Thursday, March 15, 2007

Theres Always a First Time For Hate Mail...

Haha, have you ever wondered what it would be like to get hate mail?

Ah, yes, my fine commenters - I'm sure you never thought (except SFL) that I of ALL people would ever recieve hate mail...sigh...However, there is a time in every persons life that they must make a desision to stand up for something.

Now - granted, I hope that my timing was alright, but I wrote this letter to our undergraduate coordnator to ask for her opinion on how I should handle a situation with a professor; which I felt that the class agreed on..............................well - I guess not the whole class agreed... Although, I got plenty of very sweet e-mails thanking me for standing up to say something, I also got a couple pieces of hate mail...

Hate mail is a funny thing, it bites, it also is intimidating, but at the same time it makes you want to stand up and say - WELL THEN WHY DO I HEAR SO MANY PEOPLE COMPLAINING ON THE BUS!!!! lol....sorry. On one hand I was thinking "well maybe I had bad timing", but on the other hand if I did it after our final people would say that it was only written because the final was hard, and that is not true. Needless to say, I kinda feel like the women who was going to be stoned....hum...of course not for the same thing....bla bla bla

Well, I'm back off to study and sleep, I've been working SUPPER hard for this final :-) I hope it pays off! I'll write more soon.

P.S. I really just don't do good with hate mail, lol :-P


Lauralou said...

How DOES one come upon articles such as this, I want to know? I want to know! SFL, is this considered helpful to your scientific research? I for one, am glad the senile gain happiness, but am so sad that the young get yelled at by wimpy no-names with no chutzpa. That's just my humble opinion...

Jess said...

Claaaaa-air...did you get my voicemail? :)

I can't believe someone would do that to you. Obviously your classmates have some issues they need to work out.

I had a similar experience once. Everybody in my class wanted to kill me for getting an 80 on an exam, which meant that the teacher graded on only a 20-point curve instead of the 45-point curve they WOULD have had.

Don't you love college kids! Ah well, just keep reminding yourself that it's almost over.

And don't forget to let us all know how you do on this final! I am sure you will do GREAT! We all love you and have every confidence that you made the right decision in this situation, AND that you will finish out your college years with awesomeness.

Much love, many hugs! Let me know if my voicemail got through! :)