Monday, February 19, 2007

Cup of Tea

I have determined that at any point in my day sitting down with a hot cup of something helps to put the world in perspective. I really should suggest it to the greater population :-). Nah - we'll just keep it our little secret. Well, as for life the weeks are flying by which can be a good thing, but it is also a little bitter sweet. After all, come May I no longer get the title of college student. Sure there are plenty of things to look forward to - decorating my own apartment, not having to move every year, work, money, humm. However, there is plenty I will miss which is why I think that I'm sort of in denial; Mrs. T and I both. That is the funny part of life though, it goes on, it is never the same.

Oh - I almost forgot! Everyone give SFL a huge hug, presents, and a song for his BIRTHMONTH!! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Now granted he was physically born on a single day, but no one knows the day exactly (he's lied about it for years), soooo we celebrate the month instead. This should go right along with my friend Matt who hides his birthday.....humm you strange people....

Oh and wish me luck this week! I am off to the great state of Texas where the sky truely is bigger (although neither my sister nor I have been able to scientifically prove it) for a job interview. We will see, I'll keep you all posted. More soon!!


Jess said...

Well, on the second-to-last day of the month (yes, very belated, I know), I would like to take this opportunity to wish SFL a very happy birthmonth. Though none of us know the day for sure (perhaps not even the frunken person in question), we all know one thing: the world would not be the same without him!

Remember, SFL, denial does not change reality -- I of all people should know that! LOL! However, if it makes you happier to conceal the year and day of your birth, none of us will argue. We must keep the frunken shrontal lobe happy. Serious consequences may result if we do not.

In all seriousness, happy birthday -- whenever it was/is.


Jess said...

Oh, and I would just like to add -- Clair taking hair loss medication??? HAHAHAHAHAH! Clair has enough gorgeous auburn hair for three people! Just think, Clair, in a couple of months' time, I'll be doing your hair again! Oh, the joys of waking up to 5:45 a.m. reveille at Mumford and groggily rolling out of the cot to do hair at 7 a.m....LOL!