want to forget you know me =P. Happy reading.

Amid a recent conversation with a friend, the topic of movies was brought up. My friend stated that movies today were designed to create an emotional response within you; which under a real-life circumstance would lend itself to a retaliatory response from the viewer. Generally however, due to the nature of films, no response to these evoked emotions are required or possible. The point of my friend was that we should be wary of putting ourselves in situations where we are likely to have our conscience numbed leading to a desensitization towards emotionally charged situations. I had not been prepared to answer this opinion at the time, but tonight I came upon a thought that has caused me to disagree. Were we not created by the Lord to respond to situations in which we were emotionally drawn? Of course! However, it is not only a movie that has this effect. Have you ever listened to a piece of music that touched your very soul? It could have been the rhythm, the harmony, the picture it placed in your mind, the words, or perhaps just the very notes themselves that stirred within you the cry for response. On the other hand a magnificent sunrise, a snow capped mountain, a surging wave, or a breathtakingly beautiful vista call to the heart of the viewer as well. Within every life experience lies an opportunity for our emotional response to drive us to action. I am not just talking about an emotional expression such as tears; I am speaking of joy, anger, fear, indignation, boldness, sorrow, compassion, and courage; such responses as have been experienced by both men and women since God created them. What then prevents us from taking action in response to these feelings, is it desensitization such as my friend suggested? Why then may I ask do those who have never been exposed to such movies fail to respond in action to music, nature, genocides, natural disasters, or death; while on the other hand there are people who are fully immersed in the film industry who seem to display more response to said stimuli. Could it not be that pure sinful human nature causes our hearts to become callused towards the emotions that rise within us? Although it is not impossible to become desensitized and unresponsive through constant emotional stimulation, I wonder if the lack of action is the result of our lack of a relationship to the Lord. Are there not many more non Christians who cry out for action in the face of injustice? Perhaps my lack of an action following an emotion is not solely a result of desensitization from films, but rather a generalized state of apathy. Why should all films, natural beauty, or piece of music require me to idly sit by, convinced that no action could result? My thought is that every time an emotion is raised within me whether by a piece of art, or a stirring story should I not turn to the Lord and ask Him how I might alter my life according. At the very least I can stand aside for a moment to allow the emotion to ring true in my heart, and really think about my response. I do not want to find myself at the end of my life looking back to see a hundred things I wish would have been changed. So often I hear individuals complaining about this, that, and the other thing, but never do they do something about what they believe. How sad it is to think that I could go through life and never allow myself to truly feel the weight of a passionate burden. Granted, action can be draining, and each person has a different call, but let us not forget we are children of the Lord called to live by a higher standard, and called to have the heart, thoughts, and emotions of the Lord. Why was I put on this earth if I never show a single soul the heart of the Creator who placed me here? Hum, I apologize if this seems quite rambling, but perhaps it will make you think, or at least debate these crazy thoughts of mine. Aren't you glad that I usually don't say what is really going in my head? Trying to articulate all this stuff makes me

P.S. If my thoughts do not exactly flow so that they are understandable I am sorry, it is late...


Jess said...

Very profound, Clair. I think you have rendered SFL speechless for once. ;)

I wonder, too, if the Christian's apathy stems from the feeling of security he/she has because of his/her relationship with Christ.

We trust the Lord to take care of so many things for us (or at least we should) that sometimes we tend to depend solely on him and bury our heads in the sand like ostriches, waiting for something to come along rather than using our senses and thinking things out.

NOT that I am saying we should not depend solely on him, but I do truly believe he gives us the gift of intelligence for a reason. He intends for us to use it. If he had not intended for us to use our wits, he would not have given them to us.

OK, now I have confused myself as well as, most likely, everyone else. What was I saying about the gift of intelligence???

Jess said...

P.S., I think what I meant to say was that we especially don't allow ourselves to be emotionally affected by bad things because we think it betrays our lack of trust in God. If we display an emotional response to something beautiful, it can be understood as giving God glory for his creation. But if we, on one hand, become emotionally affected by something shocking or awful, it seems to say that we have little trust or faith in God and his goodness. If, on the other hand, we display complacent apathy toward things about which the rest of the world becomes upset, we seem (notice I say SEEM) to put forth the image of Christians who have complete trust in God. "Oh, yes, it's horrible about that third or fourth plane crash, the one in, um, Yogyakarta or wherever. Those poor people. But just remember that God had a higher purpose for that crash and everything happens for a reason..." Blah blah blah. We don't allow ourselves to get worked up because that would make it look as though we have no faith. On the surface it appears to make sense, but I don't believe God designed us to NOT care about others. "Yes, I'm just sitting here waiting for the Lord to take me home. Can't concern myself with what happens in this wicked evil world. Even so come Lord Jesus! Some glad morning when this life is over..." To those kinds of people I say, if ya got off your duff and tried to make this wicked evil world a better place, maybe it wouldn't be quite so wicked and evil. Just a thought! LOL! OK, that was a loooooooong postscript. Sorry. I could sit here all night trying to clarify what I already said. No wonder this exhausts you Clair! Ha ha! :) :) :) Seriously though, great topic. Thank you. I've been missing thinking about things like this. You know, life issues. ;)

Jess said...

Ah, SFL, I know your has happened to me several times in the blogosphere, not to mention several horrifying times in the schoolosphere (and no, that is NOT a word, but I don't care).

Poor frunken little shrontal lobe...


Jess said...

Rather like the phrase, myself...
